Notes: And here are the outtakes! Sorry it took me so long. :( Also, the sequel is now up! It's called Burn You Down and picks up more or less where Anchored ended.
Outtake 1
The prompt for this piece was to literally describe a habit that the main character has.
Kitty Pride was out of reach of everyone and everything, no matter how close in proximity she happened to be to them at any given time. Normal obstacles like walls and people and furniture mattered didn't matter one bit to her. They weren't even a minor inconvenience. All the other students had to weave around the desks in the classrooms, open doors to get from one room to another and avoid running into their fellows in the corridors. Not Kitty, though. She was the exception to the rule, always.
This girl did not avoid obstacles; rather she simply passed straight through them. Her mutation gave her the ability to be intangible, untouchable - a ghostly presence amid a solid world. And that was how she liked it.
Kitty had lived with it so long that it was now largely an unconscious thing to utilize her power. If anything came near her as she walked through the mansion her mind would automatically will her body to be other, to lose its solidity, to make itself safe. The girl had to purpose to stay solid when moving throughout the school or its grounds.
Unlike the others, Kitty decided when someone touched her or when she took the long way around the sweeping shelves to her favorite section of the library. She consciously chose when to open the door instead of simply melting into its surface. Selecting normality, solidity, was a rare thing when she was among other people. Kitty didn't even notice how much she relied on her power. But John did.
Outtake 2
The prompt for this was to write a flashback that was less than 500 words and somewhere contained diapers.
John picked himself up off the floor, remembering the last time someone had got the best of him in such a way…
Blink was controlling the TV, as he usually did, and for some reason unknown to anyone but the strange mutant he was watching an infomercial about "New and Improved Super Diapers! - keep your baby diaper rash free forever!" John was minding his business when the Wolverine came in, mad as hell about something or other. He grabbed John up by the shoulders and shook him before hurling him forcefully to the ground.
"Keep. Out. Of. My Room," he growled before stalking off.
Outtake 3
The prompt was: "Everyone loves a good foreigner. Especially an aggressive foreigner. It's better when you don't understand him. Put your character in such a situation."
A knock on the door startled Kitty from her musings and Laura gave an almost unintelligible sigh of relief.
"Who is it?" Kitty cried.
"It's Peter."
Kitty bounced over to the doorway and opened it. "Hi, Peter!" she cheerfully exclaimed. "What's up?"
"I need you to come downstairs with me we have a…visitor…and no one can understand him. It seems he may be speaking Gaelic and you're the only one with any experience in that language."
"Well I'm far from fluent!"
"No one else knows anything about it but he sounds rather Scottish and he doesn't speak English so Gaelic is the only thing we can think of. You have the best language background of anyone here. We need your help, Kit."
She blushed a bit at that and nodded. "All right, let's go."
They made their way down to Storm's office where the woman sat, looking particularly flustered, with a wiry mutant with dark hair and bright red swirled patterns all over his skin.
She politely said hello and asked him if he spoke Gaelic. He then began to yammer at her loudly, waving his arms.
"Um…I caught a yes," she squeaked, looking at Storm.
"I'm sorry, could you slow down?" she asked again in halting Gaelic.
The man grew red in the face and began yelling so loud that Kitty phased for fear that he would become violent. He advanced on her, now gesticulating wildly and giving her deathly glares.
"I can't do this!" Kitty squeaked, phasing through the wall and leaving Peter and Storm to deal with the rampaging foreign mutant.
Outtake 4
The prompt for this one was a picture of a phone booth in the middle of a field.
Rogue burst into Kitty's room clutching a bright pink ballet flat to find Laura sitting on her bed staring at the wall.
"Oh! Hey, Laura, I'm just returning Kitty's shoe."
"Where is she?"
"She was in the library reading. She let me grab her shoe for the scavenger hunt earlier."
"Oh. I had a strange dream."
"A dream?" Rogue asked, a bit confused at this turn in the conversation.
"Yes. I was going to tell Kitty but she isn't here. I was in a brushy field with mountains and a few trees in the background. I was in a red telephone booth. Like the kind that you see in England. It was just sitting there in the field. And I kept trying to make a call but no one would answer me. And then I woke up to an empty room."
"Well that's strange and a bit startling," Rogue replied.
"Yes, it was," Laura said before pushing past Rogue and vanishing down the hall.
Outtake 5
Prompt: "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye."
Laura made her way downstairs toward the library but was stopped by a ruckus in the hallway. It appeared that some of the younger mutants were having a friendly fight and acting like cheerful idiots. Objects were flying everywhere and people were laughing and ducking and dodging.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye," she heard Storm mutter as she brushed by Laura in a hurry to stop the antics of the students.
"Unless you all want detention and to be confined to your rooms for the rest of the day you will stop this right now!" she said firmly. "We don't want anyone losing an eye now, do we?"
With a groan and a great clatter as various flying objects hit the floor the students ceased their disruptive and dangerous play
"Now, if you want to be rowdy go outside and do it!"
With that, they all trooped outdoors.