Disclaimer: Do not own Sailor Moon, that belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, and I don't own Dragonball (letter goes here) Akira Toriyama does... *nods*

Tomoe: ^_^;; Agh, I'm sorry everyone for never updating-- if you're still interested in reading at all -_-; sorry!!

Tomoe Hotaru (Saturn Angels)

When Hotaru awoke again she noticed that she was in a van, she stirred some and rubbed at her eyes, she sat up.

"Ah! You're awake..." 18 said with a kind smile, "Good, right on time too... we've just 'rented' a room at a hotel which is where we're going to stay.

Hotaru looked around, "Where's 17?" he wasn't anywhere in the van..

18 looked amused by Hotaru's question, "He's at the hotel."

Hotaru blinked and looked at 18 questioningly, "So... where are we going?"

"Shopping!" 18 answered with a grin.

Hotaru sweatdropped, she should have guessed. Truth be told she didn't like shopping too much... but she wasn't about to be rude.

18 continued speaking, "I found my brother's wallet while he was taking a nap... I'm sure he won't mind. It isn't like he has anything to spend money on anyway-- so I may as well spend it for him right?"

"Ah... sure..." Hotaru said with a slight nod.

The rest of the drive there was mostly silent on Hotaru's part, though 18 babbled on about random things, mentioning now and then that she was glad Hotaru joined them.

Shopping was rather uneventful; though it lasted more than four hours. 18 would randomly choose clothing off the rack in both their sizes and then would go into the dressing rooms and come out 'model'-esque. She would force Hotaru in to doing the same though Hotaru wouldn't strike grand poses.

Every now and then, even with Hotaru's praise 18 would turn and look herself in the mirror, scrunch up her face and proclaim that she wouldn't buy it.

Though, that happening was rather rare.

And Hotaru soon began feeling very sorry for 17-- having to sit through this everyday-- even she became bored. Not to mention 18 was seriously spending all their money on things she really didn't need.

"Um... 18, don't you think you're going a bit overboard?" Hotaru asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Overboard?" 18 repeated, blinking and staring at Hotaru as if she'd gone mad, "That's impossible..." she looked over at the outfits that were on the counter being rung up by the clerk, "Ah... I suppose you're right." she paused, "we'll have to shop for shoes some other time."

Hotaru sweatdropped.

"Pity though.. I won't be able to wear some of these outfits until I do get new shoes..."

"Won't your brother be mad if he sees you with so much stuff?" Hotaru asked.

18 seemed to just realize this and she nodded, "You're right! Here's the plan... I will go into the room with only a few outfits ... and then stall him, and you will come in after me and stash everything in my closet."

Hotaru once again sweatdropped, she seemed to be doing that a lot lately.. "All right... it seems that will work."

18 nodded fervently, "Yes, I think it will work just fine." The lady at the counter finally finished ringing everything up and putting the outfits into countless bags. The woman handed 18 the receipt.

"1,000,000 yen!?" cried 18, before glaring at the woman. "Hotaru-- I'd suggest you get cover somewhere..." she yelled, and immediately after that Hotaru had enough sense to cast Silence Wall around her...

What happened next was horrible; terrible and Hotaru wished she was dreaming but she knew she wasn't. 18 killed the woman, and practically blew the whole store up. The only things left standing other than Hotaru and herself, were of course all the clothing in bags which had been saved because of Hotaru's spell.

After all the smoke and debris in the air cleared; Hotaru was pulled by the arm out of the store; the door dinging as it shut behind them though it fell over as it had nothing to support it.

"Th...there had been people in there! Other... innocent!" Hotaru said shaking as what had just happened hit her.

18 looked down at Hotaru; a dangerous look in her eyes before it subsided and was completely replaced with the exact opposite for a few seconds before it once again fell away to a simple emotion-- closest it could be described as would be guilt.

However she looked back towards the store; what was left of it at any rate and glared. She tossed some money onto the rubble, "There's your money you overcharging hag..."

Hotaru just stared at 18, frightened beyond words, angered as well... but something stirred inside her.


Whispered a voice inside her head that sounded much like her own only... apart from her own psyche.

Hotaru looked over to the brooding 18, as she picked up the shopping bags and headed back to the van. Her heart was heavy... "C'mon Hotaru... we'd better be getting back to the hotel." she looked worried for a moment as she turned to look at Hotaru, "You are still going to stay?" she asked.

Hotaru nodded, "Yes.. there is no where else for me."

18 smiled, "Good. Well!" she grinned, and her downtrodden nature seemed to wash away as she did so. "We're still going through with the plan right?" 18 asked, referring to the way to smuggle in all the outfits.

Hotaru nodded numbly as she climbed into the front seat, "Of course..."

The drive was devoid of any speaking, even from 18 who seemed still slightly bothered that she'd done such a thing in front of someone seemingly as innocent as Hotaru.

They made it to the hotel, and 18 went ahead of her up the steps, she stopped before heading into the room and turned back to address Hotaru, "You'll probably want to take a shower..." she headed inside once that was said. Hotaru looked down at herself as if for the first time noticing that she was, indeed, very grimy. After waiting for two minutes Hotaru went inside as well, there were two joined rooms that they'd rented out it seemed, and Hotaru stuck the bags of clothing inside the closet.

She could hear the water to the shower running and smiled slightly, 18 had already run the bath for her... she opened the bathroom door and closed it behind her.

A few seconds later the sound of Hotaru screaming could be heard, followed by masculine cursing.

Hotaru shot out of the bathroom, blushing furiously, a towel wrapped around her body even though she still had her undergarments on.

18 ran in to the room, "Hotaru wha--"

17 opened the door to the bathroom slightly, sticking his head out, "Er... sorry about that..." he said, looking rather embarassed, "Here..." and a second later he handed Hotaru her clothes, and Hotaru took them from his hand, her face still as red as a tomato.

18 rose an eyebrow as 17 closed the bathroom door once more before she began laughing, she led Hotaru into the room that joined the one they were in, "Ah... Hotaru, wrong room. Ours is next door."

Hotaru remained silent, as she felt how warm her face had become, 18 couldn't help but begin laughing at Hotaru's misfortune, she gave the smaller girl a hug, "...'taru-chan you should really be careful deciding which doors you walk through.."

~*~*End Chapter Three*~*~

Tomoe: ..^_^; Well I updated...
Vale: Sure took ya long enough Tomoe-chan ^_^;
Tomoe: Ah! Yeah I know-- stop rubbing it in-- but we've all been really slow lately...
Fantasy Girl: I think they think we've died...
Tomoe: ^_^; I'm sorry to all my readers!...