Disclaimer: Alright, I don't own anything besides this fic, so please ^_~ review!

Tomoe: This is a 17/Hotaru fic, k?
Thor: 17 is cool!
Tomoe: Yep!
Fantasy Girl: He's hott! ^-^
Vale: ...yep!!
Vince: ..-.-; baka....

Tomoe Hotaru (Saturn Angels)

Hotaru walked around the park slowly allowing her thoughts to organize. She tossed her book bag on the ground next to the bench which she sat on. She thought for a moment watching the pond in front of her lie still until a slight breeze made its way across the water creating ripples, "It doesn't feel right being here...I mean, Chibi-Usa is really nice and all...but...I don't belong. Probably because I come from Saturn and am a Sailor Senshi. The Senshi of Destruction to top it all off...even among the other senshi I don't fit in. The Inners fear me and my powers, though Usagi knows I'm not evil and would never hurt anybody...The Outers...The Outers have always been very kind...they treat me as a daughter, and have a right to also...they did raise me afterall...which is why it will be harder to leave...Maybe they'll visit me wherever I'm going?" She wondered to herself quietly.

She sighed, "Though, Setsuna-mama might not want to send me anywhere...should I be happy? ...Or sad?" She sighed and let the wind tug gently at her hair and tried to bring it along with it as it swept across her face, though it stayed firmly where it was supposed to: her head. She brushed her hair out of her face and put it behind her ears. She picked up her bag and began the long journey home, to the Outer's Mansion.

**Twenty Minutes Later**

"Welcome back Hotaru, anything new happen in school today?" Michiru asked cheerfully as she stopped washing the dishes for a while.

Hotaru placed her bag on the couch, "Nothing new really"

Michiru nodded and smiled, "I see. Well Setsuna went back to check on the Gates of Time and Haruka's in her room reading"

Hotaru gasped, "Haruka-papa's reading!?" She smiled, "Why that's absurd! Is she sick or something?"

Michiru laughed, "That's what I thought too at first, she says she's fine. Why don't you go up and see her?"

Hotaru smiled and nodded as she ran upstairs to greet her 'papa'. She opened the door to Haruka and Michiru's room, "Hi Haruka-papa!" She cried as she jumped onto the bed next to Haruka.

Haruka looked up, "Oh hey 'Taru-chan! Michi didn't send you up here to see if I was still alive did she?"

Hotaru sweatdropped, "Er...no? Well anyways that's beside the point!" She laughed, "So, what are you reading?"

Haruka sighed and rolled her eyes, "Is that what you two are so concerned about?"

"Well it's not everyday that Tenou Haruka reads a book!"

Haruka smirked and held up the cover of the book so Hotaru could read it.

"...'The Newest Race Cars of the Century'..." Hotaru read it aloud then laughed, "Should've known!"

"Yep. You should have"

Hotaru smiled, "Well I'm gonna go and try to contact Setsuna. Since it's summer vacation and all I might want to go on vacation!"

Haruka smiled and nodded eagerly, "Yeah! Where do you want to go?"

Hotaru sweatdropped, "Haruka-papa! You and Michiru-mama can't go!"

"Why not?"

"Because you have a race in Africa to go to. And Michiru has a concert in America!"

"Oh yeah...well after that we'll ask Setsuna to send us where you went, then we'll use our little watchy-things--"


"Yeah, that's what I said. Little watchy-things to contact you, then we'll all have fun!"

Hotaru nodded slightly, "Sounds good, well, I'll be leaving now. Bye 'Ruka-papa"

"Bye, see ya in a couple weeks then!"

Hotaru nodded and left the room to say good-bye to Michiru-mama, she had to remember to tell Setsuna not to tell them where she went. She wasn't going to come back, "Michiru-mama, I'm gonna go on a vacation, k?"

Michiru looked at Hotaru, "A vacation? Alright I guess it'll be good for me and Haruka..."

"Concert, and race...remember?"

"Well...you can't go alone!!"

"Michiru-mama!! I'm 18! I think I'm old enough!! Plus, I'm a Sailor Senshi! I can defeat anything that threatens me!"

Michiru shifted uncomfortably, "Fine! But right after me and Haruka ar egonna be there! Alright?"

"Yeah, of course. Haruka and I already planned it out," Hotaru said with a reassuring hug.

"You're leaving now?"

"What better time to leave?"



"...Fine. I guess it'll be fun with just me and Haruka for a couple days..."

Hotaru smiled, "Yeah, you're looking forward to bed-time aren't ya?"

Michiru blushed, "Hotaru! Didn't I tell you not to pick up bad habits from Haruka?"

Hotaru smiled and laughed, "Yeah, yeah. Alright I'll see you later Michiru-mama" Hotaru hugged her again and rushed up to her room to get her bags packed, once she had them packed (which was pretty fast) and put them in a sub-space pocket as she summoned herself to the Gates of Time.

~*End Prologue*~
Tomoe: ...well how'd you like it??
Thor: ...it was pretty good...better then Fantasy Girl's first story anyway...
Fantasy Girl: Shut up Thor!!!
Thor: MAKE ME!
Fantasy Girl: I WILL!!!
*start fighting*
Vale: *acts a lot like Selphie* STOP FIGHTING!
Vince: Well I liked it...
Tomoe: Thank you.
Fantasy Girl: Don't forget to review!
Vale: Yeah!! ^.~
Vince: Ja ne!
Thor: ... *has a black eye* ...ouch