I love you guys. You have no idea how much your reviews mean to me. Thank you so much for your support.

Jelly_Elly_Beans – You honestly make me feel so special. I'm glad that you came across my story and enjoyed it. Thank you for your support.


24 Hours. In a car with Edward, without saying a single word to him. I should be looking on the bright side though, because if we were going at human speed it would take two days. This was my own personal form of torture. We had been driving for thirty minutes and I was already bored.

"Emmmy, Are we there yet?"

"Bells, we've been on the road for thirty minutes we still have a long time before we're going to be there."

"But Emmy, I'm so bored. There's nothing to do in this Jeep and you guys aren't even talking to me!"

"What do you wanna talk about, Belbel?" Jazzy asked.

"I don't know! Something, anything! Entertain me!" I looked at Emmett and instantly regreted what I had said. I heard the wheels in his head churning.

"TRUTH OR DARE!" He yelled! "Eddie boy! Truth or Dare?" Edward groaned. Jasper and I laughed. Edward knew exactly what Emmett was going to ask, so there had to be a good reason for his groans.

"Emmett. Give me a break. No? Fine. Dare." Emmett burst out laughing.

"Edward. I dare you to not lay a single hand on Bella, all of Spring Break." Emmett, Jazzy and I laughed until our sides burned. Edward groaned. This was going to make my challenge so much easier. I loved my brother! He just completed my whole life.

"Fine, Emmett. Hey, Emmett truth or dare?"

"Dare! I'm no chicken!" Edward chuckled to himself.

"Emmett, I dare you not to have sex with Rose for a month." Emmett went silent. Payback. He should have known it was coming, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

"That was low, brother. Real low. Jazzy, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth. I would like to be able to touch my girlfriend when she's in a bikini." Edward and Emmett both groaned. I don't know why Edward groaned. I wasn't his girlfriend, yet.

"Hmm. Have you ever wanted to eat Bella's throat out?'

"EMMETT! You're gross. This game is over!" I yelled. Emmett laughed.

"No, no Bella it's okay. Actually Emmett, no I never have which I know is weird but I have never been compelled to Bell's blood. Now, My turn! Bella, truth or dare?"

"Awh, Jazzy. Go easy on me! Dare!"

"Hmm, Bella. I dare you too..." Just then Jasper's phone rang. He groaned that meant it was Alice.

"Yes, hun? Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Love you too, Bye. Never mind Bella, Alice said that we aren't allowed to play this game anymore." He sounded defeated.

"Oh, Jasper. You're so whipped." I said and everyone started laughing.

"Bella, why don't you go to sleep, sis?" Emmett asked.

"Well, because you guys have me so used to someone sleeping near me that I can't sleep without it. I sleep with Alice or Rose almost every night." I was kinda embarrassed. I was 15 years old and I still slept with someone in my family. How lame.

"Come here, Bella. You need to sleep before we get there or Alice will kill us all." Jasper said. He sounded geniuley scared. I shook my head.

"Come on, Bells. You can sit between my and Edward and you'll have the comfort that you need. You don't want to get me in trouble with Alice, do you?" I sighed. I didn't want to get Jazzy in trouble. I loved him to much.

"Fine, Jazzy, but I'm not happy about this." I climbed into the back seat and leaned against Jasper. I had grown so used to the coldness, that I barely even noticed it anymore. I could feel Edward's leg against mine, but that was all. I wanted so much more. I could feel Jasper sending me relaxing waves, and then I was out.

Ed's POV

This was the worst form of torture there was. I could not take this for much longer. Bella was so close to me and I couldn't even touch her. She was snuggled into Jasper's side like he was her big teddy bear or something. Helllo? What was I? Chopped liver? I wanted her to want me! After the other day I thought that us getting back together was a sure thing, but right now I'm not so sure. I want her more than anything! She was so sweet, and seductive the other day, and now she's completely neglecting me, like I did something wrong.

She was stirring now, she'd been sleeping for hours, but I had been so self absorbed in my thoughts that I hadn't really noticed how long we'd been driving. She yawned and started stretching.

"Emmy, where are we?" She murmured in the cutest sleepy voice I had ever heard. She was so adorable. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were all wrinkled. Alice was going to have a fit.

"We're in Missouri, baby. Do you need anything?" She seemed to perk up at that.

"I need food and a bathroom! I've been sleeping forever!" She was so full of joy now, simply because she was going to get some food. She was so easy to please, the simplest things in the world made her so happy.

"Where do you wanna go, sis?" Jasper asked her. I was so jealous of all of them. They all talked toher openly while I was scared to say anything to her. This was the worst trip of my life. I can't take much more of this!

"Steak and Shake!" I could see the sign for the restaurant right on the corner. She would pick something that meant no one going out of their way for her. She was so conscious of everyone else. When we pulled into the parking lot, she hopped out, held her hand out for money and then went inside.

"Be careful, Bells. We're not in Forks anymore" Carisle had called after her. She just waved him off and went inside.

"Why isn't anyone going in with her?" I asked.

"She doesn't like making us uncomfortable. She knows that human food is revolting to us, so she normally does the food thing on her own. She has a routine really. She goes in orders, goes to the potty, and then comes out and eats in the car." Esme told me. I could tell that everyone was watching her, and listening for the slightest amount of trouble. They wouldn't let anything happen to their baby girl.

"Well, I'm going in with her, she has got to get bored and lonely waiting for the humans to make her food." I walked inside and sat beside her at the bar where she was waiting.

"Hey, Bells." I said, and flashed her my most dazzling smile. I was hoping to get her attention, but it didn't really work that way. It was quite the opposite really she didn't even look my way. "Bella? Have I done something wrong?" I reached out to touch her, then remembered Emmett's bet, the punishment for breaking it would be so much worse than one week. I drew my hand back, and say patiently beside her.

Finally, a teenage boy served her food and a wicked smile. I was so jealous, she gave him a bright smile, paid him and left. I had to get Bella back, before she found someone new to replace me. I loved her so much, I couldn't stand by and let some kid take my place in her life.


Edward was making this so hard! I wanted him so much, but there wasn't anything I could do. He still hadn't apologized and Ali told me not to talk to him til he did! Ugh! Why couldn't he just apologize, kiss me and then we could be happy again? Stupid boys and their pride. I hoped back in the jeep and ate my food. All I wanted in the restaurant was for him to kiss me, that's all I could think about, it took everything in my power to ignore him. I wanted him so bad. This was the worst plan ever. I wanted Edward back now, not a month from now.

"Bella?" Edward said. He was talking to me? In the car, with Emmett and Jasper? I wanted to respond so incredibly bad, but I couldn't. I just sat there, and said nothing.

"Hey, Bells. Truth or dare?" Emmett. My stupid brother. He knew I couldn't resist he's stupid games.

"Truth, Emmett." I glared at him. I knew what he was going to ask me.

"Why aren't you talking to, Eddie boy?"

"Because, Emmett. I can have my selfish pride too. At least I have the balls to apologize when I do something wrong. Now shut up and drive. I wanna get to Florida and put on my bikini and sit in the sun all day."

Now that shut him right up he still wasn't fond of the idea of me wearing a bikini and I was glad. Anything to get his big mouth to shut up and leave me alone.

I climbed into the back seat again, got into Jasper's lap like I always did when I was little, and scared that something was going to hurt me.

"Jazzy, I wanna go to sleep until we get there, I'm tired of stupid boys."

"Alright, Bella." and with that Jasper wrapped his arms around me, and put me to sleep. The last thing I remember are looking at a pair beautiful emerald eyes that held nothing sorrow.

Reviews would be great. I hope you liked this. I'm going to have some real fun with the next chapter. :)