I never Left

Chapter 1

My story takes place after page 298 of the Chosen book

3 things happen that happened in the Untamed one

1 Aphrodite comes back, with Darius and has Maleficent

2. Zoey knows about professor Blake dying and the head head priestess being at the school

3. Stark

This is a HeathxZoey fic, but, I am a big fan of plotline, so bet that it'll be in here

Triple R

Review, Request, and Revise


Pain seared from my stomach to my heart. Was I dying? I wasn't coughing up blood. Could I be having a heart attack? It was like I had been thrust into someone else's nightmare where I was being tortured by invisible knives and unseen hands.

The searing pain that suddenly spiked through my neck was too much, and everything started to go black around the edges of my vision. I knew I was falling, but the pain was unbearable. There was nothing I could do… I was dying…

Strong hands caught and lifted me, and I was vaguely aware that Darius was carrying me.

Then there was a terrible wrenching inside me. I screamed over and over again. It felt like my heart was being ripped from my living body. Just when I knew I couldn't stand any more, it stopped. As abruptly as the pain had started, it went away, leaving me panting and sweating, but perfectly fine.

"Wait. Stop. I'm okay," I said

"My lady, you have just been in terrible pain and you must be taken to the infirmary," Darius said.


(now the story is mine)

"I mean it, I'm fine put me down." Darius looked unsure but turned to my friends for an answer

"Take her" Damien said and I felt the harshness in his voice, where was the Damien of ten seconds ago who was holding my hand and telling me that everything would be okay? He seen the hurt look in my eyes because he looked guilty and turned away.

"She's really sick and" Erin started and I knew, even in my disoriented state that her twin would finish it for her.

"she needs help" Shaunee said and I felt tears well up in my eyes, did all of them really hate me that much, didn't they understand why Nefret couldn't know, and that she would get the information about me through them?

"Don't worry my Lady, you're safe with me"

"I guess so"

He turned and started to walk down the corridor and I watched, over his shoulder, all of my friends walk away, they didn't even look back. I looked to Darius,

"You can put me down"

Darius didn't look convinced

"I'm serious I can walk myself"

"It's no trouble for me to carry someone as light as you" I felt my face heat up and looked away,

"I'm fine really"

"you know, it's not too bad for you to rely on someone else, I know you have a big burden, I'm here to help you with that"

How could he know about me burden, about being gifted, though now it just seems like a curse to me, how could he know anything?

"The stress, with your teacher being killed and a public attack on us"

"oh yeah"

Of course he wouldn't know.

"I am here to help, let me know if there's anything you need"

"what's going on here?" I knew that voice and it made me shiver

"why are you out here, the high priestess called everyone into the auditorium?"

"I asked you a question first" I looked into those blue eyes and felt as if I was looking at ice.

"Zoey's not feeling well, I'm taking her to the infirmary"

"Oh really, let me walk with you"

"There is no need, she is safe with me" I looked once again at my boyfriend, is he my ex now? We never officially broke up but, I mean, it's not like he was going to stay with me after that.

"Let me walk with you" Eirk said through clenched teeth and I felt my blood race, did he think I was sleeping with Darius too?

"Erik, you can go to the ceremony" I was surprised at how normal my voice sounded.

"Oh, really, okay then high priestess" He did the traditional vampire salute with his fist over his heart sarcastically and turned walking away

It would've been less painful if he ripped all the flesh off of my undead body.

Darius walked in silence and I realized with slight dismay, that out of all my boyfriends, no one had ever carried me like this, the famous bridal style pose that most girls would go crazy about, and, that Darius had absolutely no trouble carrying me. Then I remembered why he was carrying me and frowned, why had that happened to me? That was way more than normal cramps, and even so, it wasn't even time. I looked at Darius' gorgeous face once last time as everything started to go black.

"He's dead because of you"

I opened my eyes and sat up to see Nefret leaning over me with tears in her eyes. I scoffed, tears, that would mean she had feelings, she once fooled me, I'm glad she didn't anymore, what was it with my motherly figures being evil, all except Grandma.


"Loren" I felt her words wrap around me in a vice grip, they wouldn't let me go, Loren was dead, Loren Blake, The man I lost my virginity too, the one who broke my imprint with Heath, the man who is the reason that Erik cannot look at me anymore, is dead.

"He's dead" that felt alien enough, I couldn't say Loren, he couldn't be dead…

"Loren's dead because of you, he went to find you, he could tell you were upset, apparently your imprint allows you to do that" I could feel the sneer and was that longing in her voice?

"He went looking for you because of the IMPRINT" She flung her arm out and knocked over a tray of tools that were on the table. I looked at the tools in a daze and back to her.

"Poor Zoey, he used you! But he felt bad and went to find you, and now he's dead. He was killed, and it's your fault!" I was furious, I understood the whole "With great power comes great responsibility thing" from Spiderman and all that and that I was doing a terrible job, but I was barely seventeen and I wasn't ready for all this, I didn't want to blame Nyx so the easiest thing to do was to take it out on her, the source of my problems, Nefret.

"You're just jealous because I had something with Loren you'll never have, that you never had, something more than just words with a playboy like him. You let him woo me so you could get in my head, and he liked me more than you, I drank from him and imprinted with him, and he died trying to help me, he's never tried to help you."

She shook her head and laughed in a way that reminded me of story books and evil witches, I reached my hand back and felt my phone, I grabbed it in my hand wondering why she put it on the table for me, maybe because she was disorientated about Loren, no, that required a heart.

"Don't worry I had more with him than you'll have with anybody" I laughed and felt something surge from deep inside of me

"Oh, so he let you drink his blood; he wrote you love poems and tracked you down every time someone left you alone?" I could tell by her facial expression that she hadn't told him to do that, and thought maybe Loren wasn't completely using me, it didn't matter, he was… dead

"It was all part of the plan" I bit my lip. I knew that, that Loren didn't really love me, that Nefret had really hurt me, and destroyed most of my life, and she wasn't done yet.

"And it worked like a charm, poor shocked innocent Erik, he played his part perfectly. You caused this, accept it, poor little Zoey, you don't fit in anywhere"

"Loren didn't think so"

I felt her moving to strike me and I ducked and moved towards the door, I spun around to leave and seen the tear stained face of Erik,

"I'm sorry Erik"

I didn't know what I was saying sorry for, cheating on him with Heath, or Loren, having thoughts about Darius, keeping secrets. Oh Goddess I did not disserve him, and now I lost him. Maybe I said sorry because I lost him, or because I didn't feel like getting him back now, or because I was just leaving him without an explanation. All I know is that I was sorry and I had to leave. I turned to go and felt him grab my shoulder. I should've turned into him and cried my heart out; instead I kept walking down the hall, and away from the best thing to ever happen to me.

I walked through the school in a daze, I seen familiar faces and some of the guards but they all moved out of my way and let me pass. I knew five things

Number One: Loren was dead, Number two: Heath's imprint was broken, Number three: Erik hates me, Number four, My friends hate me, Number five: Nefret was just getting started.

My eyes widened, if my imprint, that was short, hurt me that much, how much did our imprint hurt Heath when it broke. How much pain had I caused him, what kind of monster had I turned into?

I closed the door to my room, it was my room now, with my roommate Stevie Rae being officially dead even though me and the "nerd herd" knew differently. I locked the door and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and text Heath

How are you?

That was stupid, he's in pain and is mad as f-ing hell at me, man I'm in some poopie now,

How do you think?

I'm sorry

Like he's going to believe me, no one else did.

I know, I felt it all, who was it, that guy

No, it was someone else

Someone else!


I felt like such a ho, what I accused Aphrodite of being when I first seen them together, her and my ex-boyfriend Erik.

Can I see you, I need to talk to you, in person

I know, tomorrow/today is Saturday, I'll meet you at your house, in an hour.

Okay, the back door will be open

I closed my phone and took a deep breath, I went into my dresser and pulled out black jeans and a pink shirt I originally brought so that I wouldn't be depressed about the color choices of vampires, boy was I wrong. I then fished out my Borg invasion 4D hoodie and threw them all on, I took out a backpack and packed another outfit and looked at Nala sleeping on my bed.

"Sorry Nala, I don't know if I'm coming back." I closed the door behind me silently and walked as quietly as I could down to the barrier. I bit my lip and knew Nefret would know when I left, it didn't matter, I had to leave. I walked through the barriers and noticed that they didn't ripple like when Aphrodite left,

"Thank you Nyx"

I prayed to be one with night and moved silently and swiftly through the town, I crossed familiar blocks and smiled despite myself. Suddenly I found myself in front of Heath's house, none of the lights were on, I did say I would be there in an hour, it must've been 10 minutes, 15 at most. I walked slowly to the back and seen Heath sitting on the picnic table with his hands folded and his head on his hands, I stood there not knowing what to do until I seen him shake his head, he was shaking, and crying. Heath had never cried in as long as I knew him, which was the better part of our lives.

"Oh Heath!" I cried out and ran over to him

"Zoey?" He looked around and his eyes passed right over me until they came back and found mine, he couldn't see me, yet he knew where I was.

"I know you're there…" He whispered and I made myself visible to him. He was still shaking and I pulled him into my arms, I cradled him as if he was a baby, it would've looked funny to anyone else, the tiny Zoey, cradling a 6'1" quarterback, but it felt right, and that's all I cared about.

He pulled back from me way too soon and turned away from me,

"I love you Zoey"

He made it sound like a curse.


"You broke our Imprint, how"

"I imprinted with somebody else" Here it comes, the accusations, the yelling and pretty soon the tears, I braced myself.

"You were with another human"

"No, a real vampire"

"Oh… do you know how it feels when an imprint is broken"


"Oh, really, how?"

"My imprint was broken, when he was… murdered" This is when Heath turned into protective mode

"Someone's killing Vampires? Are you okay?"

"Yes, it's a long story"

"tell me" He urged, I new that look, he wasn't going to just let it go

"Loren, he" I bit my lip and decided to come out with it

"He told me stuff and gave me stuff and made me believe I loved him, he made me drink his blood and I-I"

"You had sex with him"

"uh huh" I looked down expecting him to leave me like Erik did, but he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug, God I loved his hugs.

"Don't worry I still love ya Zo"


"well. Truthfully, I got drunk at a party one day and did some stupid stuff, which involved having sex with Kalya, though I don't remember anything about it"

I should've been mad, furious, like he should've been, but we both laughed, in each other's arms.

"What's going on with the other guy"

"he's leaving the House of Night, he changed, so he's a full vamp"

"so you're stuck with me"

"I guess so"

Heath and I sat on the picnic table and I told him everything, about Stevie Rae and my friends and how they don't want to talk to me anymore and how I messed my entire life up. He told me about his college search and finally getting accepted into OSU.

I sat with him until the sun started to rise,

"I have to go inside, I can-"

"No Way! You can't be in the sun, that's so cool, in a way"

I looked at him and felt woozy, I hadn't slept in over 16 hours, not counting the 20 minute nap that really didn't help

"I tired,"

"I know, me too, come on, my parents went to go see the family and will be too hung over to move when they wake up later today" I felt him take my hand and lead me upstairs, his house was decorated nicely, but I had seen it all before, but I had never been in his bedroom.

"Heath I…" He looked over to me and his eyes widened

"Z, what's the matter with you" I was just worn, way too worn, too much had happened today.

"I'm just tired"


Heath laid me on the bed and took off my shoes, he then reached around my head and took off my earrings and the necklace I had on, he turned and put it on his dresser. Red faced I took off my sweatshirt as he shook his head.

"Boy, this is so not how I thought the first time I had you in my room would be like"

"mmm… shut up" He laughed and took off his shirt, I wanted to reach out and touch him. When you hear 6'1" quarterback you think of a big guy, usually a bit fat with at least one thing wrong with his body, not Heath. Heath had a six pack since we were dating, but now his had pecs and his arms had gotten thicker too.

How did I ever think anyone was hotter than Heath. He took off his jeans and threw them next to his shoes and socks before turning to me and climbing into the bed next to me, but not touching me,

"Night, morning, whatever you call it Z" He turned away from me and I knew he was going to sleep there, I reached out to him and he turned to me,

"What's the matter Z?"

"nothin…" I pulled him closer, well I tugged at him and he moved himself and turned so my back was pressed against his chest, I felt him smile and he kissed my forehead. He wrapped his arms around me and held me protectively,

Thank you, Loren


My eyes shot open and Heath nuzzled my head, Why was I thinking of Loren? The asshole used me and dumped me like yesterday's trash and I think of him while lying in Heath's arms. I looked at the wall in front of me and seen a poster of Heath that the school had put on flyers and passed around when they won the championships, I smiled as I realized that Heath, instead of looking at the camera, was looking at me, with my camera, he was too good for me, and unlike Erik, I didn't lose him, at least not yet.

"Love ya Zo"

"I love you too"

And I woke up a virgin with friends, slept with Loren, broke my imprint with Heath, lost all my friends, Lost Erik, ran away and I'm going to sleep with Heath.

Boy, what a day.

Triple R

Chapters might be longer or shorter than this (most likely longer). This is HeathxZoey and if I bash other characters know that I really don't mean to and if you let me know I'll most likely change it,

C ya l8r