(A/N) Guys this is my first fan fiction ever so try to be nice (please!!!) unless it really sucks then tell me so I don't have to waist anymore time on it. So in this one everyone is human but Edward dumps Bella during their senior year and she still has to live with seeing him every day. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I am not Stephenie Meyer, I do not own Twilight…bummer

"Why?" I asked him. At that moment I didn't care that we were right outside Forks High School in the senior parking lot with all of our classmates, and even a few curious teachers, watching us. I didn't care that it had started to rain and that my jacket was still in his car where I had left it this morning when he came to pick me up. I didn't notice the raindrops splattering onto my face, nixing with the salty water from my tears. I couldn't taste them falling into my partially open mouth. I only cared about the answer to the vital question that still lingered in the air that separated us.

I stared at his mouth waiting for the words to tumble out. To apologize, to say he never meant it, that we could be together always, that it was just some stupid dare. Anything. I wouldn't be able to live if he said what I feared the most, that he was really leaving me. But then, as if fate wished to punish me for my hopeful thought, he did something much worse. He turned around, ignoring my question, and open the door to his stupid black Volvo and sat down in the driver's seat. Then he closed the door and turned on the engine. Without any response to my whispered question, he drove out of the parking lot and on the rain soaked road. He didn't look back.

I stumbled forward. He had driven me to school today, how was I supposed to get home. But then I saw my rusted silver Toyota in the parking space next to where he had just been parked. I was confused. How had that gotten there? I got in the car and saw that a note and had been taped to the steering wheel.

Sorry Bella

Edward told me that you two were splitting up

I'll miss spending time with you


So Edw- I flinched at his name, had told his older brother Emmett that he was dumping me before he had even told me. He must have asked Emmett to drop the car off at school. I cursed myself for giving Edw- him my extra car key last week. And there the key was, waiting for me in the ignition. I suddenly missed Emmett. He was tough on the outside, with his bulging muscles and many tattoos, but in reality he was a big softy. I felt a pull in my stomach. I had not only lost Edward but I had lost his family as well.

People were still staring at me, so I decided to drive home. I turned on my windshield wipers so I could see the road. I was surprised when I found that my vision was still impaired. I realized that they were my tears, still flowing from my eyes. I impatiently wiped my eyes and started the car.

When I was halfway home I realized that I was freezing. I didn't have a jacket on and the time I spent out in the rain had soaked my clothes. I turned up the heat and as I was doing so I saw my jacket there, lying perfectly folded on the seat next to me.

The tears flowed faster then ever and I started shaking. I needed to gat home fast before I really started breaking down and crashed the car into a tree. Although, I noted to my self, that might not be so bad.

(A/N) PLEASE REVIEW SO I KNOW IF I SHOULD WRITE MORE. THE MORE REVIEWS THE FASTER I'LL WRITE MORE(IF IT'S ANY GOOD REMEMBER THIS IS MY FIRST FAN FIC!!!) Review review review!!! I know this one is short but if you like it I will write long ones!!!