Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
A/N: Athrun decided to leave ORB, and go back to ZAFT. His reasons were not clear, but he still left. Without saying goodbye to anyone, even Cagalli. He left when he was 18, and no one has heard from him. Right now, I'm starting at episode one of GSD. Cagalli is twenty and going to visit Gilbert Durandel, not knowing that his bodyguard is Athrun.

Chapter one: Secrets.


Cagalli was never one to keep secrets. She always knew it was wrong, but when this came up, she was determined to keep it. After Athrun officially joined ZAFT again two years ago, she didn't cry or feel mad. She just felt pitied. Everyone knew what was happening between the two, but they never spoke of it. When this…incident happened, the only people she could turn to were Kira and Lacus. She knew they wouldn't judge her, no matter what the situation was. She was glad that they both helped her, without hesitating. So here she was now, with Kira, going to meet the ZAFT chairman Gilbert Durandel. She wanted to bring him along, but Kira said it wouldn't be safe.

"Hey Kira, do you think this was a good idea?" Cagalli said to her brother while walking towards the chairman's office.

"What do you mean?" Kira asked.

"I mean- coming here. We might run into someone, you know." Cagalli said softly.

Kira sighed and put his arm around Cagalli's shoulder.

"If we run into him, I'm so going to beat his ass." Kira cursed, which surprised Cagalli.

"Kira, you're normally not one to curse." Cagalli said giving a slight grin.

Kira laughed and made a fist in the air, "He shall see what happens to him when I get my hands on him!"

"Ms. Atta, Mr. Yamato. Welcome to ZAFT." A boy with dark hair and piercing red eyes said.

"Thank you-ah."

"My name is Shinn Asuka." The boy said.

"Thank you Shinn." Cagalli smiled, causing the younger boy to blush.

"Uh- Here is the chairman's office. When you are finished I will take you both to your rooms." Shinn said opening a door.

Cagalli and Kira stepped into the room, and was shocked to see midnight blue hair as soon as they came in. Kira scowled and Cagalli held his arm, "Don't react so soon Kira, I actually have business to attend to."

"Welcome Ms. Atta, Mr. Yamato." A man with long black hair said.

"Thank you for inviting us, Chairman Durandel." Cagalli said as she and Kira bowed to the man.

"Now, why don't you have a seat? We have business to attend to." Gilbert said.

Cagalli and Kira sat down on a couch. Cagalli's eyes were trying to stay on Durandel, but they sometimes slipped and looked at the man next to Durandel. Athrun really had returned to ZAFT, and was Durandel's bodyguard. She sighed quietly, knowing that she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Kira heard his sister sigh, and turned to look at her. He gave her a sad smile, Cagalli smiled at her brother. Then she turned her attention towards the man in front of her. She looked up at the black haired man.

"Now, I know that the world has been at peace, but I sense that something is up." He continued.

"What do you think is up?" Cagalli said with a raised eyebrow.

"I sense that the Earth Alliance is up to no good, and that they are going to attack ORB." Durandel said seriously.

Cagalli's eyes widened, she couldn't believe this man.

"And what makes you say that?" Kira's voice interrupted.

"You are only a bodyguard Mr. Yamato, I don't think it concerns you." Durandel said, not even looking at him.

"I am on ORB's council, so I think it does concern me." Kira replied glaring at the man.

"I see, well. ZAFT has been keeping tabs on Earth Alliance, and it seems ORB is coming up in most of their conversations, but not just ORB, also you, Ms. Atta." Durandel said looking over to the blond.

"They keep mentioning the words 'kidnapping' and 'her son'. What do you think that means?" He continued.

Cagalli's, Kira's and even Athrun's eyes widened.

"Do you have a son?" Durandel pressed on.

"…" Cagalli remained silent and looked down to her hands, 'Now what do I do?' Cagalli thought.

Cagalli raised her head, and looked Durandel straight in the eyes, and said, "Yes, I do have a son."

Kira's eyes widened as she admitted the truth, he didn't think she'd let them know. Not many people knew about the young boy. Athrun's eyes were still wide as she admitted about her son. He could feel something inside his chest tearing, his hands made a fist by his side. Athrun moved his eyes to look at her, she had a calm demeanor. Athrun knew her well enough to know that she was panicking on the inside.

"That's…interesting Ms. Atta. Does the father happen to know?" Durandel gave a sadistic smile, which only earned a glare from the two siblings.

"I think this discussion has gone off topic, so I will take my leave now." With that, Cagalli left with Kira following.

Cagalli shut the door and feel to her knees. She couldn't believe it. She had tried her hardest to make sure NO ONE found out about her son. But now everything was crumbling down. Kira helped Cagalli up and said, "You know what we have to do now right…"

That only made Cagalli more frustrated. They had to make an announcement about her secret son, but she wasn't about to reveal the father. She then grabbed Kira's hand and ran out of the building, she had to settle things, one way or another.


im not too sure about this story…
this is how I would've wanted GSD to play out…
please review and give me your feedback!

heheh :D