Sam: Why?

I've had this on my mind for awhile. So has another story.

Sam: *sighs* Whatever.

Joker: You seem happy.


I sighed through my nose. I glanced around the city, shifting my duffel bag slightly. I finally made it to Gotham and I already hated it. I asked people around the city where Wayne Manor is. They pointed to it and I didn't say anything, but kepted walking. I finally made to the Manor. I pushed the button that was outside and I heard a, "May I help you?"

"Yeah. Is Bruce there? This is his cousin." I said.

The gates opened and I walked through them, heading up the manor. Once I reached the door, I knocked on it and it opened. There stood Bruce. He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. I tensed slightly. I had a problem with people touching me. He realized me and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"My mother kicked me out." I said, emphasizing 'mother', showing my hatred towards her.

He didn't say anything, but moved to the side, letting me in. He looked me up and down and he finally said, "You're different."

I raised my eyebrows. I guess the last time he saw me was when I was a preppy girl, full of life. That was a lie though. I now dress in all black with red. I wore black baggie pants with a lot of chains and a dark red shirt the said, 'Wanna fuck with me? I'll fuck you up' and a lot of black eyeliner. My lips were painted a dark blood red with a piercing on the right. I also had a belly piercing, four piercings on each ear, nipple piercings, and a tattoo covering my left side. My hair was black with permanent red streaks and my hair was short, my bangs were as long as my hair which left a small opening for my left eye to peer out and covering my right eye slightly. I have dark smoky-blue-grey eyes which when I'm mad or pissed off, they turned icy blue or when I'm sad or upset, my eyes turn even darker and other then that, my eyes remained normal. I sighed through my nose and asked, "Where's my room?"

"Oh yes!" He said, snapping out of his gaze, "Follow me."

I followed him to my room. He opened the door and I took a step inside. I looked around. The walls were covered in a dark blue which is fine for me and the rest of the room was covered in black or red. I put my duffel bag down and said, "Thanks Bruce."

He smiled at me and said, "No problem Sam." and he left. I closed the door and sat down on my bed. It's the same as I left it. I laid back with a soft thump and a sigh. I opened my eyes and gazed at the ceiling. I wonder what Brucey is doing tonight ANYway. I rolled off the bed and walked out, running into the butler, Alfred.

"Oh! I'm sorry." I said.

The one thing I hate doing is running or hurting old people. He smiled at me and said, "It's quite alright."

He was about to leave when I asked, "Does Bruce have a party tonight?"

He looked at me and said, "Yes ma'am. He does. Are you going to attend?"

I bite my lip, playing with my piercing and then slowly nodded. He smiled slightly and said, "Then I will tell Mr. Wayne." then he was gone.

I entered my room, pulling out my clothes and putting them away. I pulled out a short dark blue dress. It was strapless and it went to my mid-thigh. I was fairly tall for my height. I'm at least 5"7 feet tall, so the dress was slightly small on me. I changed out of my clothes and put on the dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and I gasped slightly. It was shorter then before. The dress now came to my thighs, slightly 3 inches higher then my mid-thigh. I could see my underwear through it. Damn. I hicked up the dress and pulled off my bikini underwear and put on a black thong. I only wore these when I needed to. I pulled the dress back down and I gazed at myself at the mirror once more. I couldn't see my underwear now. I went into the bathroom and washed off all the eyeliner from my face. I reapplied it lightly, much to my distaste. I put on some black heels that were easy to walk around in and for me to run. Not those skinny heels of deaths. I pulled my hair into a small bun, with a few pieces sticking out and I pinned my bangs back slightly, so that they were out of my face. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs only to see Bruce kiss some random girl. She was a red head with baby blue eyes. I rolled my eyes and coughed slightly. Bruce turned to me and looked at me in shock.

"You look stunning Sam." he said.

I smiled. I had left my piercings in. No way in hell I'm taking them off. I'll rip off who ever tells me to take them out head. I followed Bruce and whatever her name was into the limo.


I sipped on my drink, not amused with all the single ugly ass males hitting on. I was getting pissed off because some old people were hitting on me too. I growled slightly and I walked away and onto the balcony. I took in a breath of air and I sighed through my nose. This sucks. Why did I ever come? Oh yeah...Because I wanted to hang out with Bruce, but he had disappeared somewhere. I stretched, my joints cracking and I turned the heel, walking back into the party.

Joker's POV

Bruce Wayne is having a party. Of course I attended. I stifled a giggle as I looked around the room. Of course I'm in disguise. I was dressed in a tux and all the paint was washed off and I wore some cream to hide my scars. My eyes flickered around, trying to locate good old Brucey, but my gaze landed on some girl that I've never seen before. She wore a strapless dark blue dress that was alittle too small for her hips, red painted lips with a piercing and her hair was pulled up into a small bun with some hair sticking out of it and her bangs were pushed back. I could also see her piercings on her ears. She was gorgeous. She looked bored. Her eyes were flickering around. Who was she looking for? I shook my head. Why the hell should I care? I'm the Joker for fuck's sake! I saw a red head walk up to her and started talking to her. I saw anger slowly enter her face and her eyes were turning a lighter shade of her normal color eyes. She screamed and attacked the girl, tearing at her face and throat.

"YOU BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!" the gorgeous female screamed.

The red head gasped for breath and the stronger female was choking her. Then I saw Brucey run up to her and pulled her off, but clearly she wasn't letting go of the girls' throat anytime soon. Some other guy helped Brucey pulled her hands off the throat and she was screaming in fury, kicking and squirming with all her might. I caught a glimpse of her thong. I felt my pants tightening.

*Ah fuck.* I thought, groaning at the image of those creamy soft-looking legs wrapped around my waist and I'm pounding my 8-inch dick into her hot, tight, wet pussy. I licked my lips and sucked on my scars slightly. I saw Brucey take her out onto the balcony. I walked over, leaning against it, the door to it opened slightly so I could hear.

"Samantha. What the hell do you think you were doing?" He asked.

"That bitch deserved it! She was telling me shit that I didn't need to know and then she goes and criticizes me! I almost killed that bitch!" she growled out.

Samantha huh? I grinned ever so slightly and continued to listen. I heard him sigh and he said, "Sam. I appreciate what you're doing, but this is my life."

I heard her scoff and she said, "Then I'm sorry for ever butting in your life cousin."

So he's her cousin huh? I grinned even more and moved away from the balcony when they walked back in. I gazed after her. Such a gorgeous creature. I saw her go to the mike where the band was playing at. She said something to them and they said something back, but it made her grin. She said something back and walked off the stage, looking around. She caught my gaze with her eyes and locked her eyes with mine. She tilted her head slightly and walked back to the band area. I saw Brucey head to the front of the stage and stared at her, trying to ask what she's doing. I made my way towards the front also. She merely grinned evilly and snapped her fingers and the band started up. She opened her mouth and the words poured out.

"Hi, my name is -
You won't remember; wait till December.
'Cause you thought that I was pure as snow.
Guess you didn't know.
Hold tight, surprise, open your eyes its springtime.
Flowers blossoming - I am one of them - bet you like how Ive grown."

She looked at Brucey, smirking. Then her gaze flickered over to me when the next course came.

"'Cause now I'm that bitch
You'll never get to - uh."
She touched her breast, making them circle at the '-uh'.
"Can't get what you want, so you're acting like a punk.
You were too fly then, so fly away now.
Now I'm that bitch, and you're just a clown."

She looked over the sea of the crowd.

"Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch, and you're just a clown.
Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch; yeah look at me now."

Her gaze shifted back to Brucey.

"Why should I even remember back when you blanked me, to put it frankly?
But now I'm back; I'm not attracted, and you're not getting none.
'Cause I'm not for the taking. I'm not a bender, 'return to sender.'
I laugh at you even asking to - to get with me tonight."

Her gaze flickered back to me. Why is she looking at me? Did she know? I shook my head. There was no why she could know.

"'Cause now I'm that bitch
You'll never get to - uh."

Touching her breast once more, making them move in a circle at the '-uh'.
"Cant get what you want, so you're acting like a punk.
You were too fly then, so fly away now.
Now I'm that bitch. and you're just a clown."

Her eyes were looking out at the sea of people again.

"Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch, and you're just a clown.
Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch; yeah look at me now."

She looked at me. She seemed intrigued by me.

"You passed me by, never looked twice.
Now I'm the chick you wanna be with.
Isn't it so funny now, I'm the one to shut you down."

She looked at the women of the crowd, smirking.
"Don't worry girls, if he didn't notice you,
Soon he'll be begging to."

She looked at me once again. I couldn't help, but smirk at her.

"'Cause now I'm that bitch
You'll never get to - uh."

She made her breast move in a circle once more again at the '-uh'.
"Can't get what you want, so you're acting like a punk.
You were too fly then, so fly away now.
Now I'm that bitch, and you're just a clown.
Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch, and you're just a clown.
Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch.
Now I'm that bitch; yeah look at me now

The band faded and everyone was silent for a moment. I started clapping. Her voice was beautiful. I wanted it more. Soon, everyone was clapping. She smirked and got off the stage. I licked my scars and my eyes followed her movements. She walked out of the door with Brucey boy following her out. I chuckled darkly and I grinned evilly. This is too per-fect.

Oh. my. gawd. Done with the first chappie! YAYNESS!

Sam: *rolls eyes*

Joker: *raises an eyebrow*

Review or I'll have to kill the Joker! *laughs evilly*

Joker: O.o

Sam: WTF?! *slaps me*


Sam: And the song is Now I'm that bitch by Livvi Franc in case if any of you were wondering. She does not own the song.