Chapter Five: Telling
"Mare, will you marry me?" I looked down at him, tears in my eyes. Was he crazy, had he gone nuts?, we were still young. But then I remember he was my soulmate we would be together forever. "I know I have barley seen you but I want to change that"
Then I noticed he was holding up a ring.
He still looked hopefully at me.
I saw the love in his eyes, the kindness, and the change. He loved me and was willing to do anything for me.
"Yes" I nodded. "I love you" I said.
Truth be told I never heard Ash tell me that until "I love you Mare"
He got up put the ring on me, then he kissed me and held me tightly. "I love you too Ash"
We just stood there kissed for over twenty minutes.
Then he kept me close to him as we walk back inside, then I stop in my tracks. "How am I going to tell my parents?"
Ash laughed "That's your problem" That made me mad, no it was not my problem it was our problem.
"No, you asked me to marry you, which means we have to tell Mark and my parents" I say seriously.
Ash looks at me "Mare I am not good with the parents"
Again I glare at him "Then why the hell did you just ask me to marry you"
I just walked away from him. He was still the same old Ash. I walked into the large living room where Poppy and Rashel were sitting and talking.
"Hi Mary-Lynnette" Rashel smiled at me.
I smiled "Hi" I sat down across from them.
Poppy looked at me "I heard some yelling everything ok?"
"No" I replied "Well, he asked me to marry him"
Poppy and Rashel smiled brightly "Oh that's….."
"Great yeah I know, but he is acting like the same old Ash he was before"
They both sighed "This is all new to him" They both replied.
"Still he will not even talk to my parents and tell them"
"Maybe he is afraid" Poppy replied.
I threw my hands in the air "What is there to be afraid of?" I asked.
"A lot, Mare he asked you to marry him that is big, he does not want your parents to change how you feel about him, or even let Mark change how you feel about him" Poppy said to me. "At first my brother hated James, and I think still does, but James was not afraid to tell him"
"I don't know anymore" I replied.
Then Mark walked into the room "Hey how's it going?"
"Ah" I yelled.
Mark smiled "Is this about Ash if so I don't want to heat about it"
I sighed loudly.
"He already said you were engaged"
I looked up at Mark with a look on my face "He told you?" I asked.
He nodded "I am happy for you"
"You are?"
He nodded "Yeah"
I got up and walked up stairs "Ash" I yelled.
I felt an arm slip around my waist and kissed my neck "Yes"
"You told Mark?" I asked.
He kissed my ear "Yes, is that not what you wanted?"
I turned around to look at him "I am happy you told him but when we tell my parents can we please do it together?"
He nodded "Of course we can" He moved the hair out of my face "I am sorry for how I acted, please tell me you know I am not the old Ash, I am different now"
I put my hand on his cheek "Ash I know you changed" I leaned in and kissed him lightly.
"I love you" He said.
I nodded "I love you too Ash"
Then we heard a scream "I don't believe you did not tell me" I knew the voice, Jade.
We moved apart and looked at Ash's sister "Tell you what Jade?" he asked.
"You two are getting married" She smiled happily.
We both nodded.
Sorry I have not updated in a really long time, I am sorry about that. Thank you to everyone who is adding this story and reviewing. I am not really sure what will come next. ANY IDEA'S!?!?!