A.N: Hey all! Thank you all so much for reading this story and thank you for the wonderful reviews! I'm glad you liked it!

midnight-rambler: Haha! I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter! And as for the Queen, we'll see more about what she does with those last three tomatoes in this chapter!

Leopardeyes: Thank you sooo much for the idea! It was a great idea! In fact, if it wasn't for you, Chapter Eight would've been the last chapter! Thanks a lot, and I'm glad you liked the previous chapter!

This chapter will begin from Izzy's POV, and then switch back to a third person perspective before ending. I'm sad that this story is coming to an end, but I loved writing it, and I loved all the reviews I've gotten as well. I'll be writing another Mortal Instruments fanfiction soon! It's a little corny, but the main plot is that it's Jocelyn and Luke's wedding, and Simon, Maia, Jace, and Clary are all present. Simon and Maia are facing a few problems of their own, as well as Jace and Clary, and all the time, while they are discussing it, a mysterious figure is watching, and learning, about the power of love. That's my main idea, but I'm not too sure if I should continue writing it. After reading this chapter, feel free to send me ideas for the story! I'd be more than happy to use them! Here's the chapter: Enjoy!

Chapter Nine:

Izzy's POV:

I grabbed the big packet of tomatoes, and extracted form my pocket, the catapult. It wasn't very big, but the tomato was easily balanced on it. Then, I brought back a little lever, and from the pillar, got a clear view of the Queen. I aimed and-Wham! The tomato met a target. Not its correct target though. The tomato was splattered over the Queen's throne and her advisor, who was standing nearest to her, was completely covered with the tomato.

"Ugh! How could you? Get her! She attacked your Queen you fools! Instead of arguing amongst yourselves for glory, go and finish off the cowardly Nephilim who refuses to come forth and attack us bravely!" the Queen yelled passionately.

It was the first time since the Tomato War, as I was now calling it, that the Queen had displayed any real emotion. And she called me cowardly? Pah! As if! First she said I was cowardly before I had come to attack, and now she called my cowardly because I didn't attack in the midst of her faeries. Fine, if she wanted me to do that, do it I would! After all, my name wasn't Isabelle Lightwood for nothing!

I creeped out, after balancing the next tomato on the catapult, and came out into the midst of the faeries, who were scampering in every direction. Some were rushing deeper into the Court, probably escaping. The Queen herself was on the run, attempting to escape from the flying tomatoes traveling everywhere. She was moving as quickly as she possibly could while at the same time, dodging her faeries and bits of tomato that hadn't been smashed.

I used the catapult again, bring back the lever, aiming for the area where I thought she's be headed and-WHAM! The tomato hit with a big bang! The Queen's posh dress was drenched in red tomato juice and little seeds slithered down to her bare legs.

"Eek! Get this off me!" she shrieked. But the faeries took one look at her, one look at me, and ran! The Queen turned to me, a glare on her inhuman face. But before she could even take one little step, I loaded the catapult with the last tomato, the biggest one. I would have to launch it quickly, for it was too big to stand on the catapult comfortably. Then, I pulled the lever back once more…


The tomato hit the Queen's face, and I watched, awestruck, as the Queen was soaked in red. Her hair was dripping with seeds, her eyes a scary bloodshot color of anger, her hands boiled up. Alas! If only I had remembered to bring a camera. I felt the familiar bump of my cell phone in my pocket, and I brought it out quickly, snapping a few quick pictures of the Queen, as she stared at herself, completely shocked and shaking with anger.

"Thank you! Do impose your hospitality on us a bit more! We'd love it!" I called back, as I dashed out of the Court before the Queen's faeries could reclaim their valor and dignity and defend their shame-stricken and utterly embarrassed Queen.

Third Person Perspective:

"Where is Isabelle?" Maryse Lightwood asked intently. "Where is she? I know she was at the Court with the two of you! But where is she?"

"How do you know?" Clary whispered.

"I know the happening at the Conclave. Everyone knows about Lucian's sudden decision, and they know the cause of it. Of course, they greatly disapprove, and the knight, Meliorn, is associated with us! They could blame us! Have you thought about that?" she asked heatedly.

"But they won't! They'll listen to Luke! It's not your fault!"

"Yes, it isn't, and Meliorn sends his apologies, but still, I need to know that Isabelle is safe!" she begged.

"Maryse! Isabelle is fine! She went to the supermarket! That's why she's not at home!" Jace said exasperated.

"At the supermarket?" This time, Maryse was genuinely surprised.

"See, she had a small argument with the Queen-"Clary began.

"-And she decided to go to the supermarket and buy tomatoes so that she could get revenge on the Seelie Court," Jace finished with a smirk.

"What? Revenge on the Seelie Court? Why didn't you stop her?" Maryse screamed at Jace.

"She's Isabelle! Have you ever been able to reason with her?" he retorted.

"Would you guys quit bickering? Sheesh! And what took you two so long to get here? Moonlight stroll? I've been to the supermarket, the Seelie Court, and back here, just a few minutes after you two slowpokes," came the smug voice of Isabelle.

"Isabelle Lightwood! What were you thinking? Going into the Seelie Court?" Maryse asked disapprovingly.

"Relax mom! It's fine! I don't even have tomato juice on me! You'd be surprised how stupid faeries can be!"

"You actually did it?" Clary asked in awe.

"Yup! See? This is the picture," she said, showing her cell phone picture to Jace and Clary.

"Woah! Isabelle, you are officially, the most kick-ass and mischievous person I have ever met!" Jace said approvingly.

"Jace!" Maryse said, but even she couldn't help the laughter that came from seeing the picture. The Queen covered in tomatoes was truly a sight to see! "Anyway, Isabelle, I packed your clothes, they'll be expecting us soon!"

"What?" Isabelle, Jace, and Clary said in unison.

Maryse sighed. "The Conclave. They've decided that you should go to Idris a little earlier. Jace will be staying here with Clary and coming with her in a couple of weeks!"

"Really?" Isabelle said delighted. "Yes! I can see Meliorn now! I officially love the Conclave!" she said, jumping up and down in excitement. "Clary! Quick! Make a portal!"

"Not so quick young lady! Were you planning to leave without saying goodbye to your father?" Robert Lightwood said playfully. After hugging Isabelle and Maryse, he stood back to allow Clary to draw the portal.

"Bye Robert! Take care of the kids!"

"Yes. Don't worry. And Izzy, be careful! Don't make mischief! You'll be with the Conclave!" he called as Isabelle and Maryse stepped into the portal and disappeared from sight.

"Hey, um, you two don't mind if I'm not around a lot, do you? Like, I have work to do, and I trust you two are old enough to stick together and not get into too much of trouble, right?"

"Yes sir!" Jace said, imitating a soldier saluting a high ranking officer.

"Good! Well, I'll be gone! You can order food! I'm dining at a friends place! Maryse must've forgotten. See you two tomorrow!" he called before exiting the Institute.
"Hmm…well Clary, what are two teenagers, who are alone in the Institute, with their rooms right next to each other going to do when there are no parents around to supervise them?" Jace said teasingly.

"I don't know, do you?" Clary teased back, as Jace's arms came and fir snugly around her waist. He titled her chin up, and their lips met in a passionate embrace. Then, he picked her up, her legs swinging on one arm, and her head cradled, still kissing him in the other.

"Jace! Put me down! Jace, I'm serious! Put me down!" Clary laughed. Jace ignored her, smirking, as he opened her bedroom door, locked it securely, and threw her playfully onto her bed.

Clary's room was nothing like Jace's at all. The room was painted colorfully, the bedspread bright and cheery, the color of fire, and it was a mess. Clothes littered the floor, books were strewn carelessly on the shelves, and drawing books lay all over the place with little crumpled up balls of paper flung at various corners of the room.

"Clarissa Morgenstern, I love you," he whispered into her ear.

"Clary Fairchild," she automatically corrected.

Jace sighed, rolling his eyes. "You always have to spoil the moment, don't you?" he asked amused.

Clary pouted her mouth, and whispered back "Jonathon Christopher Herondale, I love you too."

"Jace Lightwood," he said with a smile.

And then their lips met, and their world exploded into one of burning passion and love. They were growing up…in the city of lights…and love.


A/N: Sorry! I didn't know how to end it, and it was really corny, but I couldn't think of anything else! Sorry! But please review! I hope you liked it, and feel free to give me feedback on my next Mortal Instruments fanfic. I can't promise that I'll be updating it soon, but I'll try to soon! I'm also working on a Harry Potter fanfic, so for those of you who are HP fans like me, please read and review it once I post it up! Once again, thank you all soooo much for taking the time to read this fanfic! I hope you liked it and it means a lot to me that you all took the time and initiative to read and review this! Thanks! =D