A/N: I'm back. Ok so this on is a major Fluff chapter with a capital F. I really wanted Alice to have a good guy and I kinda wanted it to be a stand alone one shot but I finally figured how to work it into the story. So far its looking to be about 10 to11 chapters long. Also I have a New Poll on my profile. I really need to know it you guys are cool with a lil Alice and Bella Lemon. Its really the only reason I'm posting this so soon. Depending on how fast the voting goes I might have the next chapter up next week. SO PLZ GO VOTE :-) Also remember that the more lemons I put in the longer the fic.
"Bella, I told you to wear the red one." I rolled my eyes and went back to my closet to get the little red dress, which I have been trying to get Bella to put on for over an hour now. She should know by now to never doubt my fashion sense.
I thought I finally got through until she came out of the rest room wearing a hideous green elbow shouldered….thing. That looked to be bedazzled. I swear one of these days I'll knock some fashion sense into her. At least she's not wearing those god forsaken sneakers with it. I was ecstatic when she started learning how to wear heels. I'm proud to say my Bella now has a little more grace in her than the day she showed up at my door.
"Ally, if I wear the red one just about everyone at the party with see my ass if I bend over even an inch." And that's a bad thing how?
"Bella, it's a masquerade party, no one is going to know whose ass they're looking at; besides you have a great ass." I threw the dress at her and went in search for my sky blue gown. "More to the point, if you got it, flaunt it." It was so cute when she tried to act angry. It never lasted long.
Bella and I have been best friends for two years now. I got into WSU on my family's money. With my memory issues it was the only way I could get into any school. But Bella got in on good old fashion hard work. I don't know if she knows it or not, but I was really proud of her for that, and maybe a little envious.
When I first got here I never felt so alone. My parents got me into my own dorm room with no room-mate. I was now twenty-one and they still treated me like the fourteen year old that just woke up from a coma. The room was huge with a little kitchen off to the side and king size bed in the middle. I had two walk-in closets for all the clothes that came with me.
But the truth was; I was lonely. I needed a friend. So I downgraded my bed for two twins. I even decorated so it looked like the room belonged to two people instead one. I did my side in blue panther print and the other in purple zebra. That way, when I put in an application for a room-mate, they would feel more at home. But when Bella showed up at my door I didn't think she liked me. So I did what I always do, I got her shit face drunk. I wanted to loosen her up. I didn't mean to pour my heart out to her though. But unlike everyone else, Bella listened. She also told me about some doctor she fucked back in Arizona. It made me feel better knowing I wasn't the only one with secrets. For the first time since the car accident, I finally felt like a normal person. I even had a friend.
"Crap, Bella we're going to be late! The party starts in an hour. I don't even have my hair done!"
After running around the room for another hour, we were finally ready.
"I think I'm going to vomit." Bella exclaimed, grabbing my arm and trying to pull me back to the car. We were standing in front of the Alpha Chi Omega house where the masquerade party was being held. It was the first time they had an open house, where anyone was invited. I could even see the dean's car down the road. I could only guess he was here for Jessica.
"Bella it'll be fine, I promise." I started practically dragging her toward the front door. "With that mask and what I did to your hair, no one will know it's you. Just think, you can be as sexy as you want to be, and no one will be any the wiser." I laughed as her face blanched.
"Fine, but what if we get lost in there, that place is huge and I'm not drinking. The last thing I need is to wake up naked and alone." Now who was being the drama queen?
"Ok, how 'bout we meet back at the car at midnight. That'll give us about three hours, and it could be romantic. Like Cinderella." That got her attention. "When you get to the car, if I'm not there, just call me, ok?"
"Fine, but I'm still not drinking anything." Bella always fell for the classic romance. She didn't know but I also knew what buttons to push when it came to her.
An hour later I was already bored. I was currently sitting beside some girl passed out on the settee. I think its Jessica. I guess the dean didn't find her after all. I lost Bella not even five minutes after entering the ball room area. I hope she was having more fun then I was. The only guy that got my attention was currently wearing a phantom mask with a black and white tux; who was currently staring at me from across the room.
Now I could tell you it was like something from the movie labyrinth, where he made his way through the crowd dancing with random women with his eyes trained on me, until he suddenly appeared before me with his hand stretched out, silently asking for a dance. But that wouldn't be true, because it was better than that.
It was like a dream. I could tell he had a very nice physique from the way he held me against him as we danced. It was magical. In the beginning I thought it might have been James. A guy I've had my eyes on for a while. It didn't take me long to realize it wasn't James; when he whispered those four little words into my ear that sent shivers down my spine and heated my very core.
"I've waited too long." His eyes were blue, sparkling in the light like the stars on the ocean.
I thought I could detect a little southern in his voice, but with the music in the background I couldn't tell. All I knew was that right now at this very moment, I would follow this man anywhere.
We danced until we made our way out to the garden, where we were finally alone. I could just see the moon peaking over the ivory gates behind the yellow roses.
"I love yellow roses." I whispered trying not to break the spell.
"May I kiss you, Alice?" My whole body lit on fire. I could feel myself vibrating with energy. How in the world did he know it was me? Who was this man?I could only nod dumbly.
As soon as his lips pressed against mine, my whole world exploded. I closed my eyes as he deepened the kiss. He tasted like peaches. I don't know how long we stayed out there kissing under the moon. But to me it wasn't long enough. I groaned when I felt his lips leave mine.
My body was vibrating again and it took me a minute to realize it was my cell phone. Crap, Bells, not now. Please not now.
"Alice, would you please close your eyes?" he whispered into my ear. And I hurriedly obliged.
"I'll never forget this, and I don't want you to either." He was silent for a long while. And I wondered what he was doing. I could hear a faint noise at the back gate.
When I opened my eyes I wanted to cry. Sitting there on the banister was my phantom's mask, and him being nowhere in sight.
I numbly walked out to the car, clutching the mask to my chest I handed Bella the keys.
"What happened to you, I have been looking for you for over an hour." Bella complained going to the driver's door.
"I think I just met the man of my dreams." I whispered getting into the car.
"That's great, Ally! What's his name?"
"I don't know."
We drove back to the dorm in silence. I just had the best night of my life and I wanted to cry. It was like a slap to the face. I felt like I was fourteen again and couldn't remember my life. I hated not knowing. I needed to know who my phantom was. But I had the feeling life was repeating itself, and again, I would never know.
HUGE thank you to My Alice, Kiera. This chapter is all for her. She is going on 7 month pregnant with a lil girl named Skylor she also has surgery tomorrow be/c she is too much like Bella and slipped on some ice and broke her leg. Baby is fine but sending much love her way. Don't forget to Vote! :-D