The following story was requested by ilana425.
Warning: Crack pairing and other misdemeanors.
Rufus grinned at his girlfriend as he kissed her, his tongue begging for entrance. She allowed it delightfully as their tongues battled for dominance against one another.
They both fell back on Rufus's bed with Lightning making a light squeal at this. The both continued making out and were about to take each others clothes off when they heard a noise.
They broke off their passionate kissing at the sound.
Lightning gasped. "What was that?" she asked.
"How should I…?" Rufus began to say, but he was cut off as Sazh stepped out of the shadows.
"Hey what the hell man?" demanded Rufus, glaring at Sazh while Lightning just looked dumbfounded.
"Uh hey there." said Sazh to the two. He began to unbutton his shirt, revealing his hairy chest.
Rufus's eyes wided. "Get out of here!" he yelled at Sazh, pointing at the door.
"Okay, okay." Sazh said quickly, then he ran out as fast as he can, shutting the door behind him.
"Jerk." Muttered Rufus. He turned back to Lightning. "Now where were we?" he asked her seductively.
Lightning smiled. "Well, why don't we go about here?" she said, taking a condom out of her pocket.
Rufus chuckled. "Aww, come on baby, it's me birthday." He said to her.
Lightning folded her arms and glared at him. "No." she said.
Rufus's face fell. "Oh crap."
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