A/N: Okay...so, this is a slight crossover between Death Note and Fullmetal Alchemist. I had it in the crossover section...but, it wasn't getting many reviews there. So, I'm posting it here. Don't like what I did? Too bad. Just read the story and review. Nicely though. =]

Hello all,

This is my third attempt at a fan fiction. I have not written one of these in a very long time. Once I start them, I usually don't finish them. So, don't expect an end to this story. However, I'll try my best. But, maybe this story will be different. I'm actually kind of excited about this one….probably because it contains my favorite death note character in it…who you will find out later on in the story. =]

Anywho, this story takes place in the present. 2009. First person point of view (Kisa's). It is a Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note crossover. Future chapters may be graphic or intense. You were warned.

Nice reviews only please.

No douche bag comments. =]

Enjoy. xoxo Kisa

P.S. The story title is likely to change.


My name is Kisa. Kisa Rose Mustang. I was born on January 1, 1992. So that makes me seventeen years old. And yes, I was a New Years baby. I guess that makes me extra special, in a sense. Although, I think I would've liked it better if I had been born January 2 instead. That's because whenever someone hears that I was a New Years baby they get all excited and ask me questions, and then there's the occasional pat of the head or pinching of the cheeks. Another step farther from normalcy… Damnit, Mom, why couldn't you have held out another day?


Well, I guess this is a good place to introduce my family. First, there's my dad. Roy Mustang. He is a character all right. Even though he's serious when it comes to his work, I mean…he has to be…he is the Kernel of the military and all…at home, he is the greatest dad anyone could ask for. He loves to make us all laugh….and clog our toilet, which led to the nickname we dubbed him-Popfart, or sometimes-Popfarticus. He really cares and loves us all…anyone could see that.

And then there's mom. Used-to-be Riza Hawkeye-now a Mustang. She is dad's right hand man-er-woman-at work, because she's the Lieutenant. Her job is to protect our dad, and she takes that roll very seriously. At home she's serious too, and although she scares us with her crazy gun techniques, we love her all the same.

Then there's the fact that I am the oldest of three daughters in my family. But, I take great pride in my title as the eldest. The leader of the pack….sort of. My two younger sisters are Rin and Ellie, although they aren't much younger than I am. I guess my parents just couldn't wait to have another kid…or they just got really horny. Because Rin was conceived three months after I was born, so we are exactly one year apart. And Ellie was born one year after Rin. After her, my mother got her tubes tied. I guess she'd had enough. Thank God.

But…don't get me wrong, I love my sisters. Although I may have resented them when I was young and naïve, and maybe tried to burry them in the sandbox a few times, I really do appreciate them now. Without them, there would be no Mustang clan. The puzzle would be incomplete. Pieces missing.

Rin is probably the craziest out of the three of us…and the grossest. Never has she failed to make me laugh or gross me out. She doesn't know it, but she's my rock. I depend on her for a lot of things, emotional wise, as she does the same for me. I don't know what I'd do without her. Same for Ellie. Ellie is definitely the sweetest and most innocent Mustang daughter, as well as the cutest. She's also the only one with a boyfriend. His name is Near…Yeah, weird name, right? Well, he's a weird kid…he has white hair and wears all white…but, he's sweet and smart and makes Ellie happy, so that's all that matters. So, where does that leave me? Something mixed in between, I suppose. Or….well, I don't know. I guess I'm just the "leader" of my sisters…or so I've been told. I guess with that title comes being responsible and dependable. So I guess that's me.

But not all of me. There's more: I'm a straight A student, I have tons of amazing friends, and a supportive family. I own my very own horse, take dance lessons….I'm in the local theater program, I compete in yearly talent shows (singing), I'm in the National Honors Society, and best of all-I can drive. I guess you could say I have it all.

Yes, life was good.

But then I was raped.

To be continued. Review please. =]
