Sieg half tackled Seto and the two landed on the floor with a resounding thud that Siegfried didn't bother to acknowledge. Whenever Seto started to speak the German would begin kissing him, and whenever he fought Sieg would lay atop of him heavily until he'd stop. A defeated cry escaped his lips as the boy above him began undoing the buttons of his captive's shirt.

"What's the matter? Are you not enjoying yourself, Seto?" Sieg said, his eyes filling with that awful plague of sadness.

And then his lips curled into a slow smirk.

Seto could barely force the words out of his throat after the shock of his deceit. How could he fall victim so easily to such a trick?

"You were faking it!" Sieg pinned Seto's hands and kissed him softly on the lips, ignoring the hateful look that burned in his captive's eyes.

"Yes, but you played into my hands so well! You even pretended to witness the nonexistent act of punishment from my father. It is true though, that if you had managed to find our room, all you would have seen was him telling me to stay away from you. My father is too busy to waste his time beating me or whatever else you thought he'd done." Once more the German placed his lips over Seto's, slowly deepening it as far as the boy beneath him would allow.

"You're sick," Seto muttered as he worked on shoving the German off of him. He was almost surprised when the boy didn't budge. "Come on, get off of me already!"

"No. This is too much fun to let the opportunity slip by." Once again the boy began to force a kiss upon his captive, being sure to pin his arms at his sides. He allowed the boy to tire himself out before making any movements against the struggling captive. Slowly he changed his position from restricting to straddling. He released Seto's hands long enough to finish unbuttoning the brunette's shirt.

For the short moment that the German was distracted by satisfaction for completing one simple task, Seto seized the opportunity to free himself. He swiftly fisted his hand into the boy's long hair and used it, and the pain accompanied with the yank, to set Sieg off balance and force his way over top of him.

Seto released his hair and used his hands to pin him while pressed his knee firmly between his captive's legs. Sieg writhed involuntarily and stared up, wide-eyed, at his subjugator. Seto smirked down at him, suddenly caught up in the enticing game.

"I-I…guess y-you win then?" The German stated weakly, trying hard, but failing, to keep the quiver out of his voice. When Seto didn't move, Sieg squirmed lightly, attempting to fee his hands, but the boy above him's grip hadn't loosened to declare the battle over. "No?"

"No," Seto said, still smirking. The look on Sieg's face was priceless. The emotions that flickered were true; Seto could tell the difference between those emotions and the fake ones. The boy looked terrified.

"What are you g-going to do then?" The boy asked, squirming against Seto's knee as if trying to tell him to move it to a less stimulating location. Seto complied by pressing it even closer. "Ah!" Sieg's face turned a dark crimson and his eyes flushed with humiliation and some form of lust. Despite his obvious discomfort, Sieg did not attempt to free his arms, it was as if he wasn't resisting at all. For Seto, this was irritating.

Seto lowered his mouth to Sieg's neck and nipped the skin gently, absorbing the noises the boy beneath him made. He sucked at the slowly reddening patch of flesh until he noticed the nearly discreet thrusting against his knee. He looked Sieg in the eyes, where the humiliation burned momentarily stronger than the lust, and pressed his knee even tighter against his prisoner's groin.

"Tun Sie das nicht!" The captive cried in his foreign gibberish. "Es schmerzt!" Seto scowled at him and he whimpered.

"Speak in a language I can understand if you're going to make noise." He replaced his mouth on the same reddened spot on his captive's neck and the boy squirmed faintly, finally fighting to access his arms.

"Y-You're hurting me!" With a sigh Seto moved his knee back slightly and began nibbling at the flesh on the opposite side of the German's neck. The struggling immediately ceased.

"Well, it seems that you enjoy yourself if you aren't being 'hurt'." Seto smirked against the captive's neck and Sieg immediately resumed fight.

"No!" He was silenced by teeth breaking the first few layers of flesh beneath his jaw. He whimpered, but he didn't fight half as hard. "M-My father!" Seto growled lowly and once more pressed his knee as tightly as it would go against Sieg's groin while running his teeth slowly down the boy's neck. "M-My father will see that!" Seto bit his prisoner in the same location on the opposite side and the boy cried out as if he'd been shot rather than bitten.

"So? He'll just tell you to stay away from me," Seto said with a smirk before placing his mouth over Sieg's. Despite the immense pressure being placed on his groin, Sieg began blatantly pressing back while gently nipping at Seto's lower lip. The brunette responded by biting the German's lip back until he drew blood.

Sieg whimpered, but his only reaction was to wrap both of his legs around Seto's waist and pull his hips down upon his own. Seto couldn't hold in the gasp as he felt Sieg grinding against him roughly. In his moment of distraction Sieg managed to free his arms and fisted one hand in Seto's hair and used the other to force himself closer to the boy above him.

"Let go," Seto said, pulling the German's hand out of his hair and forcing a space between them. Despite his efforts he was unable to unwrap the legs that forced his arousal against that of his captive. When Sieg tried to grab onto Seto's hair once again, the brunette backhanded him enough power that it not only ended with the boy's head cracking onto the floor and his legs becoming loose and dropping off of Seto's waist.

The action seemed to provoke more rage from the German who then sat up and forced his way loudly back over top of the brunette. While pinning his hands, Sieg kissed him hard on the lips and then kissed him slowly down his neck, exposed chest, and down to who lower stomach before reaching the waist of Seto's pants.

"Don't you dare," Seto hissed. Sieg smirked in response and released his hold on Seto's arms to quickly begin unbuttoning and unzipping the brunette's pants. Before Seto could strike, Sieg placed the head into his mouth, freezing the brunette in place.

A grin played on Sieg's lips as he gently licked at the tip before placing the entire member into his mouth. Seto began panting slightly and fisted his hands into the German's pink hair roughly. He was unsure at first whether he wanted to force him deeper, or if he wanted to pull the boy off of him. He made a compromise by thrusting deeply into the nearly whimpering boy's mouth before pulling him away and making his way back into control.

"Now you've done it," Seto growled deeply, undoing the fly of the German's pants. The hypocrite tried to cover himself, but when Seto seized his wrist and began bending it backwards the boy immediately ceased his efforts and submitted himself. Seto yanked the two articles of clothing off of his blushing captive and positioned himself. "Just remember, you were the one asking for this." The German opened his mouth to speak, but his words turned to whimpers and quiet cries as Seto forced his way in.

At least the cries had started soft; gradually they grew louder until Seto slapped him to get him to quiet down. One would think the boy was being murdered due to all of the noise he was making. Even the whimpers were agonized.

Sieg stared up at him, eyes half closed, tears running from them slowly, staining his red cheeks.

"Don't look at me like that," Seto said harshly, emphasizing his sentence by thrusting deeper. "Based on your actions before, you can't try to convince me that this is your first time." Sieg just whimpered and began squirming slightly.

"Es ist," he whimpered quietly. Seto slapped him roughly.

"What did I tell you earlier?" The German whimpered again and began trembling. Seto rolled his eyes and kissed the pale boy beneath him softly, being careful of the bite wound on his lip. "Now, what did you say," he murmured, trying to keep hostility out of his voice. Sieg blushed, but didn't reply. He turned his head away and closed his eyes tightly, obviously repressing whimpers and more tears.

Seto began thrusting gradually harder after Sieg had fallen into his near trance of silence. After at least two minutes, however, his eye reopened and his tear flow seemed to have been increased by fifty percent. One of the German's pale hands rose from where Seto had once pinned it to the floor and reached towards his own shaft slowly, not once did he turn his eyes away from his captors. He began to roughly pump himself in time with Seto's thrusts which greatly amused the boy above him.

It didn't take long for Seto to realize that the more occupied Sieg became with his own pleasure, the deeper he could thrust without the boy taking notice. Thus, he began to thrusts more violently, feeling the blood beginning to flow from his frail prisoner's entrance. Every now and then he pressed against something that would make the German break from his whimpers to let out a cry concocted of pain and ecstasy.

When he felt his climax approach, he lifted the German's hips and thrust deeper, causing the boy to cry only in pain, not able to block out the pleasure he was attempting to give himself with a lonely handjob.

"Y-You're h-hurt-"

"Shut up!" Sieg cringed and squirmed viciously beneath his lover, trying to rub himself against the boy's torso. Suddenly a loud cry ripped from Sieg's throat as Seto's hot seed filled him, stinging the fresh tears within him. Seto tried silencing the shriek with a kiss, but it did nothing but morph it into sobs.

Sighing, he pulled out of the torn and bloodied boy and placed the German's weeping erection into his mouth slowly. It didn't silence the boy, but it quieted the sobs to whimpers and moans. He sucked roughly, performing acts that the boy had done to him. He added tricks of his own, however, nipping at the overtly sensitive head and the flesh beneath. The German's hips trembled as he tried not to thrust into his lover's hot mouth, and he sank his teeth into one of his fingers as he felt his release nearing.

"What would you do if I left you right now?" Seto whispered into Sieg's ear softly, neglecting the boy's member completely. His only reply was a mass of tears that began to fall and several chocked sobs echoed by whimpers. "Hush." Seto placed his hand over the German's groin and squeezed gently, breaking Sieg's sobs and turning them to gasps. The boy squirmed against his hand and muttered incomprehensible words in his gibberish language before he closed his eyes tightly as his seed spilled onto Seto's hand. When the boy was done recovering, finishing up his whimpers and pants, he finally began to see reason.

"M-My dad will notice th-this," he whimpered, touching the two bleeding bites on his neck.

"Tell him we got in a fight," Seto said calmly and began pulling his pants back up.

"And that you bit me?" Sieg whimpered and watched him sadly, as if upset that the ordeal was over.

"We'll tell him I thought I was a vampire."

"And I was your young virgin captive!?" Seto snorted.

"You aren't a virgin," he muttered as began buttoning his shirt.

"Well…I was."

"You were not."

"I was too!" Sieg whined, grabbing his pants and underwear off the floor and slowly slipping them on. His constant whimpers started to become irritating. "But, how are we going to convince my dad that…we didn't."

"We'll go in the hallway and I'll pretend to be beating you up."

"I can't even stand up right now," Sieg said, looking down at the blood stain on the carpet. After staring at it for a moment he started groaning. "They're going to find out." His groans started turning to whimpering, but before he could begin to cry there came a loud knock on the door. His breath caught and both he and Seto stared at entrance.

"Just stay quiet," Seto murmured as he popped up the collar of his shirt in attempt to hide the mark that Sieg had left on him. He went over to the door and opened it swiftly to reveal both Gozaboro and Siegfried's father.

"Where is he?" Sieg's father says emotionlessly. Sieg takes the signal of his voice as an opportunity to enhance the bluff.

"Vater!" Sieg struggled to his feet, trying his best not to make a sound despite the protest from his body. He stumbled quickly over to his father and embraced him tightly, burying his face into his father's chest. His father looked nearly disgusted. "Es schmerzt!" He cries out before adding on in rapid German, pausing occasionally to whimper. His father mumbled an inquiry at him, and while replying the whimpers turned to actual sobs which seemed to irritate his father. The man fisted his hand in his son's hair which silenced the boy, but the tears continued to fall.

"So, what's been happening?" Gozaboro asked, sounding hardly interested.

"He says he doesn't remember, but he knows that he's in pain." Sieg nuzzled his father's chest lightly before turning his head around to look at Seto. There seemed to be a shimmer of mockery in those eyes.

"Doesn't remember? Well isn't that convenient." Gozaboro's eyes seem to dart directly to a small portion the young German's neck which failed to be concealed by the long hair. "Bitten?"

"What?" Sieg's father seemed to pick up on the notion that the mark was apparent on his son's neck and forcedly shoved the boy off of him to get a better look. His son's neck wasn't the first thing he observed, however. He was more interested in the dark bruise on Sieg's cheek that had resulted from the time Seto had hit him for grabbing for his hair. "How did you get this?" Sieg whimpered. "Answer."

"I hit him," Seto stated bluntly.

"What for?" Gozaboro inquired harshly.

"What for?! The kid's been harassing me since the first he came here! It got on my nerves! So, when he came in here and tried to rape me, I beat him up." Sieg let out a very distinct, betrayed whimper. His father silenced him by forcedly turning his head to the side to observe better one of the bleeding bite marks.

"It looks more like you tried to rape my son." Gozaboro's eyes turned from Siegfried to Seto as they filled with an expression that looked like humor being covered with rage. "After all, he's the one beaten and you don't even look damaged at all." In response to his father's statement, Sieg immediately reattached himself to his father, pressing his entire face against his father's chest.

"Yes, well…I refuse to be taken by an okama," Seto muttered with a glare. Gozaboro looked close to laughter, but Sieg's father scowled. He didn't say anything as he forced his son out of the room almost violently. Seto heard the man shout as his son mumbled something in their native tongue and then there was no more.

"That's one way to stay one step ahead, Seto," Gozaboro said. Seto refrained from commenting, but there was a distinct smirk on his face. Gozaboro was wrong; this was a way to be two steps ahead. He overpowered his rival, and he had blackmail.

Siegfried VonSchroeder wasn't the only one who was a master of deceit.


Woo! Finally over. So comment if you made it this far. I'd hate to have lost you before the happy ending ;) So, comment. Tell me what you thought. Loved it? Hated it? Tell me!