A/N: Thanks to all those who reviewed. You're confidence in my writing is a little over whelming, but thank you so much for all your support. I will try my best to update more often, since I just finished my spring semester finals (and I'm not going to take summer courses this year). Please bare with it, thank you so much.
TT-TT Please look at the rating. Though there may be some suggested scenes, there will be no lemons within the T rating. I don't think I can write an M rated story. Actually, I'm probably going tone the content down. It's getting too repetitive. =/ I was starting to get bored with it. Probably why I dropped it for so long...
Previously: The only things all the tamers could agree on were digimon and candy.
Chapter Five:
Mrs. Wong came by Ai's and Mako's house to pick Suzie up. The young tamers were sad due to the separation, but they knew they could see each other later. The tamer meeting wasn't too far away. They would just have to wait.
Back at the Wong household, Suzie was talking excitedly with her parents. This is how Henry found his family after a long day. "Henry!" Suzie cried excitedly. "We're going to have a party!" The little mauve haired girl as she ran around the kitchen table and living room couch with gusto. Her arms were stretched out to keep her balance, and the balls of her feet bounced with each step, giving her a little boost into the air.
Her older brother looked at her perplexed. "A party, here?" Henry asked the two adults who sat at the dinning table with smiles on their faces, "What for?"
Janyuu smiled at his little girl, watching her wear herself out from running around the apartment. "Nothing in particular, Suzie just wanted a party where all the tamers could enjoy themselves. She said the only things you all agree on are digimon and candy." His wife turned her smiling face to her husband, "Such a simplistic explanation, yet just as easily to the point. A child's simplicity, I miss those days." Mrs. Wong sighed, remembering her younger years. Janyuu and Henry looked at each other, almost like a warning. Henry excused himself, escaping into his room.
After escaping to his room, the blue haired computer geek sighed. Maybe it was the embarrassment? Perhaps the possibility of acting love-dove-y in front of his parents after telling them they weren't together, but he was not looking forward to the party. Worries began to build up in his head. He couldn't really think anymore; all his troubles originated from this game he was playing with Rika. "I'm going to go crazy trying to figure all this out," he mumbled to himself before giving up and turning his computer on.
The Ice Queen groaned; the two were still in the cafe, but the conversation had strayed-by a lot. "Please, don't remind me. I'll get cramps just thinking about it." The blonde gave the Digimon Queen an amused, crooked smile.
"Really now? Are yours that bad? Mine only lasts five days," Alice said; her eyes twinkled with laughter. She picked up her tea and took a small sip just waiting for Rika's reply. The two were getting more and more comfortable with each other.
'Thankfully, it isn't in her nature to openly show her emotions,' Rika thought as she glared at her friend. "Eight days usually, I'm irregular. The longer I go without one, the more painful it is when it comes." Both girls cringed, 'It's painful enough with the moodiness, some cravings, feeling bloated, etc.'
Takato was busy trying to solve Henry's problem with Rika. He was so preoccupied in his thoughts that he was completely oblivious to his surroundings. Before he knew it, he was on Jeri's street. His beloved girlfriend was standing ten feet in front of him, but she didn't look happy. Jeri's feet were shoulder width apart, her hands rested on her hips, and her eyes were trained intently on his eyes. He could only offer a weak smile, sensing trouble; nevertheless, he approached with caution.
"Takato, have you been hiding something from me? It's okay if you can't tell me, but can I at least know what it pertains to, so you stop awkwardly changing the subject on me?" the brunette girl looked frustrated. The bakers' boy was faintly reminded of his mother, but quickly pushed that thought away.
He looked away blushing, partially because he wasn't sure what to say and partially because he didn't want to think of Jeri as his mother. "It's not really my place to say, so I can't tell you everything even though I want to. I would if I could, but I can't. It's about Henry and Rika, their relationship. The thing is, I'm not suppose to talk about it," Takato stuttered and rambled quickly in his typical awkward fashion, unsure of how much information he could leak while still keeping his promise to both Jeri and Henry, "I'm sorry." His chin was lowered, afraid to meet his girlfriend's eyes. The boy's eyes were squeezed shut, hoping Jeri would believe him- believe the truth.
The corners of her mouth curved up into a heartfelt smile. She stretched her arms forward and embraced her boyfriend. "Thank you for telling me what you could. I just didn't want us to keep secrets. I know we each will have our secrets, but you had me worried. I thought something bad had happened."
Tap, tap, tap, tap. Fingers continually tapped the keys of a keyboard. Henry had stopped thinking of Rika and their relationship troubles by fully emerging himself in his work. He had unknowingly skipped dinner, but thankfully, Janyuu set aside some of the left-overs so the young computer genius wouldn't starve when he realized the time. It was midnight when Henry finally heard his growling stomach. He looked at the clock with surprised slightly red, wide eyes. After shaking his head a few times, he finally got up and stretched. The boy left his room to get food from the kitchen, only to find a plate of food on the counter waiting for him.
'I'm so close to getting the digimon back,' Henry thought as he ate his microwaved left-overs. 'There's just one problem with the program. Maybe if I ask Dad in the morning. Yeah, I should get some sleep.'
While brushing his teeth, the Chinese-Japanese boy looked into the mirror. Subconsciously, he brought one of his hands up to his face, touching the skin around one of his eyes. His tan skin was beginning to sag beneath his eyes. The charade and digimon program were both cutting into his sleeping hours, even his study hours. Groggily, Henry rubbed his eye before finishing his routine. He would sleep in, no matter what day it was tomorrow. 'What day is tomorrow?' the boy thought as he pulled the sheets of his bed over his head.
Ryo laid in his bed, scheming. His hands were tucked beneath is head as he laid on his back. A grin dominated the lower region of his face. The clock beside him read two o'clock A.M., but he paid it no attention.
'I can do this,' he thought, 'With Kazu and Kenta's help; I can definitely get Rika to be mine, and only mine. Henry doesn't stand a chance. My lovely, little Wildcat doesn't know what's coming.'
Takato wandered around the school with Jeri. They had ditched Kazu and Kenta under the pretense of finding Henry. The only problem was that Henry was no where to be found. The brunette girl shook her head. With an optimistic smile, she suggested, "Why don't we go to his classroom. He can't always be in the same place. Maybe he's home sick..."
"Yeah," her boyfriend replied. "Maybe that's it. We could visit him after school, unless you would rather do something else." His girlfriend shook her head again with her ever cheerful smile plastered on her face. "We should call Rika if that's the case.
Unsure of what motivated her to do so, Rika found herself standing in front of the Wong's apartment door. Jeri and Takato called her after school to tell her Henry was sick. Everything after that until now was a blur. Tentatively, the redhead knocked on the door. 'Why aren't Takato and Jeri here? They tell me he's sick, but don't come themselves,' she thought nervously.
The door cracked open and little Suzie's head peeked through the door. "Rika!" Suzie exclaimed excitedly as she threw open the door. Rika walked through and took off her shoes.
"Hi, Suzie, how've you been? I heard that Henry is sick. Is it alright that I'm visiting?" Rika didn't want it to show, but she was nervous. Why, she wasn't sure herself.
The little girl nodded, rambling on and on as she normally did while leading the older girl even though Rika had been over several times before. Suzie cracked open the door and then walked away smiling. Henry had been a rather depressed state all day, though Suzie was unsure of as to why.
Rika waited for the youngest Wong to disappear into her own room before entering her "boyfriend's room." Soft, shallow breaths could be heard for the corner of the room. 'At least he isn't snoring,' the redhead thought. 'Where did that come from?' She shook her head before moving out of the doorway and towards the blue haired boy. The door was partially open, but she didn't really care. What could happen when Henry was sick, right?
She peered over the bed but still could not see Henry's face. The boy was lying on his side with his legs loosely curled towards his chest, his body facing the wall, and the covers pulled almost entirely over his head-only his hair looked like it could get air. Rika smiled at the thought. 'Although childish, it's amusing to see him this way,' the girl held back a smile and shook her head. 'What is wrong with me lately?'
Before Rika knew it, she had pulled the blanket down so that Henry's face would be exposed to the air. 'He looks so exhausted,' worry lines were beginning to form on the Ice Queen's brow, especially when she realized she was subconsciously caressing his face and running her hands through his hair.
The boy emitted a small groan.
It's cold. I'm having trouble opening my eyelids. They feel so heavy. I suppose the lack of sleep is getting to me now. I finally open my eyes; I see a blanket of snow covering everything around me. Guess that explains the cold. There's light illuminating the snow. Wow, like a symphony, the lights shimmy over the snow to create wonderful designs. Was that Terriermon! No, it couldn't have been...could it? I could have been mistaken. I swear I just saw Renamon and Guilmon too.
Could this possibly be real? Strong light is growing on my right, just outside of my peripheral vision. I turn to look, but the light is blinding. My feet feel wet. When I look down, I see water lapping at my feet. Waves? Is this the beach then? It's much too bright to be sure of anything.
I suppose my thoughts were heard, the light is dimming. A curvy figure only half a head shorter than me is walking towards me. The blasted light is making it impossible to see any distinguishing features. Though, that hand feels so soft against my cheek. I wonder if I know this person...
My eyebrows furrow together in confusion. As quickly as the figure came, it suddenly disappeared. My eyes travel down to the water. The comforting waves are receding. The waves that once licked my ankles are now shrinking back. The closest they approach is still two meters ahead of me. The warm golden light that once enveloped my surroundings is gone. Strong, booming and flashing lights of red lights are following the beatings of a drum from behind me. Curiosity overcomes me, and I turn 180 degrees to find the source. Now that I have, I regret it. Kazu and Kenta are dancing around a Bonn fire to the beat of a single drum. The two boys both had horns coming out of their heads and a spiked tail from their posteriors swished back and forth. Guardromon is manning the percussion. My eyes are captured by a small moment behind the Bonn fire. I squint my eyes and crane my neck to make out the figures and objects behind the blazing fire.
Ryo is sitting on a throne made of skeleton bones. Cyberdramon stands next to him. Our eyes meet, and he growls. Startled, I take a step back, but the ground feels very different. When I look down and behind me, I see an endless abyss. I'm standing on the top of a cliff. So much for the snow or the gentle waters! Evil laughter rings through my ears, grabbing my attention once again.
My eyes widen; the Satan ruler, Ryo is holding a stunning red haired beauty by her short hair. She is glaring at her captor, though the brunette ruler doesn't seem to care. Her hands are ties behind her back, and her feet are dragged down by a ball and chain. Realization dawned on me that the beauty was none other than Rika. Her "Digimon King" was bringing her up for a rough kiss, but she turns away.
Rika frowned when she realized Henry was having a troubling dream. The cold sweat gathering on his forehead was taunting her. Worried, she shook him awake. "Henry," her voice filled with worry, bordering on panic, "Henry, get up."
Groaning, the boy turned over. Groggy as he was, he did manage to get up at the sound of a familiar voice. "Wazit?" he asked incoherently as he rubbed at his eyes. The cold sweat still stuck to his forehead, but the dream was completely forgotten. A few seconds passed while Henry took his time waking up, and Rika realized there wasn't anything to worry about.
"You had a bad dream," she explained when Henry finally looked her in the eyes. "You don't remember?"
He shook his head. His eyebrows furrowed together. "I just remember being troubled. I have a feeling I know the people, but I don't remember who exactly was in it." A sigh escaped his lips.
His "girlfriend's" expression visibly softened. It didn't always show with her, but she cared-even if neither of them were willing to admit it.
"I'm going to wash up. I think I went to sleep at three A.M. Be right back," His movements were sluggish and unsteady, but Rika sat in front of his computer, patiently waiting for him.
"I think I have a way to get the Digimon back," the Chinese-Japanese boy told the mixed Japanese girl (Irish blood, possibly?). Her normally cold, violet eyes brightened with the news. For a split second, there seemed to be a fire behind her eyes-a fire that truly conveyed her genuine excitement. Impulsively, the girl threw herself into her boyfriend's arms.
"That's great! I miss Renamon so much; I can't wait to see her again."
Henry blushed. This was not typical Rika behavior. Even with their little game still going on, Rika always managed to throw him off course. His arms encircled her waist, pulling her closer to him. "It'll be soon; I promise. I just have to double check everything with Dad. We'll be able to talk to the sovereigns and possible override Yamaki's Juggernaut program with this new program." Their hug was both to comfort each other and themselves. No matter what anyone said, all the tamers missed their Digimon terribly.
"Alice is great with computers too. You should run the program by her too. The three of us still need to hang out anyways. Do you think Dobermon and Leomon will come back? Alice and Jeri will be ecstatic if they did." Rika stopped her excited chatter instantly. Her face became a faint pink. "Oops? Sorry, I started to ramble."
Winter break was an interesting event to say the least. For the few weeks they all had off of school, the tamers got together often. When it was too cold to hang out at the park, they would all pile into the Katou's restaurant or some other place they could all agree on (hardly any other place COULD be agreed on).
Two days before Christmas, the Wong family threw a Christmas party for the Tamer group. Ryo tried to catch Rika under the mistletoe, but she quickly switched places with Kenta when the Legendary Tamer leaned in for a kiss. Mortified, Kenta and Ryo would not speak to each other for the rest of the night. Alice was happy she caught the event on camera. Suzie, Ai and Mako ran around the apartment until they were too tired to run anymore. Henry and Alice took turns reviewing the program. Janyuu was the last one to look over their work. Jeri and Takato were playing Digimon cards. Kazu was trying to play peacemaker between Kenta and Ryo. Rika was silently watching the turmoil she created.
At eight P.M. before the three youngest Tamers went to bed, all the Tamers swapped Christmas presents. Ai and Mako were picked up by their parents and Suzie went to bed. The other Tamers waited until Suzie was definitely asleep before opening their presents.
It was a Friday afternoon; Jeri had invited Alice and Rika to spend some quality girl time together. Wearily, the two obliged. Jeri was happily moving around the Katou's kitchen. Her two visiting friends were sitting at the dinning table watching her. She suddenly stopped and clapped her hands together as she turned to her tomboyish friends.
"Valentines is coming up! We should make chocolate," the brunette exclaimed.
Alice and Rika looked at each other, slightly afraid. Alice was the first to look away. The blonde turned to the brunette and said, "Jeri, Valentine's day is over two weeks away. Do you really want to make chocolate now?" The red haired girl nodded in agreement.
Jeri giggled at her friends, "It's just a test batch, sillies. We can practice now. Besides, a girl's best friend is chocolate. We can eat what we make and then make it again right before Valentine's Day for the boys."
"Hey, Alice, who would you give the chocolate to?" Rika asked. The blonde shook her head, unsure how to respond. It took a few minutes for her to think of an answer, but when she did, she responded, "Probably just some guy friends and my dad. How about you? Will you only give it to Henry, or will you give out chocolate to other boys too? Jeri, how about you; only to Takato?"
Rika blushed, but the other two grinned. Jeri eyes almost sparkled with her romantic thoughts shinning through. Alice on the other hand, grinned from amusement. The knowledge she had of Rika's trouble also gave her enough insight to believe the Ice Queen was finally experiencing a normal teenage phenomenon.
In an attempt to keep some of her usual composure, the Ice Queen said, "Who said I was giving any chocolate to Henry at all? I'm terrible in the kitchen anyways. It would turn into a disaster."
Her two friends smiled at each other knowingly. "You're afraid of embarrassing yourself," was the fact Alice offered. Jeri giggled and offered "Or could you be afraid of his response a month later on Saint White's Day?"
Rika shook her head, denying all their accusations. "I'm not embarrassed or afraid. I just...don't believe girls should be put up to this sort of thing. Laboring over something as silly as love-no offense, Jeri-and then waiting a month for a reply that probably won't come."
Alice was the one who laughed, "Oh gawd, Rika, you really don't understand. Just admit it, you love Henry. You WANT to make chocolate for him. One month is nothing. Before you know it, he'll be responding to your Valentine gift."
Their brunette friend nodded in agreement. "Henry may not like to shot it either, but I'm almost certain that he loves you. Don't worry, you aren't likely going to get the "let's be friends" white chocolate gift."
The redhead glared at her friends. "Your superstitions are getting old. Are we making chocolates or not?"
The three girls decided to make truffles. Alice and Jeri moved with smiles on their faces while the Digimon Queen continued to scowl.
A/N: I had to throw Alice's and Rika's first conversation in there. . Sorry if there are any boys reading this, but it's one of the most common conversations girls tend to have, at least from my experience. Sad part is, girls will talk about it with guys around if they forget the guy is there...poor guys who have to hear girls gripe about pains. ...Or is it just the queer guys that have to listen to us gripe about pain? ...hmmm, maybe I'll ask my friends =P
Sorry I skipped around a lot. I just want to upload this chapter to prove I'm alive. I'll go back and edit in a few days. Again, I am sorry for the wait.