#001- Beginnings

The beginning was spun from golden days, backyard swings, and neat picket fences. That was the time when the biggest worry in her young life was that her two best friends were too busy to come out and play. That she'd have to wait for the sunshine to melt into inky stars and back into runny watercolors before she could knock at their door and ask again.

But the beginning was also spun from dark magic, blood, and fire. That was the time where she stopped pretending things would be the same forever and took to tinkering with constants: metal and wires and screws, unyielding and apathetic to missing or dead parents. Unyielding and apathetic to souls tied to threads of blood and sky-high ambitions in an automail fist.

She knows the beginnings well- they murmur to her from ashes and thick books that gather dust. But when will it end? she asks herself. When they are all flesh and blood again? When she will no longer have to jump when the phone rings or rifle hurriedly through the mail?

Or will it be when she finally admits that they'll always be a few steps ahead, close enough to see, but too far for her to properly catch up?

A/N: this was initially intended to be a collection of 100 drabbles, but that's a bit daunting for me! I've decided to go along with a list of themes and see where it takes me. thank you for dropping by!