Hola peoples! I've realized that this story wasn't very successful, considering hardly anybody reviewed it. I allow anon reviews! I decided to end this early, because I sad with the lack of reviews. So if you liked it, blame it on the people who didn't review XD No don't. If you liked this fanfic, make sure you read Chance Falls and REVIEW. I may not update in a while, because I'm working on a real book! Ya, you heard right! Well, thanks again!

Kiba was back in my arms. Well, I was in the hospital from chakra loss. So, I wasn't really in his arms, but he held my hand. I could've died if it weren't for him. He didn't have a lot of chakra either, but he gave me enough to live. I could kiss him for that.

My eyes fluttered open. As I said, I was in the hospital, and Kiba was holding my hand. I didn't have IV's stuck in my wrist, nothing. It seemed as if I was just there. But I knew better.

Kiba was asleep when I woke up. His hand was limp in mine. He was so cute when he slept. I poked his cheek.

"Kiiiba," I said softly, "Kiiibles." His eyes opened lzily and he sat up, and stretched his back. He didn't seem to recongnize me at first, but as his eyes focused, a wide grin spread across his gorgeous face. Kiba squeezed my hand.

"Good. You're awake. I'll go tell the nurses and we can leave." He said, still smiling. He squeezed her hand again before walking out the door.

I thought about those people. 'Michi'. I hope he dies. I bet he could say the same for me. What were they going to do with Kiba? I pondered this while I waited for him to come back.

He hadn't come back. It had been ten minutes and no sign of Kiba. Did he get into a fight with Sakura of something? Did he leave?

I got up and started to investigate. I walked into the hall and looked around. No Kiba.

I went into the reception area. Once again, no Kiba. I decided to go ask the reception lady.

"Have you seen Kiba Inuzuka? He said he'd go talk to the nurses…" I said, not so sure of myself.

"Ano, I'm sorry. Kiba hasn't come by today. Though, Sakura-san came by and said you're allowed to leave." She went back to her papers, frowning. She must hate paperwork.

Figuring I had nothing else to do, I walked out of the building and decided to go change out of my clothes. I had plenty of time, right? No point in staying in dirty clothes.

Walking through the streets of Konoha always felt nice. People to greet, shops to shop at. But, as Kiba had basically abandoned me, I didn't take quite as much satisfaction from it. It quite surprised how much I was wanting Kiba.

I saw my house on the horizon. It looked kinda small from my perspective. I scowled at my humble abode. It was nothing compared to the Inuzuka compound. One of their houses equaled four of mine. It made me feel sad.

I walked in the door. Everything had a light layer of dust on it. Except the floor. Footprints led all through the house. Did nobody these days mind anybody's privacy? I thought I locked the door, too. But, if this was a ninja, it didn't really matter.

I walked into my bedroom, suspicious of everything. I looked under my bed, the closet, behind the vanity. Nothing. Must be gone. Somehow, I didn't take much pleasure from that. Maybe I wanted a fight.

I slipped off my dress and looked at my bikini. I didn't even get a chance to use it. Sighing, I sat on the vanity chair and started brushing out the kinks in my hair. Each stroke brought thoughts of Kiba. How could he just leave me there.

My stomach growled and I put the brush down. I walked into the kitchen. And that when I got kidnapped.

Someone put a burlap sack over my head. So cliché. I tried kicking, something, but I got poked at the base of my skull and was out of it again.

I groaned. A light breeze played over my body. Oh great. I was still in my bikini. That sucked.

I sat up. I heard someone sigh and felt someone take off the sack. Still cliché. I found myself looking into black, slit eyes. We were by the local waterfall.

"Kiba, you idiot!" I screamed. I lunged for him. He moved aside and I fell. Smooth.

"Hold on. I'm just finishing what I started." He unzipped his jacket and ran.

"Eh?!" He grabbed my wrist just as he jumped into the water. There was a splash and then I couldn't breath.

I gasped as I reached the surface. I bobbed up and down on the water. Kiba came up seconds later. I glared at his smiling face.

"Kasumi, why are you mad? I just wanted to finish our date." He grinned. I could really hate him sometimes.

"Why!? You kidnapped me, and then assaulted me! If that's not a reason to be mad, I don't know wha-" I was interrupted by Kiba… and his lips.

If I had a kiss to compare to, I would still say this was the best kiss ever. His fingers knotted in my hair and I had my arms on his shoulders. Kiba leaned in a little more and I broke the connection. I gasped for air.

"Not too shabby, eh?" He said, smirking.

"I guess not, Kibbles." We kissed again.

And that, was my happily ever after.

Please don't hate me! I really wanted to get this finished, so then I have time to work on other stuff. *REMINDER* READ CHANCE FALLS! For NaruHina lovers, this is the story for you! Fluffy Lovey Dovey crap describes Chance Falls. Read AND Review it. Anon reviews allowed for all of it!