It's taken awhile but the final chapter is up, I never thought I'd get to the end but I did. Please review and enjoy :)
Edited: 15/09/14
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh or any of the characters.
A Chapter Ends and Another Begins
The three bikers and Téa sat watching the duel, it had been 10 minutes since Dartz had revealed the truth to the three bikers and heartache had already come upon Tea. Joey's life points had reached zero two turns ago. And they sat and watched as Joey's soul left his body and he was thrown out of the seal.
"How do you think Kaiba is going to do?" Valon asked his sister.
"Well he's strong but Kaiba lacks the belief in the heart of the cards, in his mind the strength in his deck will over power Dartz but watching how Dartz is playing I don't think Kaiba's deck will help him too much. His points are low and the Pharaoh won't be able to save him for too long." Téa told them looking at her friend's body lying lifeless on the ground.
"I think Dartz wants to blow out Kaiba and have only the Pharaoh to duel," said Alister scowling.
"That is what I was worrying about," said Téa looking on sadly.
"The question is; is the Pharaoh strong enough to beat Dartz?" said Raphael watching as Kaiba's point then dropped to zero. Téa sat and watched the life being sucked out of Kaiba's body and looked quickly over to Mokuba who stood frozen to the spot. Kaiba was thrown out of the seal and Mokuba's feet came to life and he ran to his fallen brother.
"Seto, Seto please wake up, you have to wake up, you just have too," Mokuba's voice began to crack and Téa stood up and walked towards the sobbing boy. Téa wrapped her arms around him and hugged the boy.
"The Pharaoh will win and your brother will come back," Mokuba looked up at her and smiled sadly.
The duel continued and Yugi had managed to take down some of Dartz's points but it still looked grim. It was then that the Pharaoh's three dragons transformed into soldiers. The story of how Dartz transformed Timeaus, Critias and Hermos into the three legendary Dragons in the Great War. By now Téa had taken Mokuba towards where the bikers were sat.
"Valon," Dartz called out of the blue. The brunette said nothing but stared hard. "Where are your manners boy, when somebody addresses you, you are meant to reply to them,"
"What do you have to say?"
"You now know you were drugged by your parents, well I'll tell you something boy, your parents are still alive," Téa and Valon looked at one another.
"Your point is?"
"You have no idea what the drug has done to you, maybe you should find out," Dartz grinned evilly and both Valon and Téa turned cold.
"What do you mean Dartz," snapped the Pharaoh but Dartz stayed quiet.
"He's a monster," said Mokuba angrily looking at Joey and Kaiba.
"He'll be beaten don't you worry Mokuba," said Alister feeling defensive over the young boy. Tea looks up at him smiling.
"How long do you think it will take for the duel to end?" Mokuba asked Alister.
"It shouldn't be too log now,"
Alister was right, fifteen minutes after he had spoken the duel ended and Dartz had lost but the great Leviathan had risen and the Pharaoh along with Joey and Seto; whose souls had been reunited followed him on to an island, with the help from Timeaus, Critias and Hermos they managed to take down Dartz and destroy the Orichalcos stone. The control that the stone had over Dartz was lifted and the man he once was was brought back to the world. Iron heart and Christ stood waiting for the man they lost return to them. Yugi, Seto and Joey left the Island as it sunk into the ground. Once back in the lair they discovered that this was also sinking, and the group left quickly.
"Which direction do we go in now," cried Joey as the group ran down the many corridors heading to the exit.
"Left," yelled Valon who was in front. Mokuba was on Seto's back and Alister was pulling Tea with him. Different parts of the buildings were beginning to collapse and none of the group wanted to be underneath it. They could see the light ahead of them and they quickened their pace.
Once they left the building they raced towards the helicopter. Tristan was the last to clamber on to the helicopter and he closed the door hard.
"Let's get out of here before the island goes," cried Tristan looking at the cracked floor.
Raphael climbed on to the pilot's seat and switched the plane on, he pressed some buttons and flicked a few switches and the copter began to rise. They were just in time. When they were only 7 feet up the Island began to crumble and before they knew it certain parts had been swallowed by the ocean.
"I'm really fed up of escaping sinking islands," said Joey scowling at Kaiba who smirked.
"Where are we heading," Raphael called back.
"Take us back to where we started, Mokuba and I have to get back to the plane," said Kaiba. Raphael heard no other response and headed back to where they started.
The first half of the journey was quiet all thinking about what they had heard on the island.
"Téa remember when we were in your attic cleaning it out, we promised you we'd find your brother?" Téa nodded. "Well you see I've been thinking about what Dartz had said; maybe it would be a good idea to visit Australia?" Tristan saw Téa's face harden.
"Why would we want to do that?" she said harshly.
Tristan and Yugi looked at one another. "You heard what Dartz said and you saw it yourself, your brother was drugged you have no idea what they've done to him or how that will affect his body. Dartz knew and he didn't want to tell you," what Yugi said scared Téa and the whole helicopter looked between her and Valon?
Raphael and Alister looked at Valon worried. "I think he has a point, you many need to get it checked out. The only people who will know are your parents."
Téa sat quietly thinking over her options. She knew they should really go back to Australia just to be on the safe side, but she knew that meant facing her parents after all this time. Looking at Valon she could see him contemplating the same thing.
The helicopter landed five minutes later and with their final goodbyes Seto and Mokuba left the helicopter and headed towards the Blue Eyes plane. The group once again looked at Valon and Téa. Téa raised her eyebrows silently asking him what to do; he nodded his head before looking to the ground.
Looking at the group Téa held back the tears and said "Australia here we come,"
So there it is the final chapter of the story, i'm in two minds over this part of it I really like and part I don't. There is going to be a sequel to this chapter and that will be the gang along with bikers and Mia going to Australia in search for Valon and Tea's parents to discover the truth about the drug.
(Okay I am hoping to get a sequel to this story one day, when that'll happen I don't know, if you really really want to see one well let me know! :D )
Thanks for all those who have read this story and reviewed. Please review the last chapter and once again thanks for reading.