Everything has been going quiet well with Jake these past few days. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to write anything lately but Jake has been taking me all over the world. but anyways. Yesterday Jake pruposed. I never thought it would happen but I have complete control of him. I'm kinda feeling sad for what I did to him and Bella but it's for the best. Our wedding is in two month. Esme and Alice agree to help. They are so nice. They ever think that Nessie will help a little too. Bella's mom is coming down her soon to see Bella and Nessie. Bella doesn't know how she will explain anything to her. It was a lot easier for her to explain to Charlie then it will ever be to explain to Renee. And I get that. But She doesn't need to poo on my happinees just because she's strested.

Your you hate truly,

Leah Clearwater