Ugh! High school; the most boring thing that's filled with drama, and by far the worst thing that I've ever had to encounter. I can only be grateful that I have my family who can truly understand the pain I go through every week day when the sun chooses not to shine in this wet, green, small town!

Ever since 1918, my 'life' has been terrible. Even when I'm at home, because every night my family has someone to love, someone to talk to and to understand; everyone except me.

My name is Isabella Marie Swan and I hate being a vampire with nothing to do and nowhere to go, and here I am at yet another high school in another town learning nothing new from my classes, and I'm have no one to do nothing with.

"Bella!" Alice sang, bouncing towards me from the other end of the parking lot. God! She was so tiny! I never really cared enough to pay attention until now.

Alice was my antidote to the boredom. However, sometimes, specifically with her shopping, she made it worse.

"Bella! We have a new student!" I did a rare thing and giggled.

"Alice why are you so excited about a new student? I swear sometimes you are the strangest person I've ever met!" more like most of the time, I mentally corrected my sentence.

"I had a vision!" she squeaked.

"And with that I walk away amused, yet mainly uninterested, and annoyed." I did just that; walked away.


Lunch time again! I'm sooooooooooooooo excited! NAWT! It may be fun for the humans to chit chat, but not for me.

"Jasper?" I whispered to low for the other vampires in my family to hear. That only worked because Jasper was sitting right next to me.

"What?" he chuckled at me for whispering. I giggled back because he just earned some stares at our table that questioned his sanity.

"How are you doing?" I wanted to make sure he wasn't in toooooooo much pain. Something no one understands is my relationship with Jasper. We are closer than a brother and a sister, but we aren't in love. Ewwwww! Me and Japser in love? Blah!

"I'm fine," he answered in a pained voice.

"Those are the Cullens, but they are really weird and they think that they're all that. If I were you I wouldn't waste my time," I heard Jessica Stanley tell the new kid.

"The blonde girl is Rosalie and the guy that's really strong looking is Emmet; they're dating, so is Alice, the short girl, and Japser, the other boy," she continued.

"Who is the beautiful brunette?" I heard the boy ask.

The very dangerous vampire that you really don't want to stick around or get to close to know, I answered in my head for her.

"That's Isabella Cullen, but don't get your hopes up because she doesn't ever date. Her whole family is like isolated."

"Oh," he didn't ask anymore questions after that.

Just a few minutes later the bell rang and I sprang up a little too fast out of my seat. Oops! Oh well!


I took my seat and waited while read Wuthering Heights again.

Suddenly someone pulled the usually vacant chair next to mine out and quietly sat down. I couldn't help my self, I had to peak at who it was. Of course piecing green eyes started back at my golden ones and I quickly turned away.

Threw out the whole class I kept picking up on his every movement. Once I even started at him while he ran his long pale fingers threw his bronze hair. Even I had to admit that he was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hello, m name is Edward Mason. What is yours?" I looked up and did something I hadn't done in a while.

Lol! I have no idea why I left off there, but I figured that after typing three pages a girl should stop there and continue with other chapters. Am I right? So was it good? Bad? In-between? We I would love to hear what you have to say so pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee READ AND REVIEW!!!!!!

LOL! Ttyl! ~~~~~~~~~Press the button plez~~~~~~~