
By: nisch

Summary: Azuma muses about his life and the changes that happened because of a certain red head.

Disclaimer: I do not own La Corda. Never can and never will. Everything belongs to the creator. I'm simply borrowing the characters to cater to my own selfish whims.

"You are the most precious thing in my life." Azuma said to the red head next to him.

He smiled a true and genuine smile. He was happy. He can't remember a time in his life when he felt like this. And it was all thanks to the red head lying next to him. His Kahoko.

He was rich. He was powerful. People fear him. But there has always been something missing. A fundamental component in his life that has been shattered a long time ago.

His heart.

It was entirely his grandmother's fault. But maybe it was his fault too. He let that old witch control him. Like a puppet, he bent to her every will. When she told him that he should stop playing the piano because he couldn't surpass his brothers, he obeyed. When the old hag told him to stop playing with the boy living down the street because he was poor, he obeyed. When his grandmother told him that he can't pursue music, that music is supposed to be just a hobby, he obeyed. He obeyed even though it breaks his heart every time. When he gave up the piano, when he abandoned his first friend, when he pursued business instead of music, all those instances, he listened to his grandmother. He let her manipulate him even though it breaks his heart every time.

He felt broken. It was as if a piece of his heart is slowly being taken, until he felt that there is no more piece left. He has no more heart. Maybe that's why he acted the way he did. He developed another persona that he dare not reveal to other people. He is well liked but beneath the façade is a manipulative and hard hearted person.

But all of that changed when he met Kahoko.

His Kahoko. She was annoying, naïve and dense. At first he hated her; hated her because she was free and pure. Her music was pure and she may not be as good as Len when it came to technique, but she plays with all her heart. Her music is just like her, naïve, pure and free.

He didn't really know when he started falling for her. He just found himself already thinking about the annoying little twit. He was in the middle before he even knew it started. And it annoyed him. Kahoko brightened his life, made him feel whole, and mended his broken heart. She was like an oasis in the dessert, and he was like a weary traveler, needing rest and drink. Azuma's jaded self was drawn to her. A self not allowed to feel, was able to breathe. For the first time in his life, he does not have to pretend, he can be himself and no one will tell him what or what not to do.

Life is not a fairytale, there are no happily ever after. The most one can do is create their own happy ending.

Their relationship was rocky. Azuma taunts Kahoko, he scares her and he pushes her buttons. But despite this, she understands. She understands his pain, his frustration, his anger. Above all she accepts him for who he is.

It was not really easy for Azuma to show that he cares. All his life, he has to hide his feelings. He told her once that he does not have any practice in showing his feelings that is why he does not know how to act romantic towards her. Kahoko knowing what lies behind those words hugged him tightly and told him, "its ok. I love you just the way you are." Azuma considers that day to be one of his happiest. And that sealed his resolve to protect Kahoko and not let anything happen to her.

When his grandmother told him to stop seeing Kahoko he disobeyed. For the first time in his life, he disobeyed the will of the person who was the center of his existence. He knows there will be consequences, but he was prepared. He did everything in his power to protect Kahoko and his family. And he succeeded. It was difficult, all the things they have to go through but he knows that she was worth it. He was able to let go of all the pain, frustration and anger all because of Kahoko. He was even able to forgive his grandmother and the two of them came to her funeral.

Their wedding was the happiest day of his life. And he knows that nothing could ever compare to Kahoko. The girl who brightened his life, his shining star.

The girl beside Azuma stirred.

"Wake up sleepy head." Whispered Azuma seductively. The girl opened her eyes. She was still a little groggy but when she saw her husband she smiled.

"Good morning, my love." Kahoko said then she yawned. Azuma smiled. He leaned to kiss her lips. He likes waking up next to her.

Author's Note: Yey!! Done with it. I hope you liked it. This is a little retrospective piece and I hope I did Azuma some justice. Do review. I will really appreciate it. and I want to thank those who reviewed 'Interesting' and 'Chocolates', hearing from you always makes my day. Might take a while to upload the next story, I have to focus in my studies, but I will upload it when I'm done with it. Thanks for those who took time to read this! :)

Next story: Jealousy