Hey, thank you for reading. I hope that you will like this new part of the story. Sorry it took me so long to up-date. I have had a lot of work to get done for school. I have a little break now, before the exams start. As always I think by this point you will need to have read the other parts before this one for some parts to make sense, but if you haven't or don't want to, then you can ask me any questions you want about what has happened and I will do my best to answer you.

"Lord Sho is of noble birth, he is the best choice."

"Why, General Kiba has earned his title."

"That only means that he has not learned the responsibilities that his title entails."

This argument had been going on for hours now. The same points were brought up at least ten times, each time it would be dismissed by an argument that also had been used at least ten times. It seemed that there was no moving forward, neither side was prepared to make any compromise, or even see things from the other side. King Bumi at the ripe old age of one hundred and nineteen had finally decided to retire. The council had been in this meeting for two days now, stopping only in the evening to sleep. Their meals were brought to them on shiny silver trays. Of the sixteen nobles around the table only around four were still talking about the issue, the others were trying not to fall asleep.

"You learn best through experience, not being talked at."

"Is there something you want to say, Lord…."

"No. I simply meat that not all important things in life can be taught, they have to be experienced."

"So we are meant to let General Kiba learn this new role, through making mistakes. Mistakes that will harm a great number of people."

"Enough, lords please stop. We are forgetting…"

"What, the third option."

"Yes, exactly."

"We have been over this she, the Lady Bei Fong….."

"Lady Avatar."


"She is the wife of the avatar, that must outrank a title she gets from her father."

"No, Lady Bei Fong is more….."

"This is a stupid argument." The two lords that had been arguing nod in agreement. "And an essily solved one. Avatart.."

Aang, who had been close to sleep, jumped a little as his title was called. "Yes."

"What is the correct title for your wife."

Aang had to fight back the urge to laugh out loud at the utter stupidly of the question he was just asked. Rather than thinking of an answer to the question, he thought of the conversation he and Toph had had that morning. He sat in a chair that he had moved next to the window of their room. He looked out over the city in-front of him. Following one of the many routes he and Bumi had taken on the mail chutes with his eyes. It seemed odd to think that Bumi would no longer be king of this city. It was almost impossible for him to think of either Bumi or the city without thinking of the other as-well. All the people he saw going about their day to day lives had no real idea that in a few hours they could have a new king. Though that was a very optimistic view, if things went the same as the day before.

"It's easy to forget how vast the city is."

He nodded at his wife's comment, as she moved to stand by his chair.

"What are you thinking about."

He let out a sigh, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down to sit on his knee. "Nothing."

"I may not be able to see your face overreacting to lying, but I can tell by your voice."

A small laugh left his lips. "I was thinking about how different things are going to be."

"Really!" She tilted her upper body round so that she was facing him. "The war is over, Zuko is the fire lord, and married to Katara. They have two children. So do Suki and Sokka. We are married, us! And what you think is going to be so different is Bumi retiring." Aang lowered his head to try and stop himself from really laughing. "Bumi, who you knew over an hundred years ago, and you were a few yeard older than him. That wasn't different to you…."

"I know." He know finally let out a laugh. "It's just, I still think of Bumi as being younger than me, he still is.." He saw Toph's eyes widen a little. "Well technically I am one hundred and twenty."

"Well that's a slight odd rational. Here I was thinking my father didn't want me to marry you because you were already married to your job."

"Well that too."

Her face light up into a wide smile, as did his. When her laughter subsided, she placed her hands on Aang's arms that wrapped around her, and rested her head on top of his. "Change can be a good thing." She spoke in low voice.

"Well I can think of one good change." He whispered into her, before giving her a kiss on the check. "So, I told you. You tell me, what were you thinking about."

Toph pulled her head from his. "Honestly nothing."

"Don't think you can lie to me, you taught me to well." She continued to keep her head turned from him. "You were thinking about what it would be like to live here permanently. What it would be like to be Queen of Omashu."

She shook her head. "No, I wasn't."

"Yes you were, I told you, you taught me to well."

"Ok, maybe I was."

"And how did that thought go." She went quiet again. "Toph."

"It was ok."

"Ok, the thought of being Queen, is only ok."

She tried to fight back a smile. "You know I have all that fake, formal stuff."


She was avoiding the issue, and he needed her to answer him honestly. This was about their future, and he had to know what she was thinking, what she wanted.

"It would never work…."

"I remember you saying that about us."

"The jury is still out on that one." She leaned back further against his chest. "There are so many places we have to be, we can't stay in the one place all the time. That would never work, for us, for anyone."

He leaned back further into the chair. Wrapping his arms tighter around her small waist. "If you wanted…."

"No. I couldn't ask you to do that."

She moved to stand up, but he pulled her closer. "Are you trying to do something nice for me, just to be nice."

"It was bound to happen at some point. Don't be so shocked."

"It is pretty shocking."

"Me being nice."

"No, us."

She nodded in agreement. "I always thought you and Katara would work out."

A little to her surprise he didn't seem to react to this. "Honestly I always thought you would need up with someone much older." Her face scrunched up into a frown. "You did like Sokka, and almost married Zuko."

"Thin ice Twinkle toes." Her words were softened by the curl at the corner of her lips.

"Only because you are, smart and strong willed….."

"Ok, air head you're off the hook.

"I guess you are right, some changes are a good thing."

"Um, but you are older than me. One hundred years older." As she laughed, his eyes widened. This fact had honestly never come to him. While he knew his extended age, he never thought of it in relation in Toph. "Guess you were right after all." Quickly lifting up her arms, she wrapped them around Aang's neck, before touching his lips with her. As she pulled back, a bright smile greeted Aang. "Come on grandpa. Don't want to keep the young men waiting."

Feeling his hold on her waist loosen a little she pulled herself up as she spoke. Just as she was standing, he reached out taking hold of her hand, he gave a sharp tug and she fell back down onto his knee. Her lips crashing into his again. "Grandpa huh." Their foreheads rested against each other, as the laughed under their breath. A few minutes later he left their room to attend the second day of the meeting.


Aang once again was pulled from his thoughts by his title being called. He looked at the lord , whose name he couldn't remember, who had called to him. He gave a slight nod of his head for him to repeat the question again.

"What is the correct title for your wife."

Aang nodded again, signalling that he had heard the question that time. "Why don't you ask her yourself."

Aang's gazes, and everyone else's around the table went to his right, where Toph was sitting. The lady in question, sat leaning very far back into her chair. Her dress, hair, her whole look, matched her title. That was if you didn't know her, and she didn't talk.

Placing her hands on the arms of her chair, and leaning forwards she answered. "Well, I'm not a fan of either. One refers only to me as my father's daughter, the other that I belong to my husband. I prefer to be judged on my own merits."

"So you want us to refer to you as General Bei Fong." One of the lords that had been quiet for a good few hours butted in.

"You could also call me Toph." He opened his mouth to bite back, but she spoke first. "As for who I think should be king, I would go with General Kiba."

"We want to know if you…"

"No." That was the final word on the matter, so she leaned back into the chair again.

The lords around the table, looked around at each other. They had found themselves back were they started. As they looked around, they caught glimpses out of the windows that ran the entire way alone one wall. It was now almost entirely dark outside. Feeling little point in going on, they called it a day and all got to their feet to leave.

As they walked along the corridor, Toph felt someone she wanted to talk to walking along a corridor close by. Taking hold of Aang's arm she pulled him to a stop. "There's someone I need to talk to, I'll catch up with you in a bit." He nodded and kissed her on the check.

At the end of another corridor, she caught up to him. "We need to talk."

Hearing her voice he turned to face her. "Anything for my favourite best friend's wife."

"Just favourite, not only."

Bumi laughed as she walked down the corridor towards him. "What can I do for you Toph."

She let out a deep breath. "I'm ready."

"Are you sure."

She nodded. "I was going to happen at some point. Why fight it."

Bumi nodded, as his lips curled a little into a smile. He patted her lightly on the shoulder. "I'll set things up."

For the second time she let out a deep breath, as a million thought faced through her head. What had she just done.

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it. I should have the next chapter up in a week or so. Any comments you have to make are very welcome, thanks.