I don't own Naruto, nor does my brother. This is my first fanfic in a loooooong time. I enjoy critism. :)

Chapter One

Ai's point of view

"Ha! I kicked your butt!" My brother shouted in my face. I just looked at him.

"Yeah. And I care why?" I said, in an obvious bored tone. He had beaten me again in Naruto: Clash Of Ninja Revolution 2. Damn, my strategy didn't work. If you can call pressing random buttons a strategy, I guess. My brother liked waving it in my face.

"Wanna play again?" My brother asked.

"Um, not right now, bro." I stated, putting my controller away. "I think I'm gonna go for a walk. No need for a search and rescue this time, okay?"

"AWW. I like to do that, though!" he whined. His idea of a 'search and rescue' was to go on his bike, stalk me, and while making police car noises. It annoyed me to hell. I quickly grabbed my Ipod, ready to get out of the house ASAP, and away from the craziness of everything that was my household. I put my ear buds in, walked out the front door, feeling the sunshine on my face, and walked away from the funny farm.

This was the life.

Or so I thought.

Ronin's POV

Hehehe. Pudding is a funny word. Pudding.


Okay, no more......pudding. Hehehehe.

Oh, yeah, I still had a game going. I picked a new character to play Survival mode, and it just happened to be Naruto. My sis thought I was a lot like him. She was wrong. Believe it. I started laughing out loud as Orochimaru was my first opponent.

"Die Orochimaru!" I yelled at the screen. Then he threw a paper bomb at me. I just hated those little explosive papers of awesomeness. But, I beat him soon enough, and with a little smile, I went on to another character, and another, and another......

You get the point. Soon it was 3:45. Sis left at 3. She normally was back at 3:30. What the f happened to her?

Time for a search and rescue!. I didn't bother to turn off the T.V. or anything, I just ran out the door, got my helmet on, got on my bike and said the two famous noises of a search and rescue.


She's gonna hate me for this. But I don't care.

Ai's POV

I contemplated my surroundings, particularly if anyone was stalking me, A.K.A. my brother. My Ipod on full blast, I smiled lightly. I loved peace, quiet, and no family around to annoy the shit outta me.

Then, my karma came to get me. Or, as we'll call this nuisance, my brother.

"Weee-oooooooooo, Weee-ooooo." My brother shouted at me, and I turned around to see him waving.

Then I felt a breath behind me, I turned around.