ok so here is chapter 24 :D this is for CatsPrivateBedroom thanks for your help :)

please go check out her stories .. for me please there really good!

anyways.. this chapter is pretty cool i think.. its christmas time so 1 month later so your not confused :D

Chapter 24

"Deck the Halls"

! Month later

Bella POV:

Well after the whole Kate incident, Christmas was finally here. It was mine and Edward's first Christmas together. It was so exciting. It would also be my first Christmas away from my dad and Esme and Carlisle. Maybe I should invite them up surprise Edward, Emmett and Alice. I had a huge grin on my face. I was the only one home.

I refused to go Christmas shopping with anyone because I knew that Alice would peek at what she was getting. So I was home alone, I had time to do this. I walked over to the phone and called home.

"Hello?" I familiar voice said.

"Hey Ch-Dad" I said.

"Bells! Its so good to hear from you, how have ya been?"

"good dad… I was wondering if you wanted to come up for Christmas?" there was a slight pause.

"ya Bella, that would be great, ill be there Christmas eve"

"Ok dad, thanks"

"How are your classes?" I decided not tell him about Eric.

"great, music and English are awesome." I said.

"that's great, well I gotta go, I was about to leave for the station"

"ok love you dad"

"Love you too Bells" he hung up on his end. I was over joyed. I called Esme and Carlisle.

The phone rang, and someone finally answered.

"Hello?" it was Esme.

"hey Esme"

"BELLA!" she exclaimed.

"could you get Carlisle on the other end?" "Sure" she yelled for Carlisle and he picked up the other end.

"Hello Bella" "hey Carlisle, look I was wondering, if you guys wanted to come up for Christmas. I know that Emmett and Edward and especially Alice are missing you, and it is one of my Christmas presents to them.."

"that would be great Bella" Esme said.

"yes it would, when would you want us there?"

"well, Christmas eve would be great, but you can come anytime."

"no Christmas eve is great"

"that's awesome, Charlie is coming too" I said.

"that's great"

"oh I gotta go, I hear them coming"


"bye" I quickly hung up and raced back to the kitchen to.. Uh, wash the dishes.

"HUNNY IM HOME!" Emmett called.

I rolled my eyes and in walked Emmett. With tons of bags.

"why so many bags emmett?"

"Alice, made me get Christmas presents for everyone"

"whats wrong with that?" I asked


Edward POV:

Alice, Jasper, Emmett Rose and I were all out Christmas shopping Bella refused to come with us. Which was fine with me because I didn't want her seeing her gift. Alice is the worst to shop with for Christmas. She is always trying to peek at what she gets.

Its like a little kid. Emmett was like a little kid, telling everyone what he really wanted. I just shook my head at my siblings. We all went out separate ways, like by our selves, ok first on my list was Bella. I went over to the jewellers.

I was looking at all the jewellery. I saw this pendant. It had a heart on it and diamonds in crested around it. It was perfect my Bella. I got one of the sale's people to get it for me. They wrapped it and gave me a bag. So my love was done who was next I thought, Alice. Oh great. She was so hard to shop for but easy at the same time.

I was window shopping and an idea hit me. I could get her a gift card to her favourite store and a pair of shoes. I think, Abercrombie and Finch, is her favourite store. I walked across the mall and asked for a gift card.

"Yes sir and how much would you like to put on it." I thought of this for a moment. Everything here was expensive.

"300$ please" she looked at me and smiled.

"Ok and here you go would you like a bag for it?"

"yes" I handed her the money and grabbed the card. I walked to a shoe store and looked at the shoes. Now what would be Alice. I looked at a pair of sparkly, black stiletto heels that Alice was always looking at. I grabbed them off the shelf and Alice was a size.. Five. I walked over and bought them and got a bag. So my favourite sister was done Jasper was next. He loved history books. I walked to the book store and got him two history books that would capture his attention.

So Jasper was done. Rosalie was next, she would love a diamond bracelet. I walked back to the jewellery store and looked at the bracelets. I fond one that Rosalie would love, it had her name on it with diamonds.

All I had left was Emmett, now he was difficult. I decided just to get him a game for his wii for Christmas, I went to future shop and grabbed some fighting wii game for him. I had all my Christmas presents now it was time to wait at the front entrance for my family. Rosalie was already there.

"Hey Rose" is said while coming out.

"Hey Ed" she had some bags around her.

"what do you have there?" I asked teasingly

"Stuff and you cant know till Christmas" she said smugly.

"not even the others"

"Nope" she said popping the p. Emmett came out with some bags and it was funny to see him carring them. I tried to compose my face. I burst out laughing. Emmett just glared. Jasper came walking out caring some bags. Now we all had to wait for Alice.

Alice POV:

We all went our seperate ways and I so wanted to know what I was getting. I had gotten Edward some classical music CD's and Emmett a new game system (x box360). Rose I got some perfume that I caught her looking at. Jasper now, I know he likes books but he always gets them, I had to think of something awesome to get him. But I didn't know what! Ugh why is this so difficult! I started to feel like nothing, would be good enough to get him. I sighed out of frustration. When it hit me, Jasper wanted a new cell phone. I would be the one to get it for him. I walked to the cell phone stand and look at what one I should get him. I saw the phone he was looking at before. I asked the person to get it for me and I payed. Now was Bella, my best friend. I walked over to the book store I picked up the book Romeo and Julliet the original copy, I know Bella's needed replacing. I also got her a gift card to the book store.

I walked back out to find everyone waiting for me. I just smiled and walked back to my car. Jasper drove with me and Edward. Rose and Em went in his jeep. We went in the elavator with all of our belongings. Emmett burst through the door.

"HONEY IM HOME!" he said with a whack from Rose. I giggled. He walked to go and talk to Bella. I went to my room and stashed their presents in a secret hiding place. I walked back out and Jasper was sitting on "our" couch as Bella put it. I walked over and sat beside him. He smiled and I mimicked his. Christmas eve was tomorrow and Christmas was in two days. I couldn't wait. I really missed my mom. It would be my first Christmas away from home.

Jasper sensed my sadness. He kissed my cheek and tried to make me happy. I smiled at him and cuddled up to him.

Bella POV:

I was making dinner when Edward walked through the kitchen. I pretended to no notice hi come in. His arms wrapped around me. I turned around and he went to kiss my cheek but I blocked it with my lips. I kissed him and it started out gentle when he pushed my up against the wall and deepened it. I pulled away to breath. I think that is my favourite kiss.

Im sure my face was tomato red and he just chuckled. He bent down and kissed my forehead.

"So What's in the bag's Edward?"

"Christmas presents" he said smirking

"can I see?"

"no, you might peek at yours?"

"no I wont!"

"Fine" Edward showed me Alice's shoes and her girft card. I gasped I could never were the shoes. He showed me Rosalie's bracelet. It was just right for her. Emmett's game and I rolled my eyes. Jasper's books. The box left in the bag must be for me. I went to grab it. He grabbed my wrists.

"Not till Christmas"

I sighed, I just had to wait. I guess it was my turn to go and do Christmas shopping.

"I have to go Christmas shopping Edward" I said. He sighed. I kissed his, lips and grabbed my wallet. I took his Volvo and drove off to the mall. My mind wandered on what to get him. What to get my Edward. I decided to get him a keyboard. He couldn't bring his piano. It bothered me I loved hearing him play it.

My mind wondered to when we were little and he would try to teach me how to play. After about an hour I quit. It was to hard. So I just stuck with guitar. I parked the car and locked. The mall was huge.

I asked some store person were the music store was. I walked about 5 shops down and there it was. I walked in and started looking at the keyboards. A sale associate came over.

"May I help you any questions?"

"uhh.. Yes im looking for a keyboard"

"Sure no problem" she lead me over to a varity of them. There were different colour ones and all sorts.

"I just want a normal keyboard, in black"

"ok" she took on off the shelf and took it to the back room and came out with one for me" I took it gratefully and paid full charge. I still had lots of my mom and grandma's inheritance.

So my Edward was done. Next was Alice. I think I wanted to get her a necklace for or friendship something that had her name on it. I walked over to the jewellers. I found the perfect one. It had two hearts and one heart had diamonds. I got it and I knew Alice would love it. Emmett was easy. I got him a gift card for West 49. For Rose I got a pair of snake skin heels. Which I new she would love. Now for Jasper he was always the hardest to shop for. I pounded in my mind and couldn't decide. I went to the video store and got him a whole bunch history and war movies. Hope he likes them. I was almost done my Christmas shopping. I had to get something for Charlie. I got him new fishing gear.

For Esme and Carlisle, I got Esme some cooking instrunments which I new she wanted. Carlisle I got him, some medical history books. I was done and headed for home.

I got home and I was pleased with what I got. Alice and Jasper were deep in conversation, Rose and Emmett, were in there room doing who knows what. I walked into my room and stuffed the presents in my closet. I put a lock on it. So know one would peek. I walked back out to the kitchen and put the dinner in the oven and waited for the timer to go off. I heard the shower running and I was guessing that Edward was in there.

The timer went off and I got some plates. I served the dinner and walked over to were Jasper and Alice sat.

"Dinner" I said. Alice jumped right up with Jasper at her heels. I walked over to, Rose and Emmett's door.

"Dinner!" I yelled. Before I could blink Emmett burst through the door. With Rose walking and rolling her eyes. I didn't hear the shower anymore so I walked back to the kitchen to find Edward already sitting in his chair. We ate in silence with Everyone telling each other how there day went and how hard it was to shop. Alice was literally bouncing in her seat, cause tomorrow was Christmas eve.

By the time I had finished the dishes and put everything away. It was about 8:00. I watched some TV with Edward and I slowly sat up and towed him with me to our room.

"im going to bed"

"night Bella night Edward" they called or just Alice and Jasper. Rose and Emmett were already in there room. I changed into my PJ's which were, flannel and had black and grey. Edward was were his flannel pjs with his shirt off. We climbed into bed. My hand went up and down his chest. He started to chuckle.

"does that tickle?" I asked

"A little" I laughed to.

I propped myself on his elbow and kissed his lips, he flipped us so he was on top of me kissing me. He pulled away to breath and kissed down my jaw line. I pulled his lips back to mine. He lied back down and I snuggled closer to him. Waiting for tomorrow.

I woke up, and it was Christmas eve. I jumped out of bed and ran to look at the time. Holy crap it was 11:30. Alice and Jasper were snuggled on the couch watching TV. She smiled at me.

"hey sleepy head"

"hey Alice hey Jasper"

"Hello" Jasper said. Esme and Carlisle were due to be here at noon. I quickly showered and got dressed. Edward was in the kitchen with breakfast for me. He turned around and saw me.

"Morning glory" I smiled. He handed me some eggs. I scarffed them down and he gave me this really weird look.

"Im hungry" I said.

He started laughing and shaking his head. The hand, on the clock said it was 11:40AM. Time would not move faster. Edward took my plate, and washed it. He grabbed my hand and took us to the couch. We started watching TV when a knock came at the door. Alice went to go get it. I jumped up way to quickly.

I peeked through the peep hole and there stood, Carlisle, Esme and my dad.

"ROSE EMMETT! GET OUT HERE!" I yelled. They opened up there door and I pointed to the couch. Alice was looking at me with confused eyes, Jasper the same, Edward was worried and Emmett and Rose didn't have an expression.

"Guys happy early Christmas present" I said. I opened up the door and Alice screamed and ran over to her mom and dad. Edward and Emmett did the same. Jasper and Rose and I hugged my dad we all shared hugs and stuff. I brought in there luggage with Emmett's help.

"Oh my gosh! I cant believe you're here!" Alice said.

"Well Bella called us up and told us this is one of her Christmas presents to you guys." Alice beamed at me and Edward kissed the top of my head. Emmett hugged me.

"thank Bella!" they said. I smiled.

"now lets see these rings!" Esme exclaimed. She looked at Alice first. She showed Esme and she gasped. She hugged Jasper. I showed her mine and she hugged her boy Edward. Rose stood up and showed hers. She hugged them both.

"Im so happy for you guys!" I looked behind Carlisle to see my dad standing there awkwardly. He had tears in his eyes. I jumped up from the couch and hugged him tightly.

"I cant believe your engaged Bells" he whispered

"I know neither can I"

"Im happy for you" I smiled at the thought

A/N: ok so the necklace for Bella from Edward and the necklace for Alice can be viewed on my profile :D

so please R&R pretty please :)