Lin625, I owe you big time for the proposal suggestion. I personally loved it, and I think I'm not the only one. So thank you! Also, I am seriously thinking about doing a sequel, and everyone's encouragement is only making me want to do it more. I don't want to just write one to be writing one, so I'll need to determine if I have enough potential in the sequel before just starting out. With this story, I just started out and only knew that she would have nightmares that would eventually lead her back to him. So other than that, I was just going with whatever the characters said and did through my fingers. It was new and different, but a cool experience still. If I do another, I'd like to have some idea of where the train is going before it leaves the station. My inner evil twin is whispering though, that the best fun is to be had when one is serendipitous. Ugh. I'll figure it out. I'm wrapping this one up soon, and if I do the sequel it will leave off exactly where this one will. Thank you to everyone who kept telling me nothing but nice things. I'm glad for those who've enjoyed it, and for those who decide this isn't their cup of tea, that's okay too. With that said, here's the next chapter.

P.S. See the bottom of the page if you'd like the lyrics to the song. Oh, and a big thank you to Charlaine Harris for creating these characters and not coming after us here at fanfiction for playing with them.

Chapter Forty Eight

By the time we are pulling in to Fangtasia it is past close. My eyes are getting a bit heavy, but there's no way I could sleep right now even if I wanted to. And I didn't. My whole life was changing, and it was pretty exciting. We climb out and walk through the empty parking lot to the the back door. Eric held the door open and we walked hand in hand down the dark quiet hall. His office light was on, its glow lighting the hall. I could hear some sounds of things being moved around. Eric put his finger to his lips and grinned a wicked grin. He let my hand go, and flew around the corner yelling very loudly something I couldn't understand. I stayed out in the hall and heard a stream of obscenities that made me blush and stifle a laugh. There was no way I was laughing outloud.

Whap. My eyes went to the floor in the hall, and took in the book laying against the wall, pages spread out everywhere in defeat. Bam. What the heck? Scraping and scuffling. I heard Pam laughing. Laughing? Suddenly it sounded like something heavy was crashing and I had to look. I peeked around the corner and my eyes widened.

Everywhere I looked there was a mess. There were papers everywhere and books laying on the floor. The loud noise was the bookshelf behind his desk coming down. It was laying over his desk, and Eric was on top of Pam, her long honey blond hair all I could see of her face. He had her in a mean looking headlock, but she was putting up a good fight. I stood motionless, taking in the crazy sight.

Eric suddenly let out a pained groan and let go for a moment. She capitalized on her aim and tackled him. They both went flying backwards and crashed into the couch.

"Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?" I hollered, unsure if he had ticked her off or if they were um, playing? They didn't answer, so I just stood there and took it in. They scuffled and wrestled around for a bit longer until Eric finally grabbed Pam and threw her over his shoulder. He started towards me, his hair messed up and shirt ripped. I stumbled backwards out into the hall, letting him pass. She was just letting him do what he was going to do, her arms hanging down his back.

Smack! If it had been anyone else at all, I would have felt envious right now. She got a good smack on my favorite part of him, his very nice ass. He carried her over to the throne and threw her down into it. She fell unceremoniously into it with a clumsy crash, legs sprawled and hair desheveled. I have only seen Pam with messy hair once. I mean, once. Even when she fought she tended to look like she wasn't even trying.

He laughed a loud hearty laugh and stood back, waiting for her to come up out of that throne. Eric's throne, or, his old throne, I guess. She sat there, deciding against anymore rumbling. I guess she knew what I knew: she was good but not that good.

"Asspirate" she scowled at him, the slightest smile twitching at her lips. I busted out laughing at the sight of her. I would have given my right arm for a camera right then. This was just the oddest thing I'd ever witnessed between the two of them, and I'd seen some things.

"Biotch" he smirked at her. She sneered back and sat in the chair like she owned it. "It's all yours" he said and walked back to the office laughing.

"What the hell?" I asked Pam, wondering what that was all about.

"We were just playing. You could have played too, but you can be broken too easily." She smiled apologetically, stood, and started walking back to the office as well. "Come on, join the party" she called over her shoulder as I swear I saw her skipping. I felt like I was officially hallucinating now.

I walked behind her, not sure what was going on. I heard her ask him what she had been looking for when we had arrived as I got to the doorway.

"I have looked all over this office, and I cannot find the fucking passports to save my fine ass. I hope you are just fucking with me." She stood, hands on her hips, not a rip or tear on her clothes. He had went easy on her. Eric's shirt couldn't say the same.

"Of course I have them. I asked you to put them in my bag earlier." He walked over and pulled out an envelope and waved it at her. Her face went from questioning to pissed.

"Bullshit, you didn't ask me to put them in there!" He laughed and she tore off after him as he flew out the office door. "You fucking lying sack of shit, you put it in there!" She chased him around the tables and over the bar. She was pretty damn graceful to watch. They disappeared out the front door, busting the doors open as they went. I was just going to sit my butt down at a table until they finished playing so I could find out some relevant stuff, like where the hell we're going tonight and when.

The both came back in, Pam giving his back an occasional, thud from her fist. I could hear it land from across the floor. "Bastard" she punched him again. He was loving every minute of it. He pulled up a chair and flopped down into it. She did the same, crossing her legs and her arms, glaring at him but smiling at the same time.

She looked at me to finally give me an update on what I was missing here. "When he picked up your ring earlier he made a point to tell me I'd better have our passports ready when you both returned. I looked and looked and wasted two hours looking for those fucking 'missing passports'."

"Eric, you're so bad!" I admonished him. He shrugged, looking not a bit repentant. "Wait, did you say 'our' passports? Are you coming with us?" I asked her hopefully.

"Hell yes, you two are too much fun. Besides, I can't stand the new asshole they're promoting to be Sheriff, so I'm coming with. Besides, Swedish women are very breathtaking. The change of scenery will suit me nicely."

Her fangs may have been down, but I jumped out of my chair and hugged her tight, ecstatic to hear that I would not be saying goodbye to her.

She patted my back and laughed. No hug, but hey, this was progress. I'd have her hugging like a bitch in no time!

"Alright, let's hit the road. We have a flight to catch." Pam, ever in charge of everything. Eric probably would be lost without her organizational skills.

"Wait, we have time. I want four minutes with her first" Eric looked at Pam. He leaned to her ear and she smiled and walked towards the door, grabbing their bags.

"Fine, I'll be outside waiting" she said. "No sex or I swear I'm joining in" she threatened as she disappeared out the door.

Eric walked over to the sound booth, holding his hand up for me to stay where I was. I admired the view as he did his thing, taking in the real estate. I would enjoy looking at that ass every day of my life. I would never tire of it.

I heard the most beautiful music coming through the speakers and knew instantly what it was. It was a classic, one my mother had loved. My ears pricked with tears, and I put my hand to my mouth, becoming overwhelmed at the sight of my beautiful mate walking towards me, with THAT look on his face. He took my hand and whipped me to him, smiling. I pressed myself to him as he grabbed my hand and wrapped his other around my waist. He moved gently and I melted to him, soaking in the love he was giving to me, relishing each minute.

I laid my head to his chest and let him hold me and move me, his chin resting on my head.

"At last, my love has come along. My lonely days are over.....and life is like a song.

Oh, yeah, at last.....the skies above are blue

My heart was wrapped up in clovers....the night I looked at you.

I found a dream that I could speak to.....a dream that I can call my own.

I found a thrill to rest my cheek to....a thrill that I have never known.

Oh, yeah when you smile, you smile.....oh, and then the spell was cast.

And here we are in heaven.......for you are last."

It was such a beautiful song. I had forgotten where we even where when the song came to an end. I opened my eyes and saw the familiar dark club, empty and quiet now.

I searched his eyes and our bond for any bittersweet pangs of letting this all go. There were none. On the contrary, there was love and lust, excitement and hope. He was ready. I was ready. I grabbed his hand and squeezed, and told him we'd better get out there before the rottweiler comes in after us. We walked hand in hand out of Fangtasia for the last time, and he did not look back.

Pam was waiting for us in her SUV. He opened the front door for me and I climbed in. He closed mine and hopped in himself. We sat there for only a second before Pam broke the silence.


"Let's get the fuck outta here."

"You don't have to tell me twice." She looked back at him and grinned, and then looked at my chest.

"Oh, sorry." She was waiting on me to buckle up. I clicked it into place, and she grinned back. Suddenly, I felt like I was about to wish I were in the back seat.

"Hit it" Eric said from the back seat, in a familiar mischievous voice. Shit. I knew that voice. I steeled myself as she hit a button and threw gravel as she hit the gas, sliding us sideways and out of the parking lot.

On the way to the airport, there were three crazys singing the 90's classic, "I Can't Drive 55" all the way to the tarmack. I have no idea who was loudest, but this was the best night of my life. I was about to get on a plane and go somewhere, I didn't know exactly where. But it was going to be good, and we were free. Having power and money doesn't mean anything without freedom. And we were taking ours and getting the hell outta dodge.

I leaned back in my very comfortable reclining chair, and looked out at the runway. It was still before dawn, so the lights were all I could see out my window. As the door closed, I realized the next time that door would open I would begin my whole new life. I knew good things were waiting. Eric leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"Pam, early to bed?" he asked, his fangs down.

"Fine, but you owe me" she mock complained, as she laid out in her coffin. He shut the lid, tapping the top of it. A sharp rap back was the only reply, and he turned back to me and laughed.

"Would you like to join the mile high club, lover? I'm a bit thirsty after all of the excitement tonight." He leaned over me, straddling me.

As I was about to answer, the thought suddenly occured to me about something that was missing. "Eric, there was a dress I mentioned, I..." he put his fingers to my lips.

"Already taken care of, lover. It will be sent to where we are going tomorrow night. I have taken care of it."

I took one look at his lips, those eyes, inches from me, grabbed his shirt and pulled him down on top of me. This was how we began our journey. I didn't know how it would end, but I knew how I wanted it to start.