Complete summary:

I deserve to be Head Girl.
I deserve to be friends with whoever I want
I deserve to be here.
As Rose deals with a crush that becomes infatuation then turns into falling head over heels in love and relatives who tell her she's an ugly worthless bitch who needs to appreciate her life, she might finally learn how to turn her life into Rose paradise with the help of her friends.

"Come on Rose!" My mother yelled as I pulled my trunk down the stairs. I watch as she pulls out her wands and levitates my trunk to the ground for me.

"Thanks Mum." I say as I grab a lemon poppy seed muffin. "Where's Hugo?"

"Right here!" He yelled running down the stairs. I can't help but grin as his rust tinted red hair is a mess and his clothes are all wrinkled.

"Let's go! I promised the Potters we'd be there early." My mum said hurrying us towards the car. I sighed in despair while Hugo groaned and walked to the car. We sat in the back next to each other, Mum sat in the driver's seat, and Dad was packing the trunks.

"Mum. You always promise we get there early and we do. But we always end up waiting 15 minutes for them." Hugo said.

"Actually we're just waiting on James to stop kissing his arms, Lily staring in the mirror, and Aunt Ginny to put down the gin." I whispered to Hugo, who burst into a fit of laughter. My mum turned her head and tried not to let out a sarcastic comment just as rude as mine.

"Finally." My mum said as my dad sat next to her. "What took you so long?" she asked like she does every year.

"Hermione. Just drive, will you?" he asked buckling up. She sighed and drove the car away from the house we lived in.

"So Rose. Excited to be Head Girl?" my mum asked. I grinned.

"I can't wait." I said. "Finally, I get to be in control."

"I heard that Malfoy kid is going to be Head Boy." My dad said growling. We all rolled our eyes.

"Yea Dad. And he's planning to make me his Dark Arts Queen. Isn't it great that we have our own personal common room to practice Dark Magic and raise the Dark Lord back to life?" I asked sarcastically. He just glared at the front.

I knew he was going to tell everyone about my new comment and complain about me to Uncle Harry, who's only reply will be "She's a teenager Ron. What do you expect?" Then dad will continue his rant about expecting me to smart like my mum and really good at Quidditch like him.

"You know Lily's head is going to explode when she sees you and Scorpius in the Heads compartment, right?" Hugo asked with a grin.

"I wonder how many times her head will explode this year."

"I say at least 5." Hugo said.

"Want to make a bet?" I asked. I loved gambling on people more than my mum loves books. Which is a lot. But the only person willing to bet with me is Hugo, who seems to spend his allowance the moment he receives it.

"Alright." He said. "10 galleons say her head will explode between 5 to 7 times." He said.

"OK. I say 9 to 11." I said. "And if her head gets 8, then we keep our money."

"What if it's below 5 or over 11?"

"Under 5? Impossible. And if it's over 11, then…we keep our money and bet higher next time." I said. He grinned and nodded.

"You're not betting with each other, right?" mum asked.

"No." I said plainly.

"Of course not mum!" Hugo said. About 10 minutes later, we reached 9 and ¾ platform. We unloaded our crap off the car, then onto the train and stood next to the train, waiting for the Potters. Once again.

"Rose!" I turned around and saw my best friend Yuki Winters running towards me. Her long ebony hair flowing behind her and her dark brown eyes twinkling as she glides, not runs like us common folk, gracefully, towards me. Her mother is an Asian muggle and her father is English. She hugs me tightly and greets my parents and Hugo who just waves because he is deemed unfit to talk to her.

"Yuki!" I yell back as we hug. Her square shape face, large round eyes, ivory skin, and curvy body puts her at the top of every guy's wanted list. But no one has been able to write her name on their hit list.

"I can't believe it! 7th year! Our last year together!" She yelled pulling me away from my family. "And you got Head Girl! Plus, this year's Head Boy is Scorpius Malfoy! You lucky dog!" she said with a grin that showed off her beautiful pearly whites.

"You can call me lucky when the Britt's (Brittany, Brittanie, and Brittani) stop talking to me and when my family stops calling me unworthy of what I have. You know my dad told me I didn't deserve the badge because I don't read enough. Then Aunt Ginny starts ranting about…"

"Forget about them Rose." Yuki said. "You're Head Girl with Scorpius MALFOY. One of the hottest and SEXIEST boys in 7th year."

"Oh please. Like I care about that." I said. "I just want to get through this year and move to Argentina where we can sip margaritas by the beach." I said daydreaming about my end of the year trip my mum promised me if I got Head Girl and perfect grades. An UNCHAPERONED trip to Argentina.

"Oh yea! I forgot about that." Yuki said suddenly drifting off into dreamland with me. "White sandy beaches. Watermelon martinis in the night clubs. The shopping in shops that accept very little money…"

"Hello Yuki!" We both snapped out of our daydream to hear the scowls of Lily Potter and the arrogant voice of James Potter. "Rose." He said not taking his eyes off my perfect best friend who glared at him.

"Damn Potter!" she yelled at him. "I was in the middle of day dreaming about my trip to Argentina." He smirked at her.

"You didn't call me Pothead!" He yelled in triumph. Yuki rolled her eyes.

"Fine! Then I'll call you Pothead, if that's what you want!" I almost laughed at James' facial expression that couldn't decide to be happy about Yuki wanting to do what he wanted or to be sad he took a step backwards in the Battle to Get Close to Yuki. I call it, never happening you arrogant fool. But sadly, before I could laugh, his darling little sister pushed him out of the way.

"Rose! Yuki!" She said in her sickly fake sweet voice. "So lovely to see you!"

"We're cousins, Lily. We saw each other all summer." I said.

"Then I wasn't talking to you, was I?" Lily said in her usual bitchy tone of voice. "So, Yuki, what did you do this summer?" I swear Lily Potter is one hell of a bitch. I might be one too, but at least I'm willing to admit it. She pretends to be Yuki's friend, but she's just waiting for Yuki to tell her a secret, and then spill it or find one of the ways to get into her pants and sell it to every Hogwarts boy. Thankfully, Yuki's not as stupid as she is pretty.

"I breathed a lot, Potter girl. I bet you went underwater a lot and held your breath. That's why there's a lack of brain cells." Yuki said. James snorted while Lily glared at him and tried to regain composure. And now explosion #1 happens.

"You think you're so great, Winters! Well to tell you the truth you're not that pretty and you're body is as…" Yuki started laughing and Lily stopped talking.

"If that is the truth, Potter girl; then tell go your boyfriends that. I'm tired of them chasing me around." Yuki said hitting Lily's weak point. She growled and stomped away to the 5th year Britt girls, who are called the Ash's. Ashley, Ashlee, and Ashli are exactly like the Britt's, only they have red hair and they're in 5th year.

"You're so lucky to have the power to hit Lily's weak spot." I said.

"You would too, if you let me do some work on you." She said playing with my hair.

"I told you, Yuki. That would all be in vain because I'm not pr…"

"Don't tell me you're listening to your family." Yuki said.

"Being not pretty is different from being ugly." I pointed out. She sighed.

"Rose. I'm worried about you."

"What are you worried about?"

"I think your family is getting to you." She said. "And I'm going to change that no matter what."

"If they are getting to me, which they are not, tell me how you would change that?" I asked her. She grinned and handed me a small red box. "A present?" I asked. She nodded. I opened it and it was a sapphire necklace on a silver chain.

"That necklace is to remind you that I'm always there if you need anything. Whether it's someone to listen to, a shoulder to cry on, whatever. I'm there for you. Not those relatives who tell you, you aren't valuable." She said.

"Thanks Yuki." I said putting the necklace on. "How much did it cost you?"

"Not much, maybe a pair of designer shoes." She said shrugging. We gave a short laugh and boarded the train to rid of my family members.

"Let's check out the Heads' Compartment." I said walking to the end of the train. I opened the door to see Scorpius Malfoy reading. His perfect platinum blond hair sparkling in the sunlight, his long legs propped up on the chair and a burgundy cover book held by his pale long piano playing fingers. "Sorry!" I said as he jumped from his seat when he notice Yuki and I were there. "We didn't mean to intrude!"

"No. It's OK." He said looking at the ground. "I was just reading. No big deal." I glanced at Yuki whose face was in a big grin. She pushed me forward and mouthed "Talk to him".

"What book are you reading?" I asked trying not to sound like one of his followers. He looked up with his grey eyes with flecks of silver blinding me and I swore I saw pink on his cheeks.

"It's …um….Mansfield Park." He said quietly and I instantly grinned.

"Jane Austen is one of my favorite muggle authors!" I said. "My personal favorite is Sense and Sensibility."

"I know…I've read it." He said. "It's good."

"Yea…" I said noticing the conversation was going to take a nose dive to Hell. "So…um…Congrats on making Head Boy." I said trying to save it.

"Oh yea. Thanks! You too. I mean making Head Girl." I nodded as he spoke smiling at his embarrassment.

"Yes. I would assume I would be Head Girl instead of Head Boy…" I said. He laughed as we heard voices coming on the train. Yuki groaned.

"So not fair I have to leave you guys." She said speaking for the first time. "Maybe I can stay in the Head's Compartment." She said. "Oh wait, I'm not a prefect. Damn." She said. I sighed and sat down.

"Maybe after the meeting." Scorpius said. "I don't think people will be checking up on us." He said.

"Thanks Scorpius." Yuki said. "I'll be back!" she yelled walking into a compartment. I threw my blue backpack on the seat next to me and pulled out a notebook and flipped through the pages.

"Writing in your journal?" he asked me. I shook my head.

"No, just it's a notebook. I usually doodle in here when I'm bored." I said. "Mostly during Potions and Transfiguration."

"I thought you paid attention in class." He said. I shrugged.

"Not really. Typically I read the chapter before and take notes in my dorm."

"Why?" he asked.

"I can't focus when I have a lot of people whispering around me." I replied.

"I guess I misunderstood your doodling for writing down notes." He said.

"Everyone does." I pulled out a blue coloring pencil. Then a green, purple, orange, yellow, red, and indigo. "What's going on?" I asked myself as I continued to pull out numerous colored pencils.

"Is there a problem?" Scorpius asked looking at me frantically throwing pencils out of my bag. I nodded and dumped out my bag. His and my eyes widened at the sight of a pile of rainbow colored pencils and my black and rainbow striped bra and matching lace panties. I quickly snatch them away from his sight and stuffed it back into my backpack.

"I…I'm…" I couldn't look Scorpius in the eye anymore.

"Uh…It's no big deal. I'll help you clean up the pencils." He said bending down to pick them up.

"Thanks." I said picking up the ones on the seat. "My uniform!" I suddenly yelled, remembering they were supposed to be in there. I opened it up and searched through it only to find the bra and panties. I ran out of the compartment and searched for Yuki who was sitting with Al who was losing to her at chess. "Yuki!" I yelled.

"What's the matter?" she asked looking at my hot red face.

"My uniform. It's not in my bag. I dumped it out to find a pencil to draw and a pile of colored pencils fell out with my underwear for Scorpius to see."

"Is it in your trunk…?"

"No. I made sure to put it in my bag, but…" I said.

"Maybe yours and Hugo's bag switched." Al suggested. I shook my head.

"My notebook was in my bag." I said.

"Rose?" Scorpius asked. We all turned to look at him. "I found this." He said flipping the note book open. Every page was marked over with red ink. Each page said something different. The first page was ugly written over and over again. The second was bitch, third was stupid, and the rest were more insults.

"Shit." I said taking it out of his hands. He gave me a sympathetic look. Al and Yuki stared at the pages with me. "Now I'm gonna need to buy a new one." I said. Yuki took the book out of my hands and stomped down the hall, passing the compartments. She slammed one door opened. Scorpius, Al, and I followed, but were locked out. We only saw the shadow of Yuki yelling and waving.

She came out looking pissed and handed me a white bag and opened the book.

"This is trash. You are never to believe what it says." She said ripping it. "Sorry about your drawings though."

"It's OK. They were just doodles." I said taking out the black fabric in the bag. "Is this my uniform?" I asked.

"Yea. Good thing I managed to save it just in time." She said. I gave her a hug and Scorpius and I went back to our compartment.

"You should change. The Prefect meeting is going to start soon." He said. "I'll wait out here." I nodded and changed into my uniform that felt weird. I didn't want to make Scorpius wait for a long time so I changed quickly and shoved everything back into my bag.

"I'm done." I said opening the door. He nodded and changed as I stood outside. He opened the compartment door and let me in. We both sat across from each other, silent. I was very unsure of what to say to him. I could tell he wasn't that comfortable either.

"You know Rose…You…You shouldn't believe what was written that notebook." He said shifting his legs.

"Uh…" I stared at him in disbelief.

"I mean you're obviously not stupid. You're the smartest girl at Hogwarts." He said.

"I don't believe that's…"

"It's true! You have the best grades and you've gotten Gryffindor a lot of points for your correct answers."

"Well, I know I'm known to get the answer right, but that doesn't mean…"

"You don't even pay attention in class and yet you still have an O! I'm bordering between E and A if I miss a word. " He said. My mouth was on the floor at his words. He was praising me. Wow. "And the whole ug…." The compartment door swung open.

"Sorry we're late. We just heard something funny from some 5th years." The 7th year Ravenclaw prefect, Mary Beth Thomas said. She smiled and sat down next to me. The rest of the prefects came in recovering from a fit of giggles and laughter.

"That's quite alright." I said. "Let's begin the meeting, shall we?" I asked standing up. Scorpius stood up after me. "I am your new Head girl, Rose Weasley."

"I'm the Head Boy, Scorpius Malfoy." He said. "Uh…"

"Let's go over the rules and regulations." I said saving his ass. I continued for 5 minutes. "Any questions?"

"When will the first Hogsmeade trip be?" a 6th year Slytherin asked. Scorpius looked at me for the answer.

"Sometime within the next month." I said thinking about last year's first trip. "Anything else?" I prayed no one else would raise their hand. Thankfully no one raised their hand. Except for May.

"I heard that this year we're throwing a ball." She said.

"We are?" I asked.

"It was in the letter." Scorpius whispered in my ear.

"Well it wasn't in mine! I read that thing over and over!" I whispered back. He handed me his letter.

Dear Scorpius Malfoy,

You've been chosen to…………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………..



This year, we will be depending on you and Rose Weasley to throw a Ball. Preferably a holiday themed Ball.

"What!" I yelled. "My letter didn't say that!" I sighed and regained my poise. "I guess we will throw a holiday themed Ball."

"Can it be Christmas themed?" I was suddenly bombarded with questions.

"How about Valentine's Day!"

"I think we should have a vote." Scorpius said calming everyone who was jumping at my throat. They nodded and sat back down quietly.

"Does someone have any parchment?" I asked. A 5th year Hufflepuff raised her hand. I threw her a colored pencil. "Write with that." I said. "Alright. Christmas themed Ball." I said. 4 raised their hands. "Write down 4 next to Christmas, Gina."

"Valentine's Day." Scorpius said. 5 raised their hands. "5 for Valentine's Day!"

"Uh…Actually, how about a Halloween ball?" I said not even thinking. "Oh. Sorry! Just slipped out." They all stared at me with blank expressions.

"I think Halloween is a great idea." Scorpius said. "Put 2 down for Halloween."

"But it's so close!" a 7th year Slytherin prefect said.

"But if we do Christmas, we might have to do it before Christmas which is weird or on Christmas." May said. "And I don't know about you, but I want to go home for Christmas." Not me. I vote Christmas.

"And Valentine's Day is really girly. What guy wants to wear dress robes on Valentine's Day to take a chocoholic girl to a dance with a sugar rush?" 6th year Gryffindor said.

"Yea! I vote Halloween too!" some guys said. A few girls discussed it amongst themselves and raised their hands.

"I promised my mum I'd be home this Christmas." I heard someone say. If it were only mum and Hugo, I could deal, but with the others, no way.

"Dad said he's getting me something big this year for making prefect!" Lucky her. I wish my dad would get me something for making Head Girl or at least say Congrats.

"It would be so embarrassing if I went to the Valentine's Day Ball without a date." A girl said. That's true…

"Halloween it is!" Scorpius said. "You're so good at coming up with ideas, Rose!" He said staring at me with a grin. I felt my face turn red and I smiled back at him in whom he instantly turned away and coughed. I turned to Al who was watching May. "Hey! Do I have anything in my teeth?!" I asked him. He shook his head. Damn. Then what made him turn away?

"OK….So, I guess there won't be any more questions…Oh wait. Um…the next meeting to discuss the Ball will be in two weeks, so write down any ideas so we can talk about them." I said as everyone got up to leave. They all nodded and left in little groups talking about it. Scorpius left to talk to his friend Jessica, 7th year Slytherin prefect. I noticed Al left and followed May out, but Dominique stayed behind. She's on the list of friendly relatives AND evil ones. She's in her 6th year as Ravenclaw prefect.

"Hello Rose." She said.

"Hey Dom." I said. It was nickname for her. For some reason, I was the only one able to call her that. "What's up?" I could talk to her casually, but when it got down to I have a problem, Dom she would ignore me until she was absolutely sure my problem went away.

"I…uh…Just watch out for Lily this year." She said. She knew the feud between me and her. Well everyone under the age of 18 knew we hated each other.

"Well, I can't help that I'm her cousin and I just happen to be forced to visit her." I said sitting down. I patted the seat to signal she could sit. She sat down looking worried.

"No I mean with you know, him." She said.

"Scorpius? What about him?" she sighed.

"Well, when Aunt Hermione announced you got Head Girl and Lily heard from her friends Scorpius had gotten Head Boy, she blew a fuse."

"What is there to be freaking…"

"Well….She has a crush on him. And it's so obsessive; she has a mini-shrine for him in her trunk at the moment. "

"OK…." I said still not understanding.

"Rose! She thinks you will try to hook up with him! You guys are living right next to each other without anyone to interrupt!"

"OH!" I said finally getting it. "But we don't like each other like that…" Flat out lie. I have a crush on him and I wish I had a mini shrine for him.

"I don't know rose. He was giving you this look."

"Yea and he also gives looks to other people too. It's called hey this person is talking, I should look at them." I said."You're giving me that look right now." I said pointing at her eyes. She slapped my hand away and held my shoulders.

"You're being very naïve and obvious, Rose." I shook my head.

"No I'm not, Dom. I'm being realistic." I said shrugging her arms off. "Beside, the farthest Scorpius and my relationship will go is probably friends. And if Lily grabs him and they get married, I will be in Tahiti, not caring."

"Still stuck on travelling around the globe?" Dom asked.

"Hey. I got a job offer at the Ministry. I get to travel around the world to calm down Muggles who have seen magic happen. They said they've been having a lot of trouble in the States and would love for me to come down when I'm done with school. It's the perfect job for me! The pay is great and I get to travel for free."

"That's great Rose." Dom said. "When you get there, put in a good word for me, OK?" I nodded and grinned. "But, if Lily gives you any crap, you come to me, OK?"

"Why is everyone freaking out about Lily and me? It's not like I'm weak…"

"That's true, but Rose. She explodes without warning." Dom said.

"That reminds me, when she does explode, can you tell me and Hugo?"

"Yea sure. Whatever. I got to go, but just remember, I'm on your side!" she said leaving. After she left, Scorpius came in.

"Hey." I said. "How much of did that did you hear?" I asked.

"What?" he asked getting nervous again.

"I know you were listening. I saw your shadow."

"I was talking to…"

"Jessica already left. You guys were talking about someone and she left about a minute later."

"You caught me. But I only heard about your Ministry offer and Lily exploding." He said. I knew it. You can't lie to Rose Weasley! "That sounds like a cool job."

"I know right?" I asked. "I love travelling. And Muggles!" I said. "They're so smart about all those wires and electronics."

"Yea. You take Muggle Studies right?" He asked.

"Yep! And I have to study extra hard if I want this job. I have to take an extra exam at the end of the year to get the job."

"You don't have to worry. You'll do great." He said.

"I hope so. I heard Megan, last year's Gryffindor prefect took it and fail after studying for a week." I said thinking about James' ex-girlfriend who he broke up after he found out she was into studying.

"But, you're not like her…" he said. I shrugged.

"I'm actually taking multiple Muggle Studies classes. Instead of once a week, I'm taking it twice a week."

"What about…"

"I dropped History of Magic." I said. He gaped at me for a moment, and then shut his mouth.

"Is that such a good idea? History of Magic is a very important NEWTS exam..."

"I know, but it won't matter if I fail that exam anyways. History of Magic isn't important in the Muggle World. They don't care when goblins started fighting." I said.

"I guess you're right. I wish I could drop that class." He said. "It's so boring."

"It is, but I learned this trick from James. I'll teach it to you when we reach Hogwarts. It's absolutely the best thing I've ever learned from James." It's the only thing from James' I've gotten that I didn't hate.

It was back in 3rd year and he wanted to talk to me while he was in Transfiguration and he wanted someone to help him. He later found someone to cheat off of.

"Sure. I'm looking forward to it." He said.

"So, what do you want to do after Hogwarts?"

"I'm not sure. I thought I wanted to be a Healer, but I'm just not good at Potions."

"It's not just Potions." I said.

"But it's an important aspect." I nodded in agreement. "I thought about working as a journalist, but I get bored of writing."

"But I've seen some of your work and it's so good."

"Thanks, but I used Jessica's ideas. She came up with everything. She's becoming a novelist, you know."

"Wow…" I said. I looked up to Jessica. She was cool and suave with everything she did. And she wasn't a bitch like you'd expect. "She's a good writer."

"Then the only other choice for me was the Ministry or an Auror."

"I've seen you do some defense spells and you're good at them." Not as good as Al or his dad, but good.

"Yea, but I don't want to be in danger constantly. And the Ministry seems so boring." I shook my head.

"No way. My mum loves her job. She's in charge of dealing with anything that relates to Muggles and she loves it. I visited her at her work and it was fun. She sat at her desk with a fancy computer and TELEPHONE and talks to all sorts of people. And then she gets these alerts and solves every issue with ease." I said remembering the day I attended work with her when I was 9.

"But you're mum is smart and brave."

"You could say that." I say she's a genius with the courage of a lion. "But, you know, you put yourself down a lot." I said. "Not to be rude or anything, but you say I'm so smart and my mum is, but I haven't heard you say anything telling me you're good. Aren't you supposed to be arrogant?" Oh crap. I just said something so stereotypical. "I mean…"

Scorpius Malfoy started laughing. What the fuck? He calmed down a few moments later.

"Oh man. Rose Weasley, you are so funny." Firs time I've heard that. Well, not really but, from him is a first.


"I was trying to be nice to you. I mean that stuff I said wasn't a lie, but I was trying so hard to be nice and not arrogant like everyone thinks I am."


"I was trying to make you like me." He said. I smiled at him.

"Well it worked because I like you! You're so cool and charming. This is so great that we're friends. I mean I thought it would get awkward since we barely know each other and stuff, but it's so great that we're friends now." I said. Lies. His favorite color is green, he likes ham and cheese omelets, and would die before becoming vegetarian.

"Friends?" He said. I nodded. "Like as in we hang out and do things together?" I nodded. "And hug and talk to each other about stuff?"

"Do you not have friends?" I asked. "Of course! We do all of that."

"Friends with Rose Weasley." He said. "Hanging out. Doing things together. Hugging. Talking about things."

"Yea…" I said worrying he didn't want to be friends anymore and ending our 30 second friendship.

"We're friends." He said grinning. I smiled back and he still kept grinning.

"So, maybe I could talk to my mom and you could work in the Muggle department. Hey if you do that, then we'll be meeting each other a lot since I'll be in the Muggle department working in the Muggle Department when I'm not travelling."

"That would be great." He said. The compartment door opened to reveal Yuki standing in the doorway.

"Hey. Am I interrupting?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Not all. Come in." I said. She smiled and sat down next to me.

"So what were you guys talking about?"

"Jobs in the Muggle Department." I said. "Also, Scorpius and I are friends!" I said grinning.

"That's great!" she said shocked. "I didn't expect two hours together to be so…connecting." What? Yuki and I became friend in 5 minutes.

"Well when you're friends, you're friends." I said randomly. They gave me a WTH look. I ignored it and moved on. "Anyways, I was talking about how I could talk to my mum about Scorpius working in the Muggle department."

"That reminds me. Did your mum send in my recommendation form?" Yuki asked. She interned for my mum for a summer last year.

"Yea." I said.

"What's the recommendation for?" Scorpius asked.

"I want to work with Rose." Yuki said. "We both love travelling and luckily for Rose, all she has to do is pass the NEWTS and the extra Muggle exam and she's got the job. I have to get recommendations and talk to a few more people before I can even get considered."

"Aren't you lucky, Rose?"

"Yea, but I've been warming up to Mr. Jones for years now." I have. I've even personally invited him to my birthday parties and given him birthday gifts on MY birthday. "I've even babysat his little son every summer for the past 5 years."

"He's 9 now." Yuki said. "He even has a little crush on Rose." Yuki said smirking. Honestly. What does this girl think about?

"That rose was a thank you for helping him on his project." I defended.

'Yea right. And those chocolates sent last year on Valentine's Day were a thank you for what? Being there for him in times of need?"

"No. I sent him chocolate too."

"Yea, but you didn't send them in a heart shaped box with a dozen white chocolate roses inside." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Wow. That is one head over heels kid." Scorpius said.

"Yea." Yuki said laughing. "I'm wondering what he sends this year." The compartment door slammed opened to show Lily Potter and her band of followers.

"Scorpius!" She squealed. Yuki and I rolled are eyes and watched as Lily sat practically in Scorpius' lap. He scooted over and the next girl sat in his lap. He moved and the next girl did the same thing. He continued to move over and over again until there was no more room on his side and he was standing up.

"Sit next to Rose, Scorpius." Yuki suggested. Scorpius mouthed thank you and sat down next to me. "So, Lily and the whatever your names are. What are you doing in here?"

"We heard you were in here, so we decided to join." Lily said. More like you stalked her.

"And my name is…"

"Whatever. I don't care. You're in 5th year and no one likes you." Yuki snapped at her. She scowled and sat back.

"So Scorpy." Lily said. "How was your summer?" Damnnit, I should have asked him that. That would have been a good conversation for him to talk about.

"Nothing." He answered. Or not….

"Uh…Well I hung out by the beach." Lily said. That's true, she did hang at the beach where she got sunburned and looked like a lobster for a week. Being smart, I put on sun block and didn't wait in the sun for 4 hours for a guy to apply sun block on my already pink back. But I kept my mouth shut and let Yuki do all the talking.

"You should have seen, her Scorpius. When I went to pick Rose up for a group date, Lily was running around screaming in pain." Yuki said laughing at the memory. Wait, group date…? Oh yea. We met those guys for drinks. They were pretty cute…

"Rose?" Scoprius asked waving his hand in front of me.

"Sorry. I guess I was thinking about something and floated…"

"She was probably thinking about Rob." Yuki said giggling. I smiled and remembered the dark haired sienna haired boy.

"He was cute." I said aloud. "Oh sorry." I said.

"Like you could get anyone who's cute." Lily scowled. Scorpius' face scrunched up and glared at her.

"I think it's time for you and your friends to leave." He said standing up. Lily glared at me and left with her friends following, glaring at me too, like Yuki's words were my fault. Well, I'm sorry I'm not cute, small, and petite like Yuki or a hot sexy guy like Scorpius. Sorry. A little drool there.