Camp DRAMA!!! [Working title]
{A/N – I don't own much of anything here ''/}
Haha, alrighty then. Review people :D. This one's written like a script.
Chapter One {They're such... princesses}
Alex – [sat on couch, watching the news. Bored, she changes the channel.]
Alex's Dad – [walks in] Hey Lexy. How was school?
Alex – [Shrugs] hey, same old, same old. Yours?
Alex's Dad – Not bad. What do you want for dinner?
Alex – Hmmm. [Thinks] Pizza?
Alex's Dad – Lemme guess. Pickles and pepperoni on one and ham and pineapple on the other? [Dials pizza place]
Alex – [Laughs] yeah dad, of course.
*The next morning, before Alex leaves for school*
??? – [walks into the bait shop] Hey errr....
Alex – Alex. Hey Travis.
Travis – Right. How much? [Puts a bag of bait on the counter]
Alex – No charge. A deal is a deal. You drive me to school, to save me from the terrors of the bus, I give you free bait.
Travis – [Smiles and walks outside]
Alex – [Grabs her bag and follows Travis out to his car, a red convertible, and then stops and grimaces.] What are they doing here? [Indicates the two other girls in his car.]
??? – Travis said he'd give us a ride to school while my daddy's fixing my car. Right Cass?
Cassie – Right Bails.
Alex – [To Travis] Where am I gonna sit? [Looks at Bailey and Cassie's bags and 'spare clothes' in the other seat]
Travis – I don't know. Bailey...?
Bailey – [Starts whining] But Travvy! Cass is already creasing my after – lunch outfit.
Alex – Why do you need a [mimics her voice] 'after – lunch outfit'? It's high school, not a fashion show
Bailey – It might not be for you, but for some people, fashion actually, like, matters. Like hmm... I don't know, girls.
Travis – [Sees there's gonna be a cat fight, and interrupts Alex before she can be catty back] Sorry. I guess another time.
Alex – [Walks off, back to the bait shop]
Bailey – [While driving off in Travis' car.] Why did you even offer to give her a ride?
Travis – Remember, her brother, Jake, is dating Ashley, she told me to be nice.
Bailey – How's she gonna know? They're both at Brown, right?
Travis – Alex and Jake are really close. Especially since...
Bailey – Since what?
Travis – Doesn't matter.
Alex – [Walks back in to the bait shop, and finds her dad.] Hey dad, can you give me a ride to school?
Alex's Dad – Sure. [Grabs his keys] What happened to your ride?
Alex – [Tells him what happened]
Alex's Dad – Wow.
Alex – Tell me about it. They're such... princesses. Oh, and drama queens.
Alex's Dad – [Gives her a stern look] Lexy...
Alex – I know, I know. It's your job to save people like her. Blah, blah, blah.
*They get to school. Before Alex gets out the car she and her dad do a complicated handshake*
Alex's Dad – [Hugging Alex.] You and me, pal.
Alex – [Hugging her dad.] You and me, dad. [Gets out the car.]
Alex's Dad – [Gets a phone call via Bluetooth] Hello?
???? – Major Mason. We have an assignment for you.
Aww, how cute!
Haha, cos I'm bored, here's a few questions, which can depend on what happens in the next chapter. You don't have to answer them, but I'd like it if you did :D
I kinda don't like this title. What should I call this story?
Why are Alex and Jake so close?
Why didn't Travis tell Bailey why Alex and Jake are so close?
What's Alex's dad {Major Mason's} job?
What's Major Mason's new assignment?
Why don't Bailey and Alex like each other?
Anything else, comments on story etc.
That's about all I can think of. Review people :D. I won't do chapter 2 till I get at least 5.
Peace Out Peeps!! [lol, get it? POP!]
MissShortySprout :D