The Prince



T'Pau, alone in the silent citadel, waited for the girl to be brought before her. This was done on purpose. The Elder did not want to deal with her counterparts, the other council members. No. This was a personal family matter. It would stay within the family.

She studied T'Pring for a long moment. The girl was disheveled and dirty. Her hair was matted and her eyes were wild.

The Elder felt nothing towards her: No pity, no shame, no guilt. She was a traitor. She would be dealt with as such.

The Elder thought back to what she had seen; what she had heard from her grandchild. No – this girl was unworthy, and she would ensure T'Pring would never be allowed back into Vulcan society.

Vulcans no longer practiced the death penalty, but T'Pau had another punishment in mind, one that would make a creature of T'Pring's rank and status wish that she were dead. It was quite simple.

T'Pau made only one pronouncement: "Chattel."


It was dark in the damp dungeons of the citadel. Gone were the beautiful gowns and the comforts to which she had become accustomed. Stripped of her privileged status as betrothed, she was confined to this fetid, hellish place.

Curse the old witch who had sent her here. Curse the abomination of an heir she was protecting.

Yet, they were not immortal…She could wait…she would bide her time…

She would have his rank. She would take his title. She was his. No matter…no matter…he would be hers. And all would be set right. Curse the human whores, the both of them. They were usurpers. It was hers by right! She would take the place they denied her one day.

She was a martyr. All would revere her time as chattel as the ultimate sacrifice for Vulcan. She would restore the House of Surak…she would rule by his side. They would be one. She would be patient…She would not let him go.

Laughter, high and wild, reverberated off the dungeon walls, but there was no one around to hear the strange sound.

Author's Notes:

First, I would like to say Thank you to Far Strider for serving as Editor to my stories. Your insights and suggestions have been needed and greatly welcome (I may not have been able to finish this thing without you).

Second, I have noticed that some of you are in distress! Oh dear. I did not intend that, and for those of you who shed tears…don't worry, I wrote this thing, and even I cried! It's ok. Don't forget, this is only Part one of a three part series. Stay tuned to "The Prince: Absolution". This will take us strait into the movie events! Keep the faith. Remember, nothing worth having comes without a struggle.

For the many of you who posted reviews, I thank you. I am not one to beg. I took many of your praises, and hopes and critiques into consideration as this work developed. I hope you all enjoyed it.

I am beginning work on two new pieces, an AU 2009 remix featuring the movie "Pretty Woman" (my favorite movie of all time) as well as another centered in my favorite universe of all, the mirror universe! For those of you who picked this as a favorite story and me as a favorite author, I am humbled. Thank you. And with that, this completes The Prince: Degeneration (aka Part I).

One last note: Please feel free to email me any questions, concerns, suggestions, etc. or post them to the reviews. I always respond. Many of you have done so already, and I've had some great conversations on character motivations, and things of that sort. Just because it's the end of the first story doesn't mean the conversation has to end too.