Javert eyed him suspiciously, "What about you? You say you fainted but not one person said they found you lying on the floor. That means there was probably at least a good ten minutes in which you were alone in the initial crime scene."
"No! You have it all wrong, I would never kill anyone!"
"Really? Then what really happened when you entered the room?"
"I fainted!"
"And I laid there until I woke up approximately 15 minutes later. And by then all three suspects were there for a mee--. Play Pals play date."
"They let you lay there face down on the floor?"
"Well, I wasn't facedown, but yes."
"Could it be they don't like you very much?"
"That you only volunteered to answer questions for them so that you could incriminate them and get away with murder?"
"What, no!"
"You make me sick."
"I could never kill anyone!"
"Prove it! Roll up your sleeves!"
"Roll up your sleeves, how strong are you?"
"Inspector, that is very invasive but if it proves my innocence." Marius took off his jacket, rolled up his hole-ridden sleeves to show his small, lily-white arms to the inspector. "Not very, I'm afraid. I suppose its poor diet." He paused, "Ask Courfeyrac if you still don't believe me, he knows I attend mass every week and am a devout Catholic." The lawyer said as he put his sleeves down and replaced his jacket.
"Religion doesn't make you indestructible. And I wouldn't ask Courfeyrac how to do the Heimlich maneuver if you were choking to death" Javert said thoughtfully as he wrote in his notebook, 'Marius not strong enough to lift body into noose.'
"True, but in the ten commandments it says clearly 'thou shall not kill.'" Javert opened his mouth to say a witty comment when Marius interrupted him, "And I have too much to live for to go to jail for the rest of my life or be… executed."
"I'm getting married to a beautiful, virtuous and perfect woman." Javert rolled his eyes and put this in his notebook- "Fiancé to beautiful women, is not a likely suspect as a churchgoing, weak armed little boy." And he put the time and date and signed the bottom of the page. "Anything else I should know?"
"I apologize for insulting you, inspector, it was unforgivably rude of me."
"Anything useful." He closed his notebook and rose as if to leave seeing as it was past midnight.
"Uh, don't you need to know about Grantaire?" Javert heaved a deep sigh and sat back down, "I suppose, what do you know?"
"Just one little thing; he was genuinely a good soul. Despite the fact that he was a thorough skeptic of every little thing I think he could have had some real worth to society." He yawned and looked past Javert at the shorn rope sympathetically, "I've been wondering what he could have done with the rest of his life if he hadn't been cut down in his prime."
"Cut down, you say?" Javert murmured quietly.
"Yes." Marius affirmed checking his watch.
"Cut.. Down… Wait a second, that's it!"
"Get your miserable friends together, I know what happened." Javert flew from his chair to the door and into the pitch black streets leaving Marius alone in confusion.
-raises eyebrows and waits for response- So, what do you think? Reviews???