AN: ivy here! gah, i'm always swarmed with ideas for new stories and i was totally in the mood for some camassie (even though my other story's prequel would definitely have a LOT of that pairing... ;D). anyways. READ. REVIEW. yes? :D and i'll try to update both stories somewhat consistently. this one's taking a back seat for now, but i had to at least get the first chapter done and up!

disclaimer: when has anyone ever owned anything? BUT I OWN THE LIST :D


The List
Labels are overrated.
We believe in numbers.

Hello, Class of '09.

Time to put away that Burberry Summer perfume and step outside to enjoy the real deal—the smell of anticipation as school starts once again for the kids at Montclair Academy. My latest pet peeve? The fact that the whole flannel trend has become way overdone. Surprise me, kiddies. What do you guys have to bring to the plate this year? And can you common people out there make it to the top three this upcoming fall semester?


Based off how we left off last year…


1. Olivia Ryan

Did you see the way Cam kissed her goodbye as if it was only thing he ever needed to live? Aw. Too bad perfection doesn't last too long. And we'd hate for things to get monotonous. But then again, she is the daughter of the dean.

2. Dylan Marvil

Mommy's got an awesome TV personality, but what about Dylan? I doubt the four-letter word—bold—is enough to last her through sophomore year. Unless there's another four-letter word, she'd like to use instead?

3. Kristen Gregory

Smarts, looks, and athletics. K, you must have a dirty little secret. How in the world do you manage all the stress of being the top of your game without any breakdowns? Then again, how are we sure you haven't broken down yet?


"God, you suck." Massie muttered for the umpteenth time that morning. She covered her face with her hands, wondering how the hell she ended up in the same family as Derrick freaking Harrington, her cocky, troublemaking stepbrother.

What had she even done to deserve any of this? She had always been the perfect daughter to William Block. She had gotten straight A's, all honors, never maxed out her credit card, or brought any bad boy-esque boys home.

But of course, William had to marry Lauren Harrington who lugged her manwhore-of-a-son along with the marriage and cram him into Massie's life.

"I think you suck harder." Derrick grinned. "And you like it."

Massie rolled her eyes, hitting her head lightly against the glass window.

Confined to the backseat of a Lincoln town car, Massie had scooted as far away from Derrick as possible. He reeked of designer cologne (well, at least it was a step up from his annoying Axe at home) and his overbearing confidence.

"You just had to get expelled, didn't you?" Massie hissed, throwing the unopened tissue box off the ground at Derrick's upper body without even looking towards him. It hit him in the side with an empty thud.

"I got expelled," Derrick said with a roll of his caramel brown eyes. "Didn't mean you had to follow."

"Dad made me." Massie corrected, glancing over at him with a look of disgust on her face. "He said it'd seem wrong to have you shipped off to boarding school and have me stay at home because it would seem like he was trying to get rid of his own stepchild."

"Whatever." Derrick said, leaning back in his seat looking out his own window.

Massie rolled her eyes, pressing her forehead back against the cool window. Twenty more minutes and they'd be approaching Montclair Academy. Massie had already made plans to make a fast getaway from Derrick and run off to her assigned girl dorm where no boys were allowed—especially a certain blonde-haired Harrington.

Two minutes went by with utter silence. Massie had almost put on a content smile when Derrick just had to ruin it.

"So… you want to make out?"

The answer should have been a "no". No, wait. Not even a "no". A simple "ew" or a glare would have sufficed.

But Massie Block could never shy away from a scandal. Bad habits were also almost impossible to break.

And, most importantly, anything was better than listening to Derrick talk.


"Oh Caaaaaaaaammy!" Olivia Ryan shouted, waving at her boyfriend, who was determined to pretend he hadn't heard her across the lawn.

Cam Fisher stuck his hands in the pockets of his True Religion jeans and stared down at the ground. "Chris, look down. Don't make eye contact with her. We're invisible, okay? Invisible."

Chris Plovert snickered, snapping his head up and giving Olivia a wave back instead. Cam let out a frustrated sigh in response.

"What's up with you?" Chris asked, scratching the back of his head while discretely ruffling up his dirty blonde hair. Chris Plovert, welcome to the world of the desperately single. "The last time I checked, you were completely whipped."

Cam looked up and glared through his mismatched eyes. He brushed his black hair out of his eyes. "Was not."

"I'm sorry, I meant totally in lurve." Chris smirked.

"Nothing happened." Cam said after a pause, staring distantly out across the field, the opposite way that Olivia was standing, still waiting for him to come up and scoop her up into a huge hug or something else that bordered on way-too-much PDA. "I'm just not adjusted back yet."

Truth was… Cam was never really that into Olivia. The girl had the biggest crush on Cam since he had helped her with a math problem in the beginning of their freshman year. And voilá, what Olivia Ryan wanted, Olivia Ryan got. Dean Ryan had cornered Cam too many times for Cam to not just ask Olivia out.

She wasn't that bad, Cam thought. It was just at times she got a little… clingy. And then there was the fact that she cared a bit too much about the superficial things in life. And she was a bit ditzy too…

But Cam could get used to it, right? As long as he wanted to stay on the good side of Dean Ryan for his four years at Montclair and hopefully get into an Ivy League like most of the students that attended the school.

As long as the dean liked you of course.

And Cam didn't let anything get in between him and his goals—especially the long-term ones.


Massie wiped her mouth disgustedly with the back of her hand. Disgusted with Derrick. Disgusted with herself. And mostly disgusted with the way that she actually found herself enjoying their impromptu make outs that had been happening for the past three months.

Maybe now they wouldn't be around each other every day, she could break her nasty habit. Or maybe not.

"So," Derrick said with a cocky grin as the car pulled to a stop near the admissions building of Montclair Academy. "You want to meet after dinner and—"

"Derrick," Massie interrupted. "No."

Derrick laughed, thinking that Massie was joking. She had to be, right? Even though they constantly fought, Derrick had always thought that they liked each other. That's why they kissed, right?

Maybe Derrick had never learned that just because he was feeling it, didn't mean she was too.

"Block, you know you'll change your mind by then."

Massie pushed open the car door, pulling her Chloe satchel up her arm and completely ignoring Derrick. Thank God all her things were shipped over a week before and safely in her dorm. Lugging around a suitcase would make everything go slower. And she just needed to get away already.

Aw, was the shame that bad?


Olivia's shoulders drooped as she realized that Cam wasn't going to come and greet her any time soon. She walked back over to the shady spot under her favorite sweeping willow tree where her friends were gathered in a half circle.

Alicia Rivera, the ears and the eyes of the group, waved Olivia over as she stared at the iPhone in her lap. "Rankings are in!"

Olivia sat down on the damp grass, wrinkling her nose as she felt her Nanette Lepore romper getting wet. "So?"

As if Olivia Ryan cared about rankings. She had always been number one, ever since school started. The only reason why the site was even still running was all thanks to Olivia. If she wasn't happy with her spot, she could always go to her dad and get him to shut it down.

Sites like these were a distraction to academics and a poke into the privacy of the students' lives. Dean Ryan would never let it slide. And for now, he didn't know about Montclair Academy, Class of '09 rankings.

Alicia let out a whine. "Omigod, I never make top three."

Olivia offered Alicia a sympathetic pout.

Alicia scrolled down to the next page, checking her rankings and everyone else's rankings that weren't in the exclusive trinity. "I got fifth." Alicia rolled her eyes. "Kori, you got sixth. Strawberry, you got ninth."

Coral "Strawberry" McAdams shrugged, twirling her bright red hair. "Oh wells. At least it's better than last time."

Olivia propped her elbow on her knee and rested her chin on the palm on her hand. "So what else is new?"

Alicia scrolled down to the sightings section of the site—the Gossip Girl of Montclair Academy. "Ooh, someone just sent in pictures of a new guy."

Coral and Kori instantly scooted in closer. New guy obviously could only mean a new guy in their grade. The site didn't care about any grade except for their own. And a new sophomore boy could completely throw everything off balance.


"Some J person sent in mobile pics of the kid." Alicia said, squinting at the screen. Her deep brown eyes widened as she stared at the picture appreciatively. "Omigod, he's cuuuuuuute."

"Ooh! Let me see!" Kori said. Alicia handed her the phone, causing Kori to stare at the screen and giggle. She passed it onto Coral who bit her lip and stared at the screen with some sort of longing.

Coral looked up at Olivia. "You don't need to see, right? Since you already have Cam."

Olivia flicked her wrist. "I don't care. Maybe you guys should go for him. You seem to like him."

Alicia's lips curved into a smile. "You know, maybe I will."

