A/N Hey, ok so in response to the reviews I tried it. I have done the beginning of the lake scene from Naomi's perspective. I have found this really, really hard to write and so would really appreciate any feedback. I will work on the other chapters over the next day or so.
Warnings: there is swearing in this one, maybe once or twice.
Disclaimer: I own nothing in this Fic.
My strength faltered and I called her.
I think it was a knee jerk reaction at the sight of her name imprinted on my cheek, refusing to go away. It made me realise that despite all the crap that happened earlier and all the shit I gave out, she was still there.
We arrived at this forest with a small lake and it screamed of Emily; a place of serenity, somewhere to be alone. Being a twin I guess she has never been alone and so she would need to search for such a place. The thought feels alien in my head; I have pretty much always been alone. I like it this way; it leaves no one to hurt you and no one to let you down. I have never felt the need to seek someone, to have company. Well until today. No, I don't need her; I just wanted somewhere to go to take my mind off my house, that stupid teacher and her. Emily makes my head hurt, and I get a feeling in my chest like I can't breathe. I put it down to nerves, I mean I know she likes me and so obviously I just don't feel comfortable. I only called her cause her name was on my cheek, dammit.
Didn't I?
It the midst of my thoughts I notice her moving and she's pulling off her top. She wants to swim. I assert that I have not got a costume, to which she cheekily replies she doesn't either and that the sun is shining or something. Her confidence and smooth responses catch me off guard slightly. This isn't the quiet Emily Fitch who follows Katie around at collage. This is someone else, someone I haven't met before.
For these reasons the thought of being in my underwear here freaks me out a little. Naomi you have got yourself into an awkward spot here. You don't even want her to be here, do you? I try to dissuade her, "someone might be looking!"
"Honey, your body ain't that special" comes the smooth reply. I can hear the amusement in her voice and instead of freaking me out more it actually cheers me somewhat. I think I might like this fun, confident, cheeky Emily. Being around her is just what I needed. No, stop it. I mean, a swim might be ok, keep my mind off everything and I can always swim alone, away from her. I tell her not to look and turn to undress.
I turn back to find her eyes upon my body. Her face, it looks so open. No one has ever looked at me like that. Pure lust combined with something else, something a bit deeper. For a second I stop to wonder what it is she is thinking before I bring myself back to reality. I think I should be angry but instead I find myself breaking into a grin. I wrap my hands around my body before exclaiming "you were looking!"
Relief is evident on her face as she starts to protest that she wasn't. I use the opportunity to bicker slightly, easing the earlier tension (admittedly caused by me) and manage to push her in the lake. I jump in to join her. "Jesus it's cold!" It was very cold, way too cold to stay in for long. But I obviously couldn't let her think it was ok I saw her watching me so I made sure she got splashed a bit.
We exit the lake and shuffle further into the woods and make haste in drying ourselves. I hunt for sticks, I think a fire would be good and it also gives me something to do. Stop my mind from wandering and thinking about Emily. I don't understand the effect she is having on me. Deeper forces caused me to call her, ones that I'm not sure I am ready to confront. I just know I feel a sense of comfort around her, it's like I can relax and be myself. Not that I'm sure who that is sometimes.
I return to find she has set up a blanket and is rolling a splif, there is also a bottle of vodka. I smile, she is prepared. It doesn't take long before a small fire is crackling away nicely and I can sit back and rest on the blanket. My favourite old t-shirt and green jumper keeping the chill away as the afternoon fades to early evening.
I glance at her, her brow furrowed as she finishes her splif. Smiling to myself I ask her if she is alright. You can see her physically taken aback by the question; she stops briefly, glancing up at me before smirking and continuing to light the splif.
Not thinking too much I wave my hands in her face "hellooooo, you deaf or what?" She frowns as she takes her first drag, before turning to face me, her pale skin, brown eyes and perfect lips holding back a kind of smile. "Do you know that's the first time you have asked me anything?"
Yes I do know, I think to myself. I'm not supposed to be feeling lame right now but she is right. Jese, I can't handle some deep and meaningful confessions and apologies right about now. So I feign ignorance "What? Today?"
"Ever." The meaning and finality in that answer is not lost on me. I find myself wondering if that could be applied to all people. Who has asked Emily if she is alright recently? Who knows her outside of Katie's shadow? Do any of us know Emily? Torn between feeling ashamed but still not wanting to have a deep conversation causes me to continue my blasé responses. "Well, answer it then. You alright?"
It is my turn to feel relieved as she comes back with a cheeky, light mannered response: "No, I'm having the worst time of my life. The weather is shit, the company's even worse." I find myself smiling, mostly out of relief but also at the response itself. Emily has quite a dry sense of humour, like me. "Well then" is all I manage to reply before I have to drink some more vodka.
We sit in silence for a bit, looking at the fire, the trees. I make a bit of small talk about the forest as she stokes the fire a little more. When her hand returns I feel her cool fingers wrap around my own, her soft skin brushing against mine. I glance down and cannot help the smile that escapes my lips. It feels nice, knowing she was there. I let the comforting feelings flow inside me and for once I'm not fighting them.
We sit like this for a little and then she suggests blow backs. I make some quip about not getting the point and smoking things straight. She tells me it "fun" and asks if I have ever tried it. My answer rolls off my tongue with such ease, my natural aptitude at sarcasm evident, "no but being all seeing I already know it's shit". I smile, enjoying the banter between us, knowing full well that soon I would concede.
A smile is audible in her response, "come on everything once". I admit defeat then, "allowing her to disappoint me". Little did I realise how ironic that sentence would become.
We shuffle to face each other, as she busies herself firing up the splif I just look at her: her deep red hair, chocolate brown eyes and porcelain skin. Even in an old blue jumper she looks pretty amazing. God what am I doing? She cups my hands around the splif in her mouth and my fingers graze the smooth skin by her lips. It is so soft. I wonder how many people have felt that skin in the same way I have. I think back to Pandora's party, remembering the feel of her lips against mine. How amazing her skin felt and reliving her sweet taste mingled with brownies and pino grigio. I am looking into her eyes, you can almost taste the intensity passing between us. Does she see in my eyes what I am thinking?
I rush the blow back slightly and find my lids are heavy, forcing my eyes away from her and downwards. I need a few seconds to think, to stop this whirlwind in my head. But her lips occupy my mind and I know I want to taste them again. I force my eyes up to meet hers and see that same open abandonment that I found by the lake. I pause just looking at her, I want to picture this forever because I am finally seeing Emily now. No Katie, no school, no idiot Cook, just her. She is there and waiting for me. She looks perfect and so I lean forwards.
And then I am kissing her.