So…this is my first fanfiction. I'm really nervous about how this turned out, so please review! Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters of Vampire Diaries or the Night World Series… even tho I wish I did… :( except my own characters! Enjoy!

Love is in the Air

"Where are we going Stefan?" An exasperated Elena asked.

"I told you before, you'll see." Stefan replied.

Elena had picked Stefan over Damon last month, and they were going off to somewhere else, somewhere that wasn't Fell's Church because of the dangers.

Frowning, Elena turned to her window. She couldn't believe it! For once, Stefan wasn't telling her anything. Not where they're going, or whose place they're staying at. Nothing. Squinting at the landscape outside her window, Elena made out lots of blurry shapes. Hardly surprising, considering it was raining. How strange. Elena thought. It's as if Fell's Church is crying because we're leaving. As soon as she thought that, Elena felt herself wishing, wishing that Fell's Church was a place that didn't attract the supernatural. Elena scoffed at this thought. If Fell's Church didn't attract the supernatural, then she wouldn't have met Stefan. She rolled her eyes at herself.

Hearing the quiet scoff, Stefan looked at Elena, worriedly.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"Oh…I was just thinking about some things." Elena smiled slightly, trying to reassure him.

Stefan raised an eyebrow. "And what things might that be?"

Elena looked at him. Should I tell him? She thought. After all, he seems as unhappy as I am about leaving. Sighing, she slowly raised her head to look at him. "I…The…Nothing." She grimaced. "Never mind."

Stefan stopped the car. Elena looked out the window, and saw that they arrived at a parking lot. She confusedly turned back to him, and asked, "This is it?"

Stefan grinned at her. "Of course not. You think we're going to live in a parking lot for the rest of our lives?" He teased.

At this, Elena rolled her eyes, but smiled back.

"We're just stopping here for a while, because a certain girl won't tell me what she's thinking about." Stefan continued.

Elena dropped her gaze to her hands, which were folded in her lap. "Well, I'm just… I'm just confused to why you wouldn't tell me where we're going!" She lied.

Stefan gazed at her and then smiled. "Well, I'll just tell you that it has something to do with Twilight." His oak-green eyes twinkled at her.

Elena glanced sharply at Stefan. How did he know about my love of the Twilight Saga?! She shrieked silently. Well, I asked Bonnie and Meredith for their advice. A voice said sheepishly in her mind. I wanted to know what some of your likes and dislikes were. Just in case. So I read the Twilight Saga. Elena was shocked. How could they tell him that?!

"So you don't like it?" Stefan asked worriedly, out loud.

"Of course I do! I'm just… surprised." Tears of happiness were in Elena's eyes.

Stefan nodded to himself. So can please not ask me that question anymore? Stefan asked Elena silently. Elena thought for a minute, and then reached over to kiss him. Fine. Since you spent so much effort. Stefan gladly lost himself in the kiss.

A few minutes later, a black 911 Turbo Porsche drove away, with two starry-eyed passengers.

What do you guys think? Please review! This is just a start, and they haven't met Nightworld people yet. And I'm going to write more, to find out how they meet them. Review!!!!!!!!!!! :)