Who is the Victim Here

I would love to hear your opinions and look to working further on the story.

I do not own or have connection with the "Criminal Minds" program or its characters.

Chapter One.

Friday night before a three day holiday weekend

The man stood just across the street from the FBI headquarters in Quantico Virginia. He had been standing there for several hours waiting for him to come out. He wasn't completely sure what he looked like, his description was about six foot with brown hair and an average build. Finally he saw two people leave that fit the description completely but which one was he. They separated at the door one heading left, the other right. The man followed the one going left. He got close and flexed his hands around the syringe. Walking fast he stuck the needle and pressed the plunger into the man walking to his car. The man grabbed him just before he fell and opened the door to the car. He stuffed him in and got into the driver's side and drove away.

Tuesday after the holiday

She placed the bag on the floor and noticed the package in front of her door, picking it up she went into the building. Calling out, "Susan, I'm home". She put the package on the hall table and went to her bedroom to put her bag away. After unpacking she went to her office and listened to her voice mails and checked out the clients who would be coming by today. It wasn't until after 1:00 pm when she remembered the package and went to get it. She opens and reads the note. I have your brother. There was no signature. She goes pale and yells, "Susan, get me a ticket to Virginia".

Susan replies, "Virginia?"

"Quantico, Virginia and get me there as fast as possible. Cancel all my appointments for the next few weeks."

"Yes, Ma'am"

She heads back to her bedroom and packs her bag again. Heading back to the office, she takes the dvd that was also in the package. To herself, she says "I'll look at this when I get to the BAU." Walking out she yells, "Susan!"

"You have tickets on the next plane out of La Guardia, it leaves at 3:00."

"Great, I will call you when I get to Virginia." She kisses Susan and heads out the door.

The BAU unit in Quantico Virginia


J. J. looks up and sees Morgan coming through the door with Prentiss just after him. She says "hi, did you have a good weekend?"

Morgan answers, "Just heavenly, had this beautiful fox in my arms and she just made the days fly by."

Prentiss responds, "You are just the ladies man, aren't you? I had a quiet weekend with James and we spent the night on a ship going through the cape. It was a good weekend. What did you do JJ?

JJ replies that she spent it with Henry and Will.

Reid walks up and the team continues to talk about the weekend. What they haven't noticed yet is that neither Rossi nor Hotch have arrived. It was most unusual for these two to arrive later than anyone else. But the members of the unit get to their desks and work on the many files that need profiling reports.

David arrives just after noon and notices that Hotch's door was still closed and no one was working there. Although, he wasn't concerned because Hotch would often be in a meeting with the section chief or somewhere else in the bureau. He got to work and didn't seem too concerned about his missing boss, believing that he would show up soon.

At 5:00 pm, she comes walking into the BAU unit of the FBI building in Quantico, looking around she tries to find the man she is looking for, failing that she calls out, "Can someone help me, please." Morgan looks up and walks toward answering, "What can we do?"

She looks at this handsome black man and says, "My brother is missing."

"Okay, well why don't you come and sit here and we can get some information."


She looks behind and up at where the voice comes from. With a look of extreme relief and joy, she walks to the steps and goes to grab David Rossi. He looks at her with concern and bemusement, "Why are you here?"

"I got a note that said they had you."

"Nobody has me."

"I see that. Oh, thank God you are okay."

"Let me see the note."

She pulls the note out of her purse and hands it to him. "It says my brother; you are the only one I have now".

"It isn't me. But let me check it out, okay."

"Yes, um, I got a DVD as well and I thought that I would wait to watch it when I got here." She hands him the dvd.

He takes her into his office and they take a look at the dvd. What they see sickens them as David realizes that the kidnappers have Aaron Hotchner and think it is him.

"Who is that, David?"

"That's my boss, Aaron."

She pales at that and realizes they have the wrong man. "They think that's you."

As they watch the video, they see a man, naked and in chains. He is on his hands and knees on a bed with his head bent down in degradation. Another man in leather and wearing a mask was standing next to the bed. Wielding a whip, he slashes at the man on the bed, who bucks from the pain. Angie turns her head when he gets on the bed and rapes him. She hears the screams and David turns the sound off to block it. When the rapist stops he looks at the camera and says that's just a start. David turns it off.

"Angie, this isn't your fault."

"Not my …, he thinks that's you and sent it to me. Do you remember what this week this? This is the worst week of the year for me. It will ten years since Steven and twenty since… This person knows and now wants you. Don't tell me that this isn't personal. It can only be that." She breaks into tears. "I can't lose you too. You are all I have."

David takes her into his arms and kisses her on her head. "I am here, he doesn't have me and you will not lose me." She looks up and sighs. "I need to get the team together, we need to find Hotch."

"Yes and I will do everything I can to help."

Meanwhile a few days earlier

Hotch was brought by vehicle to an underground bunker, he was stripped and placed on a bed. The bed was in the center of the room. There were no windows, the walls were rocky and it appeared to be decorated as a medieval dungeon. There are chains hanging from the ceiling and a cage alongside the wall with a soft pink blanket on the wall and soft blankets on the floor of the cage. Hotch began to waken to a chill in the air, he was cold and tried to pull on his jacket to discover it wasn't there. He reached and felt his body without any coverings on at all, opening his eyes, which were sore and blurry he looked around at this dark room with chains, iron and weapons in different areas around the room. On the wall in front of him was a wall of whips and maces. There were knives and sharpened axes along the edges of one wall with riding crops and cat of nine tails around them. The room looked like the room of the Marquis DeSade, a man who was definitely into BDSM.

Hotch noticed he was connected to the bed by chains and rings around his wrists. He reached up as much as he could to feel the metal ring around his neck; it too was attached to a chain which hung from the ceiling. He hears a sound coming from the only door in the room and closes his eyes to pretend to still be asleep.

The man came and noticed the person on the bed, but is he awake yet? He wants him awake and so throws a bucket of cold water at him. Hotch sputters and shivers as the water goes over him and opens his eyes to look at the man. The man was wearing a pair of regular denim jeans and a t-shirt with a leather coat on. He had a mask of leather over his face and a leather cap, in his hands was a leather whip about 4 feet long, it split into three at its end. Hotch looks at the whip and then the man and asks "who are you and what do you want of me?"

In answer the man snaps the whip and it hits the naked man on the back, he bucks in pain but makes no sound. Hotch is stronger than that, he's been whipped before. The man continues to whip Hotch until blood begins to seep down his arms. He then pours another bucket of cold saltwater on the naked man. Releasing the chains from the bed and ceiling he pulls the man and causes him to crawl on his hands and knees to the open cage. Hotch looks at the cage and attempts to hang back; he is not going in there. But the man holding the chains whips him again and forces him into the cage. He locks it and leaves the room. Hotch crawls around the cage and attempts to get comfortable while ignoring the pain in his back and the coldness that is seeping through the bars of the cage. He sits and contemplates the situation all the while wondering why this happened and who that man was.