Hey everyone! This is my first fanfic ever, even though I have been reading them a lot since…forever…

Yup, so disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

And so read and review and tell me what you like! And if you don't like it, hold your peace.


"Sakura, honey! The Uchihas are coming over for a business dinner! Be nice, ok?" A kind, loving face of a petite woman stepped in front of the mirror to critique her formal gown for the night.

"Ok, mommy." A 7 year-old pink-haired girl stared at her mother.

Even before I knew my mothers name, I swear I knew the Uchihas.

"Are you girls ready?" A man close to the age of the other adult in the room entered wearing a formal suit in order to please the new guests.

"Daddy! I don't want to wear this!" Sakura motioned to the itchy, uncomfortable, and what she had deemed unnecessary, attire. The young girl adorned a simple white dress for the occasion.

"Listen to Daddy, Sakura. This is a big deal mommy and I can't afford to miss. We get the chance to make Haruno Corps. and Uchiha Corps. work together in order to make a more profitable business."

"What's proffle?"

"Profitable, sweetie." The young girls face contorted into one of utter confusion. "Doesn't matter anyway. Now they are bringing over their sons. I want you to be nice ok?"


My mother and father are C.E.O.s of some big company somewhere. Apparently, that's why I am forced into knowing the evil brothers.

"Good evening! This our modest household, I hope you will enjoy dinner. This is Sakura my daughter." A mature, yet stoic man nodded is head to demonstrate he had listened. His wife, smiled brightly and responded quickly and energetically.

"Thank you! It is so nice to have dinner with you tonight. This is Fugaku, my husband, my eldest son, Itachi, the youngest Sasuke, and I'm Mikoto." She ended with a amiable smile. "Why don't we let the kids play a bit while we discuss business…?"

Fugaku's stern voice interrupted her, "Itachi. Come as well. You will have to learn about it eventually." Mikoto look saddened by the prospect, but complied nonetheless.

The very moment, NO THE VERY SECOND, I saw that chicken-ass haired freak, I despised him.

Sakura looked at Sasuke shyly and immediately blushed. 'He's really cute.' Sakura smiled at the boy.

"Wanna make card houses?"

"Tch. No." Sakura's face fell, but was immediately brightened.

"How about Monopoly?"

"No. I hate that game." Sakura frowned again. Her family played this all the time because it was a good way for her to "learn-how-to-create-your-own-foundation-using-real-estate". Whatever that means. Sakura thought carefully one more time.

"What about Jenga?" Sasuke was about to reply when she quickly ushered, "It's a game that tests physical and mental capabilities! You know you want to play it!" Sakura began setting up the game before he could have replied with anything.


A few moments later the toddlers seemed to have gotten extremely into the game of jenga.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT ONE!" Sasuke began tugging at a piece that, from Sakura's point of view, would destroy the entire wood block tower.

"Ugh." Sasuke continued to poke the wooden stick.

"WHAT ARE DOING! DONT TOUCH IT! TRUST ME! DON'T DO IT!" Sakura looked at him with eyes wide with terror as he continued to pull the wooden stick out from underneath the tower.

"I know what I'm doing." Sasuke responded smoothly, even though his tiny chubby face was bunched up in concentration.

The tower began to sway dangerously back and forth. In a last ditch effort, Sakura called out once more only to be ignored.

From that one time, I knew that I, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha could never EVER be on good terms.

The wooden pile toppled over. Breaking Sakura's heart, and insulting Sasuke Uchiha's pride.

"…you broke it…"

"If you hadn't been screaming it wouldn't have toppled over!" Sakura's sad expression changed into one of anger.

"If you listened it would have been fine!" Sasuke and Sakura glared at each other.

"Tch. You're annoying." Sakura became livid.

"TAKE THAT BACK YOU STUPID CHICKEN BUTT!" Sasuke in turn became extremely insulted.

"WHY DON'T YOU MAKE ME?!" Sakura and Sasuke became engaged in a fist fight very quickly.

Sigh, he never really brought out the best in me. I don't trust him, he doesn't trust me, and so we don't trust each other. I don't really respect him, He doesn't really respect me, and etc. etc.

Itachi entered the room to see the two children throwing wooden pieces at each other behind make-shift forts. Unfortunately, Itachi had been forced to separate the two before any of the adults found out for the sake of the business deal.

Yup, in that game of Jenga. I KNEW that I and Sasuke Uchiha should never be put in the same room alone again.

FORTUNATELY, I moved to Suna after the meeting as part of the business deal. I met tonsss of awesome people.

UNFORTUNATELY, I'm moving back to Konoha, the same town where Sasuke lives.

UN-UNFORTUNATELY, I'm moving to the house across the street of the Uchihas.

AND THE WORST PART, I'm going to high school and I'll be the new girl who doesn't know anybody.