Hello there! I changed and fixed up chapter one. I thought it would make more sense in starting at the very beginning, instead of having many flashbacks.

Also, I tinkered with Kisara's heritage a bit, making her a "little" more "magical" than the rest of them. Her powers are visible and are connected to elements. I'm not sure why I did that, but it certainly adds a twist to the story, right?

I'm still getting back into writing, so please don't be mean! ;P

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh. I own the plot and storyline.

Love is Death

Chapter 1 – Two

After the Battle City Tournament, things had started to get weird. Kisara began to see duel monsters walking about without an actual duel occurring. And to top everything off, she was experiencing unusual symptoms such as glowing hands. In an attempt to find out what was happening to her she searched her house for any clues. Her house belonged to her great-great grandmother, and was in turn willed to Kisara after her own mother died.

In the basement, Kisara stumbled upon an old wooden chest. It had iron handles and a golden latch, locked with a silver ring with intricate designs engraved into it. The ring was not thick. Kisara thought, 'Maybe if I pull hard enough…' Her hand was numbed the moment she tried to yank the ring. Looking at her hand in complete shock, Kisara gradually felt her feeling come back. She, being too scared to touch the silver ring again, gave up on trying to open the chest.

She sighed as she stood up and turned around to go back upstairs. Then it happened. Opening her eyes, Kisara gasped at what stood in front of her. It was the Fire Sorcerer from the Duel Monsters card game. The sorcerer's eyes penetrated deep into Kisara's mind, and everything around her burst into fire. She yelled.

"Kisara," a voice called. Looking behind her with scared eyes, Kisara saw her mother. Kisara fell to her knees, speechless. Her mother's scarlet eyes stared down at her.


"The time has come my sweet. You must learn about your heritage."

Kisara screamed as the flames engulfed her.

Sky blue eyes gradually opened. Kisara, although extremely exhausted, lifted herself up. She peered at her surroundings. She was back in her basement.

"Back…" wasn't the correct word. 'I was always in here,' Kisara thought as she recapped on what had happened.

Her mother's guardian – the Fire Sorcerer – appeared. Then her mother appeared. Her mother then explained what was happening to Kisara.

"You are of Magical blood. The Magical usually have one element associated with the Magical's personal attributes. For instance, I; with my flaming personality, I had to have the Fire element under my control. Not to mention my attachment to the Fire Sorcerer; she became my guardian after all.

There are special cases in which a Magical has a connection with two elements. You are of those special cases, my sweet. You had started exhibiting many signs of that right after you were born. Unfortunately I was not able to be there to help you harness your power as you grew."

"So you already know what powers I possess?" Kisara asked timidly. She looked at her mother's feet.

"Don't be so shy with my Kisara. I'm your mother," she said sternly, "But yes. You possess the power of Ice and Healing."

Then, abruptly Kisara's mother said, "I have to leave now, my sweet. Don't ever forget who you are. The box sealed with the Magical Ring can be opened if you use your power."

"Where are you going?" Kisara almost yelled it out.

Her mother smiled at her, "I'll always be watching you, my sweet."

Kisara swallowed. She tasted bile towards the back of her throat. She looked at the wooden box. She lifted her hand, and concentrated her power. A purple glow surrounded her hand. She stretched her arm out and touched the silver ring once again.

Icy blue eyes watched in awe as the ring dissolved into thin air. It took Kisara a while until she realized she could now open the chest. Inside was a book, centered atop of red silk. It was ancient-looking. Its cover was a dark brown, bejeweled with colorful gemstones. The gems seemed to make intricate patterns. Opening the book, Kisara's eyes widened.

It was a spellbook containing all the spells a Magical could ever cast.

Bakura Ryou was a normal teenaged boy. He was well mannered and well brought up. He did his chores regularly and got good grades in school.

But all that changed when he came across the Millenium Ring. It was a golden treasure from Egypt. The eye of Ra was centered within a triangle. That triangle was circumscribed within a ring that had triangular prisms dangling on its bottom half.

Ryou never recalled ever putting the golden necklace on, but surely enough it was there, lying on his chest. Shortly afterward, Ryou began experiencing blackouts. It didn't take him long to understand that someone – or something – was taking over his body.

'Well it's about time,' a voice in Ryou's head said.

'Who are you and what do you want?' Ryou asked frantically. He was scared; was he going crazy?

'I'm glad you asked. I'm the spirit of the Millenium Ring. Since you are now my Hikari* and I your Yami**, I'll go by Bakura,' he laughed manically, 'And if it wasn't already obvious, I want to use your body.'

'What if I say no?' Ryou asked, after gathering enough courage to.

Bakura laughed again, 'I'm afraid you no longer have a choice.'

Ryou, with his soft white hair, was walking to his next class when he felt rather odd. Rushing to the nearest bathroom,, he looked at him-self in the mirror and watched with horror as his hair and eyes became harsh and more defined. He was shocked even more when he found that he couldn't control his body.

'Don't even try to resist, Ryou,' Bakura said, 'I want to play now.'

'No!' Ryou screamed mentally. Then all he saw was darkness.

Bakura, smirking, was satisfied. He had taken over his Hikari; he was finally out of the Millennium Ring.

He left the school, debating n what evil act to do next. On the street corner, he spotted a mini duel tournament. The players consisted of amateurs. He smirked, walking towards them.

"May I play?" Bakura asked, using his Hikari's soft and sweet voice. The adolescent majority shrugged it of, not really caring if he joined or not.

'Fools,' Bakura thought.

Bakura laughed menacingly.

"Those kids didn't know what they were getting themselves into!" He said, amused by human stupidity. They were all fools to him. He smirked at the golden ring on his chest.

Walking to the closest house, Bakura sat on its porch, recapping on how his duel monsters devastated the children's. He was about to laugh again when he heard a big 'CLANG!' He turned his torso towards the house behind him.

Curiosity getting the best of him, he peered in the window, to the right of the front door. Inside was a simple kitchen. A white refrigerator, dishwasher and sink were complemented by the wooden cupboards and drawers.

Then his brown eyes fell onto the sight of a young girl with extraordinary long bluish-white hair. Her back was turned to him. She seemed to be looking at something very carefully. Beside her was what was left of a pot, broken into tiny little bits.

Bakura's brows knitted together. 'How could that frail girl mar a pot like that?" He thought.

The girl turned, revealing what was in her hands. Bakura gasped in shock. 'Th-that's…the Ancient Egyptian's sacred book of spells! How could that wench ever get her hands on something as precious and valuable as that?!'

At that moment, the girl closed the book, and looked out the window. Bakura quickly ducked down and hoped she didn't see him. After a few seconds of waiting for something to happen – nothing did – Bakura eased.

Her eyes – they reminded him of that girl who helped the High Priest Seto some thousand years ago. Bakura growled, debating on what he should do. He wanted the book – that was for sure. The girl looked naïve to him. Perhaps she didn't keep the spellbook well guarded. But then again, he wasn't labeled as a thief for nothing. He smirked.

'When she sleeps.'

*Light, as in his light side

**Dark, as in his dark side

I hoped you liked it! Suggestions are always nice!

Please review!