Prom Night

Chapter 10

Gabriella's head was pounding when she finally opened her eyes. She took in the sound of beeping and the white walls surrounding her, groaning as she tried to move her body and the pain protested against her.

"No honey, don't move."

She coughed and turned to see her aunt from her Dad's side of the family sitting in a chair close to her bed. Another quick look around the room, told her she was lying in a hospital bed, wearing one of those ugly flower print gowns.

"Aunt Serena, what happened?" She mustered up the strength to ask.

Her aunt got up from the chair, coming over to press a button and adjust Gabriella's bed so she was sitting upright, before sitting next to her on the bed. "Sweetheart, you don't remember?"

Gabriella looked at her. "Well, not everything. I remember prom and going home and..Mom and Dad. Then the warehouse and Sharpay. And then the people that tried to help me and then I ended up in the woods and that's the last I know of. What happened? Are my parents okay?"

Serena looked down at her lap, a few tears falling from her eyes. "Gabriella, they…they didn't make it sweetie, I'm sorry."

She tried to stop the rapid fall of the tears from her eyes, but they kept spilling down her face regardless. Her aunt moved closer, pulling her into her arms, letting Gabriella cry on her shoulder. "I know, you don't want to hear this right now, but…Sharpay, Zeke, the people that tried to help…they didn't make it either."

"Olivia!" Gabriella remembered, looking at her aunt frantically.


"The little girl. The one that was with me in the woods. Is she okay?"

Serena nodded. "She's fine, they found some family members. Her grandparents on her mother's side. They lived out of state, but once they got the phone call, they came to get her. She's going back to Utah with them as soon as she's discharged. She suffered some minor injuries, but nothing serious."

"What about…" Gabriella trailed off biting her lip.

Serena ran her hands down the girls back, trying to calm her down. "It's all over for good now Gabriella. They shot him out in the woods when he stabbed you. He fell on you, applying pressure to the knife, making it go deeper into you, but it just missed an artery and your lungs. It's a miracle it did, because if it was 2 inches over, they said you wouldn't have survived."

Gabriella sighed, when a memory hit her. She had to know if he was okay. She opened her mouth to ask her aunt when the door to her hospital room opened and Troy's parents walked in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bolton? What are you..what happened? Is Troy okay?"

Lucille nodded, wiping her teary-eyed face. "He's fine Gabriella. He was still conscious when we got to him. We were all worried about you. They were convinced for the longest that you wouldn't make it."

"Where is he? Can I see him?"

"They've got him down the hall. He wanted to come see you, but they wouldn't let him because they're giving him another dose of pain medication and you weren't up yet." Jack informed her.

"I'm up," Gabriella protested, moving despite the pain shooting through her torso. "I want to see him. I need to…"

"Gabriella," Serena stopped her, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You can't get out of bed."

"I need you see him. You don't understand," she went to get up again but something stopped her.

"Gabi, don't," a hoarse voice spoke, making her sit back and stop struggling

The four turned to the door to see Troy walking in with the help of his IV stand that was still connected to his arm.


He smiled softly at her. "I'm okay Brie, I'm right here."

"Troy, I told you to stay where you were," his mother went to scold him, but her husband held her back.

"Troy," Gabriella whispered when he reached her, leaning against the bed for support. "I thought you were…"

He shook his head, pulling her to him. "I'm fine. I'm going to be sore for the next week or so, but I'm fine."

She hugged him tight, being cautious of the IV on his arm and pushed her head into the crook of his neck. She loved that even in a hospital that reeked of sick and old people, he stilled smelled like him. He had that wonderful scent that made him Troy.

She started crying as they held each other and he pulled away slightly, looking into her eyes. "Why are you crying baby, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

"I was just…so scared. He wouldn't stop. He tried so hard to get me and then he.." she stopped getting too choked up to finish, but she didn't have to.

"I know," he whispered, pulling her into his chest. "I know. And I'm so sorry I wasn't there. But I'm here now and I'm not going to leave you. It's over okay. He's never coming back for you. Never."

All she could do was nod into his shoulder as he rocked her. "I love you, Troy."

He kissed her forehead. "I love you too," he whispered. "Forever and always."

6 months. 6 months was how long she'd been trying to get back to her normal life. 6 months since the most terrifying night of her life. 6 months since she lost her parents and her closest high school friends. 6 months since her world was turned upside and then spun around. But now she was fine. Or so she thought.

Gabriella shot up in bed, in a cold sweat. She was breathing heavily glancing around the room as her eyes became alert in the darkness of her room. Sighing when she realized where she was, she put her head in her hands and curled up with her knees to her chest.

"You okay," Troy asked from his spot beside her. He was in town visiting, since after the incident, Gabriella knew it would be best to move on, so she went to Stanford while Troy attended Berkley and he came to visit her just about every weekend if he could.

She sighed, running her hands over her face and getting up out of her bed. Troy, who was still dressed in his clothes from the day, got up after her. "Brie, talk to me."

She shook her head. "I keep having nightmares from that night, the night he stabbed me. They won't go away. And every time I have them I wind up dying. Or they might go the other way around. You end up dying then and I can't take it anymore."

"Hey," he said softly. "You're fine. They're just dreams."

She sighed. "Well you remember what happened last time I started having dreams again."

He looked at her. "That's not going to happen, Gabs, he's dead okay. I don't know why you're having dreams again, but you have to trust me on this."

She nodded, letting him guide her back to the bed. "I trust you, I'm just freaked out."

Troy lay down on her bed, positioning himself sideways so there was enough room for both of them as she lay next to him and curled up at his side.

The two tried to get back to sleep, but 15 minutes later, Gabriella found herself staring at the ceiling. "Troy?"

"Hmm," he replied, his eyes closed with his arm resting over them.

"You up?"

"I am now, why?"

"I can't sleep," she said, rolling over to face him.

He pulled his arm away and looked at her. "Still thinking about the dream?"

She shook her head, smiling. "No."

Troy scrunched up his eyebrows. "What's wrong."

She shrugged. "I just can't sleep. Can we talk until I fall asleep?"

Troy picked up his phone on her nightstand, seeing that it was a little past 4 in the morning. "Sure, what do you wanna talk about."

"I have no idea, I just…"

"I love you." Troy interrupted her.

She giggled, looking at him. "I love you, too. What was that about?"

Troy shrugged, staring at her. "I don't know."

She noticed he would take his eyes off her and she became worried. "What? Is there something on my face?"

He laughed, taking her hand. "No, there's nothing your face."

She at him strangely. "Then why were you staring at me?"

He chuckled. "I can't stare at my beautiful girlfriend?"

She rolled her eyes. "You can, but I was just wondering if there was a reason."

He smiled. "No reason, you're just all mine."

She smiled softly, looking into his eyes lovingly and seeing the love staring back at her. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."

"You? Brie, you're amazing…"

"Troy, no. I'm far from it…"

"If this is the part where you blame yourself for Nodal, stop right there. You're perfect. Everything I could ever ask for is sitting right here in front of me and she's all mine."

"You think I'm perfect? 'Cause I'm in no way perfect."

"To me you are. You're my perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more."

She smiled, kissing him gently. "You're sweet."

He shook his head, kissing her back and trailing down to her neck. "No I'm not, I'm in love."

"I am too, trust me. You're my perfect too. You're always there for me and you do simple sweet things like this. You tell me things that make me so happy and you think so highly of me when I don't."

"Because I love everything about you. Everything you say, everything you's just perfect. You're perfect in every way."

"See! The things you say make me fall even more in love with you each day."

Troy brought his hand up to her cheek. "Marry Me?"

Gabriella's eyes went wide as she sat up. "What?"

Troy swallowed, sitting up too. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

She looked at him. "You…want to marry me?"

"Uh..yeah," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck.


"No, no. I…I want to spend the rest of my life with you Brie, there's no doubt about that. I'm always going to want to be with you. So whether we get married now or in 5 years or 10, I'll be happy. I want you to be mine and only mine. I want to be able to flaunt you and show everyone that you belong to me. I want you to have my last name. I just want you. You and only you. I dream of the day that you become Gabriella Bolton, and I just…I guess this is my way of proposing, but I don't have a ring," he smiled nervously. "And I don't exactly want to propose to you at 4 in the morning in your dorm room."

Gabriella wiped her eyes, smiling at him. "Troy, you just..completely rambled on and on and I thought it as adorable. And I want you to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you too. And I can't wait till the day that you make me Gabriella Bolton. So…for that day that you actually do ask answer is yes."

Troy grabbed her face, pressing their lips together as she giggled as his eagerness. "I love you, so much."

She smiled, kissing him back. "I love you too, Troy. And you know what, I think I'm ready."

"Ready? Like ready, ready?" He asked and she laughed, nodding.

"Yeah, for real this time. I'm yours."

He smiled, pushing her back gently and hovering over her. "Say it again."

"I'm yours, forever."

And with that they gave themselves to each other. Overcoming tragedy and heartbreak and fear was Troyella. They were happy now and maybe things weren't completely back to normal. Yes, they were still trying to forget about the unfortunate events, but they had each other. And together they could do anything.

A/N: it's over =( yeah so it was a short story, but I'm really proud of it, especially the ending. And the song I'm Yours by Jason Mraz really helped me end this because for some reason, after all Troyella had been through, the song described how I wanted to write them out in this chapter =). Anyway, new story will be out within the next few hours, or days. I haven't made up my mind.

I want to thank all my reviewers, so here's a list of all that reviewed my story (even the anonymous ones).

Those who reviewed:


freaky werewolf vampire girl







Those who reviewed more than once:








Anonymous Reviewers:

toni yeats



And a special thanks to my favorite reviewer. I know people shouldn't pick favorites but Kro22 has reviewed on every single chapter of this story. A girl couldn't pick a better reviewer. So thanks to her and thanks to all of you guys you really were amazing. I probably won't ever type out user names in my chapter again but i will thank u guys in general. I only did this because out of all my stories, this one was the shortest (besides oneshots) and had the fewest reviewers (36 when i did this) and the reviews kept me motivated. So thanks again guys and keep on the lookout for a new story.
