*Peeks out from underneath rock* Ok, who's idea was it to to this!?....oh ya, me hehe. I can't believe Im doin' this, but im finally makin a story for on here! can you believe it?! ya so dont like kill me! its my first time doin this! ive been on here for almost 2 years now and im finally adding a story of my own! you peeps rock by the way! your stories, amazing! thats what encouraged me to write this. hopefully i wont suck at it even though i know i wont ever be as good as most of you on here. Ok one thing that i ask is no flames. seriously, just sayin "you suck, get a life" ya thats pointless. if anyone needs to get a life, its the peeps who are flamin'! you give it a try! its tough! so no flames, but i will take constuctive criticizm well. so let me here it! alright, im starting to ramble(seriously if ya see me doin it just hit me XD) so heres the disclaimer and ill let you be on your way!

Disclaimer: CG doesn't own Transformers now, do you think she's gonna own it by time this story is over?

hmm...good point


The wind was whipping through my hair as it rushed in through the open window of the car. We were racing down a long and what seemed to be endless desert road. The car I was in was gorgeous and I wished I could have enjoyed the drive, but we were in a hurry about something, I could tell that much. Another thing crossed my mind: Was I alone? It felt as if someone was in the car with me, but.... I looked around the car. Not a soul to be seen.

All of a sudden the scenery switched. Instead of the endless desert, we were now in a city with skyscrapers so tall; you could barely see the sky above. Something wasn't right about this place. Not a single person walked what should be busy streets.

That's when I felt it. A tremor that shook the ground and almost made me lose my less than perfect balance. The tremors started to become worse and now I could not only feel the tremors, but hear what ever was making them. It was clanging so loud I had to cover my ears. The building to my right shook violently as what looked like a giant hand gripped it in between its claws. The owner of the hand then came into my full view.

Dang, was that thing ugly! It looked like some sort of...robot? What I could only guess was its face was made up of many metal plates contorted at different angles like the rest of its body making it look even creepier than anything I had ever seen. And wow. Was it BIG!

Then I realized, oh crap, this giant, ugly, hunk of metal is coming at me! It approached me with what I'm guessing is a sort of sneer, letting me get a good look at its razor sharp teeth...thingies. I tried desperately to run, but I couldn't move! It kept coming closer and closer until it was right in my face. The robot opened its mouth to speak and I could imagine what it would say. Maybe something like: "Feel my wrath!" or "Your end is now" or heck why not just plain old "DIE!" But, no, I wasn't expecting what it said next as it leaned in as close as possible:

"Breakfast is ready."


Well, I definitely wasn't expecting that!


I screamed and fell out of my bed and flat on my face. Jeez! Give a girl a heart attack why don't ya?! Ugh, leave it to my brother to wake me up oh ever so gently, but what do you expect in the Zell household?

"Alright! Shut your trap! I'm comin'!" I flopped my blonde hair out of my face with a huff and trudged down the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen.

The smell of chocolate chip pancakes filled the room making my stomach make gurgle noises. Yup, Pop was making his famous pancakes that make you what to stick your face in them just because they smell so good (I do not suggest it...people seem to get angry when you randomly smell their pancakes. I'm not sure why...).

"Hiya, Pop!" I said cheerfully. My grandfather was one of my favorite people to ever walk this earth. He was a tall man with gray hair that did this awesome lil' Elvis curl. He has lived with us ever since my grandmother passed away when I was eight. Pop was a person you could get along with and always told me amazing stories about our ancestors.

"Hey there, Kitten, ready for your pancakes?"

I smiled at the sound of my childhood nickname Pop had given me.

"You betcha!" I sat down at the counter." Hey, Pop! I had this super weird dream last night!" My grandfather was used to hearing my "super weird dreams".

"How super and weird are we talkin' now?"

"Like the most superest and weirdest dream I ever had! Well first I was drivin' through the desert in guess what? A Camaro! It was so shiny....*far off happy look*...ugh...where was I? Oh ya! Then I was in a city and there was like this robot and he was all freaky and metaly and ugly and he asked me if I wanted breakfast!"

"Well, um, that's definitely a strange dream. Might just be the strangest yet...but then that one with the dancing burrito who married the tuna salad was pretty strange too..."

"...We do not talk about Mr. Dancing Burrito. It's too painful. I can't believe he left me for that stupid tuna salad! What does it have that I don't?!" So I had a dream where I was married to a burrito (who divorced me!), sue me!

Pop chuckled and placed the delicious smelling pancakes in front of me. He knew I was crazy, but hey, he's crazy too! Where do you think I got it from?

"Hey, Kitten, I got something' to show ya. I'll be back in a jiff" He walked out of the kitchen and soon returned with a box in his hands.

"Ooooo, what's that?" I said in a very childish voice. Yes, not exactly the maturest thing to say, but hey, who acts mature these days?

"This here is somethin' I've been waitin' a bit to give to you."

Pop opened the box and revealed a pair of old glasses.

"This here is your inheritance. These were your Great-great grandfather Archibald Zell's glasses." Pop explained.

"Wait, wasn't he the one who went to the Arctic Circle?" I asked, deeply interested.

"That's right. One of the first men to ever do it too. Imagine all the things he saw through these glasses...." Pop seemed to drift off into thought, but I broke him out of it with a question.

"Wasn't he also the guy that went totally loopy and had to be put in an institution?"

"Yes, that's him. Runnin' around like a Wildman goin' on about a "Giant Ice Man". Poor soul. Anyway, I thought it was about time to pass 'em down to you."

Of course I was happy to get this from my grandfather, but what about my annoying older brother?

"Um, Pop, this is great and all, but what about Lance? He's older than me so shouldn't this be past down to him?"

"Aw, you know your brother. He'd take this stuff and sell it on EBay or somethin' for a few extra bucks."

That is true. My brother may be six years older than me, but he never was considerate of stuff like this. Personally, I thought it was cool learning about my family history. Lance? Not so much.

Speak of the devil; he walked in to the kitchen with his usually grumpy morning face. His spiked brown hair was still in a disarray from sleeping.

"Hola, mi hermano!" I said happily.

Lance turned his head and glared at me. "Kitt, this isn't Spanish class so hush it."

"Hmf! Well, you're no fun! Anyway, looky what I got!" I pushed the glasses in his face, which for some reason ticked him off more. Strange.....

"Ugh, get that junk outta my face! What is it anyway?"

"It's your great great grandfather Archibald Zell's spectacles." Pop chimed in.

"Soooo, its old junk. Hm, I could get a few bucks for this stuff of eBay or something...."he trailed off. See? What did I tell you?

Just then my father, Jack Zell, walked in. My father was a very tall man. He had brown hair which was passed down to my brother (along with the tallness). Sadly, I got my mom's shortness and blonde hair. I hate being 5'4! I know its not that short, but I could have been taller. Dad didn't mind that his only daughter was a tomboy. In fact, I think he feels more at ease knowing I'm more into cars than boys at this moment.

"HI, DADDY!!" I yelled out. I had a reason to be extra perky towards my father today.

"Hey there, Kitt, and you can stop with being over perky. I know what today is". He looked at me from the corner of his eye with a smile on his face as he got orange juice.

Darn, he saw right through me!

Yes, today was the day my dad was talking me to get my very first car! Oh, you have no idea how long I have waited for this day! I've waited sixteen years of my life and now it's finally here! My mother was none to pleased saying I'm "immature" and "Too devilish" to get a car. Where the heck is she gettin' that from?! But I know I'm ready.

I then turned to Lance, about to ask him the most important question I have ever asked him.

"Lance, can I-"


"But I-"


"Will you-"


"I didn't even ask ya yet!"

"But I already know what you're going to say, so no, you may not take Bo."

"But why!?" I whined.

"Because I do not trust you with him. Remember last time?" he said, raising an eyebrow.

I crossed my arms and huffed. "One time you nearly kill a family of squirrels and people stop trustin' ya! Fine, then I guess we'll take Luke." I got up off the chair and made my way up the stairs to my room to get ready.

Now all of you are probably going on saying "What is she talking about? Who the hell's Bo and Luke?" Well, before you say anything, no, I'm not talking about the Duke Cousins runnin' around in a bright orange Dodge Charger called the General Lee going"Yee-ha!!" I'm talking about my families two vehicles, Bo and Luke. Bo is a black '99 V8 Dodge Dakota with an attitude problem like his owner, Lance. Yeah, Bo has an attitude problem 'cause he's insane and tries to kill me everyday! It's just that he's so shiny so I like to drive him.

Now Luke is the families '99 burgundy Chevrolet Tahoe. I love Luke. Such an easy going SUV that doesn't try to kill me everyday. It's not that I don't mind driving him, I mean I learned to drive in the Tahoe, it's just that Bo makes things more interesting.

Did I forget to mention the fact that I like to name vehicles? I know, I know, crazy, but its fun! You should try it sometime! I've been doin' it since I could talk. I have to see the car I get before I can name it. I wouldn't want to name it something that didn't suite its personality.

I finished getting dressed in my favorite pair of jeans and a shirt saying "Heartbeat of America: Chevrolet" when my father called from the steps.

"Kitt! You coming today or what?"

"I'm coming!" I yelled, and then scrambled down the steps (tripping a few times in the process. Curse you once again ungracefulness!*shakes fist*) and right in front of my dad. I made a grab for Luke's keys, but dad held them out of my reach.

"Oh no you don't, I'm driving." he smirked then headed towards the door with me pouting behind him.

so??? whatya think? obviously if your reading this, you were kind enough to give my first chapter a chance, so i thank you! just a reminder, i ask for no flames! they burn! i will add the second chapter if i get at least one good review to continue my updates. please? just one ittsy bitsy review? i already have most of the second chapter done, so don't let my hard work to waste! ugh!again with the rambling! im so sorry i can't help it ^v^'

I'll leave you all to review!(hopefully)