Notes: I had another idea for a DW one-shot, so I've made 'Watching' a collection of one-shots instead. Expect spoilers for all episodes of Doctor Who, including the specials. Various pairings, little slash (i.e. no one except Captain Jack Harkness and friends). Most are probably gen and character-based.

Summary: She's burning.


She's burning. He can see it behind her eyes, that brilliant mind being seared by the knowledge she now carries, human biology failing to support the massive potential she holds.

And in her eyes he can see a reflection, a memory, of another woman burning. Not a woman, but a mother, the mother of a race, a protector, a nurturer. Like any rebellious son, he ran from her – but no, never from her, from her other children, the children that sought to keep him locked up and limited, never permitted to experience the universe growing rather than just watching.

In Donna's eyes, he can see Gallifrey burning. They become entwined, this brilliant human woman who loves him like family and that beautiful planet that loved her insubordinate son. He can hear the denials in two voices, begging him not to, and knowing he has to, to save them.

But where he destroyed Gallifrey to save the universe, he must destroy the new Donna Noble to save her.

That's why he does it, even when she begs him not to. Her voice cracks under the word "please…" but he cannot obey her in this. Not in this.

Where he could not save Gallifrey, he could save Donna Noble.