A/N: Yes, we take a break from the sea of crappy Mary-Sues that has become the LotR section at with a poem for Boromir. Why? I like the man. Yes, I like him, I empathize with him, and I think people should cut him some slack.

(dedicated to Blynk, who knows why)

Cry for your honor, cry for your word
Fight for your city, a prophecy heard
Care for the little ones, whisper to the sky
"Pray halt the chaos I see with mine eye"
Seek for a sword, long lost it has been
Follow the words you heard in your dream
Cry out for pity, for mercy, for pain
Turn around and face the weary road again
Speak of the darkness, speak of the light
The tower that stands strong is purest of white
Whisper to the man who is heir to a king
Long disappeared so the harpers do sing
Die for your heart, proud, brave, fair and true
A warrior's death was not nearly enough for you
Seven thousand years later in a world godforsaken
Tears fall freely as lost angels do waken
And from the weary earth, a song wakens there
"We cry for you, Boromir, the bold and the fair."