Driving home from the Thunderbird and Whale bookstore, I tried my best to figure out exactly what I was going to say to Emma when I called her.
I knew already that I was going to call her at three. Three because she had a long night and deserved to sleep in till noon, also three gave her enough time to get ready if I asked her anywhere.
Was I going to ask her on a date? It seemed like the right thing to do if I was already going to call her. Yes of course I would ask her on a date. The last thing I need is to stumble over a conversation and then hang up at the wrong time without even asking her if she wanted to date me at all.
Date, where do normal people go on their first date?
This question wandered into my mind when I pulled up to the Cullen house. Maybe the men would have something to say about my predicament.
Emmett: "My first date with Rosalie involved a bear attack and three days of agony while I morphed into a vampire."
Jasper: "I just walked into a random diner."
Jacob: "It was horrible, the chick brought some other guy with her, and he decided to barf all over the place while I sat through a lame zombie flick."
Carlisle: "I don't think I've ever had a real date"
Seth: "This really isn't helping me!"
Nothing was working. Not one man or woman or magazine was going to help me with this phone call or date!
I stomped up the stairs and slammed the door to my room.
Hours of mind babbling later, I got up the guts to pull the phone out of my pocket and call the most beautiful girl in the world.
That is until the phone rang…
That could only be two people calling me at this number, my Mom or Seth the werewolf.
Since I was currently staring at my Mom sleeping on the sofa there really could only be one person calling me.
That meant that everything I convinced myself was a dream ten minutes ago wasn't a dream, and the beautiful shape shifting boy from the creek was real and calling me.
My heart was pumping so hard I felt like vomiting. How was I so fine with the wolf thing last night and now I'm having a heart attack.
The phone was coming close to the fourth ring and that was the last ring. I quickly ran into my room and picked up the phone.
"Hello." I said trembling so hard I barely hold the phone up to my ear.
"Hey it's me Seth." He said, and my heart proceeded to beat out of my chest.
"Oh hey!" I said a little too enthusiastic. But, maybe I was enthusiastic about the call, and I'd mistaken enthusiasm for fear.
"Hey!" He nearly shouted just as enthused as me. But seriously how many greetings was this awkward phone call going to have.
"Umm…" he transitioned into the next question so smoothly that I didn't expect it. "Would you like to go to a…" he paused what seemed like the longest pause ever to exist in a phone call only to say "Where would you like to go?"
Was he serious? No way is he going to hand this terribly hard decision over to me. I wouldn't know where to go on a first date! Wait, he never even said anything about a date. What was he even asking me?
"What…?" The confusion I felt easily slipped into my voice. Hopefully he knew what I was asking.
"Oh! Sorry…" Long pause. "I would like to take you out on a date." He made another long pause that was partly my fault because he was probably waiting for me to say something. "Would you like that?"
Would I? The logical part of me screamed NO! But the emotional part of me screamed YES! I have no friends here yet and it would be nice to know at least one person even if he was a wolf when he wanted to be, and he was really cute. I was smitten with him while we were in the car, and I practically melted whenever he smiled, which he always did.
"Yeah" I said. The decision was final.
"Where would you like to go?" He asked again. I didn't want to answer the question.
"Well, I'm new here and I really don't know where to go." Ha! Now he has to figure it out.
"Oh okay right sorry. How about a movie? Or dinner? Dinner and a movie?"
"That last one sounds great."
"Great! I'll pick you up at…" His long pauses were growing on me. They were actually kind of cute.
"How about five?" I decided to help him out little bit.
"That's great really great. I'll see you then, then."
"Okay bye." It was done, I was going on a date with a werewolf.
Hey guys it's the author. I'm terribly sorry it took me so long to update. I have an excuse though. My computer's hard drive crashed, so I had to buy a new one before I could start writing again.
I'll try not to have big gaps between updates anymore.
Hope you like this chapter, the story starts getting a real plot in the next one so stick with me please!
Would you date somebody like Seth or Emma?