R&r Please. Hope you guy's like it. I personally like Cally, but she's an Oc and if you don't like her i'm sorry.

Disclaimer: I don't own twilight, i only own my Oc's Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight. But i own this plot/ Story line, so please don't steal my Oc's Or my plot.
Thank you very much.


Bella walked into the room where I laid on a hospital bed in one of Esme's furnished guest room.
My leg was stitched up and wreaked of alcohol (Probably to keep the vampires down stairs tame).
She brought in a plate of food for Seth and I to share. But I didn't feel to hungry so I pushed the plate toward Seth but whispered "Save me the Cheetos."

As he ate Seth looked at me like he had the first day he saw me when he walked into Uncle Charlie's living room, l
ike I was the only thing tying him here, like we were the only two people on earth.

Being the girlfriend of a wolf has a lot of pros and cons (Mostly Pros):
Pro: When you're cold he can warm you up.
Pro: If he's imprinted on you, you don't have to worry about other girls catching his eye or taking him away from you.
Con: If his sister is a wolf she can easily beat you up if she doesn't like you.

Suddenly I heard screaming, roaring and hissing coming from below us, then pain not only shot up my leg but also through my entire body.
Everything went black and I couldn't do anything, I couldn't scream, I couldn't see, and I couldn't move.
But, I could feel and hear. I felt the warmth radiating off Seth's body as his hand slid down my arm and into my limp hand, I felt his soft warm breath in my ear, and I heard him say, "Baby, Stay with me, I need you. I love you."

I know it's short and the rest will be longer. But i think it's a little cliffy... ^_^

(~Lory ^_^)