Disclaimer: I do now own Harry Potter or any of the Harry Potter characters. Just to make that clear for anyone who can't figure out that I am not J.K. Rowling.

"Hey, Angelina!"

"What?" asked Ron, startled. "You've already asked her?"

Harry and Ron were sitting, slumped, in the armchairs in the Gryffindor common room. They were both contemplating their predicament of not having dates for the 4th year-and-up Yule Ball on Christmas Day. Fred was doing them the favor of showing them that he had a date. He said he was going with Angelina Johnson, one of the best Gryffindor Chasers.

"Good point." Said Fred. "Oi! Angelina!"

She looked around. "Yeah?"

"Wanna go to the ball with me?"

She raised her eyebrows. "Sure." She said.

Fred turned back to Harry and Ron. "There you go. Piece of cake!"

Leaving the two 14-year-olds in the common room, Fred went up to his dormitory. Only Lee Jordan, his best friend, was there, sitting on his bed and reading "Spells for Your Foes: Dung Toes and Pointy Nose."

Lee looked up. "Hey, mate, what's going on?"

"Going with Angelina to the dance."

"Aw, cool!"

"Who you going with?"

"Katie. I can't believe you got Angelina! I've been calling her attractive for 4 years through a magical megaphone and she picks you!"

Fred laughed. "I guess I got it in me!"

Fred laughed as he left the dormitory and left through the portrait hole into the corridor. As he headed down to dinner, he thought about the ball. And going with Angelina. Why had he done that? He never really paid much attention to girls. Sure, Angelina was pretty, tall, dark-skinned, black-haired. She was an excellent Chaser. But Fred had always thought of her as one of his favorite teammates. Could this dance change everything?

Author's Note: This story was kinda random, but maybe it'll go farther. Definetely into a Fred/Angelina romance. Please R and R!