Disclaimer: I split my time writing this story between looking at my notebook every half second, checking the good ole Webster, surfing Wiktionary, searching Mangafox, running to my room to check canon, and typing. Do you seriously believe for a nanosecond I could write anything vaguely CLAMP-tastic?

Author's Note: I forgot to mention last time, but I had to split 'A Brother's Love' into two parts because it was so long. Oh, and Chapter Three was like one thousand words more than both Chapter One and Chapter Two combined. Yeah, my hand will just go die now.

Am I right in assuming that nobody reads the Author's Notes? Well, if anyone is, I challenge thee to predict the contents of a sub-chapter-thingie by its title alone, some are obvious, others, not so much. Good luck~


~New Recruits, New Location…New Experiences~

The Cat's Eye Café is an extremely busy place indeed. So it was logical they needed more space; and the only way of accomplishing this was to find it. That did not stop Kamui from protesting greatly to the arrangement established before the younger Fluorite's departure.

In fact, the aristocrat was so displeased; he had even degraded himself to begging on bended knee for Chi not to go in front of a thoroughly packed café. That was until Fuuma had smiled, picked Kamui up by the waist, and dragged him kicking and screaming back into the kitchen.

Though, the Royal Court had initially been more than a little surprised at first at the new workers, and despite Touya muttering for an hour and a half variations of the phrase 'sadistic schizophrenic überboss', Sakura and Syaoran were volunteered to be the first ones Subaru served. It was so he could get the hang of it and they could get to know each other better.

At least that was the reason Seishirou gave when he'd suggested it to Fai and Touya when Sakura complained neither Touya nor Yukito could always serve their table. Plus, she had brought her best friend Tomoyo and wanted to introduce her to Chi, and that her brother would only get in the way of the fun.

Fai'd inquired the details on this 'fun' but Sakura had just giggled.

"Do they know yet that you foisted Subaru upon them?" Touya asked sulkily.

"No, but we can tell them now; they just walked in." Fai said, "Kuro-pom, can you ask the princess to come here?"

Kurogane glared, "Fine." He poked a passing blue-haired boy with round glasses, "Hey kid; get Sakura-hime to come to the bar." The janitor said pointing in her general direction.


Yukito sweatdropped, "I don't think that's what he meant."

Kurogane shrugged, "What works, works, right?"

The boy noticed Sakura, Tomoyo, and Syaoran; getting on one knee in front of the girls, he kissed the back of Tomoyo's right hand, who lightly blushed, and Sakura's left, who turned absolutely fire-engine red.

He looked up, "I was asked to retrieve the princess; but you two are both so beautiful, I couldn't tell which one it was." He smiled suavely, "Unless you both are. Then if that's the case, which of the two elegant enchantresses in front of me is Sakura-hime?"

"Me." Sakura meeped.

As he rose to his feet, Syaoran glared at him, "Laying it on rather thick, aren't we?"

The bespectacled boy grinned, "Ah, forgive me your highness, I was unaware the princess had a royal consort. I had no intention to tread upon another's affairs of love."

Close by, Yuuko was recovering from a near heart-attack, "He's-he's-he's like you!" She said horrified.

"Who's like me, dear?"

"That-that thing by the Royal Children!" She turned to glare at Clow, "I swear if you cloned yourself, I'll-"

Clow cut her off when he brought the back of her hand to his lips. Yuuko turned red. "You'll do what, dearest?''

"S-shut up." She said, blushing a bit more.

Clow laughed, "Ah yes, that 'thing', as you so quaintly put it, is Eriol Hiiragizawa, my second cousin, once removed. We share the same great-grandparents."

Yuuko looked surprised at him, "You can remember that without checking?"

Clow smiled, "Everyone said he's my carbon-copy in everything and kept asking how closely related we were. This resulted in me having to memorize it. Though," he looked over to where Watanuki was ranting at Doumeki, "your employee looks a great deal like me as well at that age." He raised an eyebrow at her, "That wouldn't happen to be the reason you torture that poor boy like you do, would it?"

"I can't deny that's not part of it."

"Aww, how cruel, dear. You shouldn't be so mean to your indentured servant."

The passing Touya scoffed.

Clow glanced down at where her hand was still in his and smirked, "And here I thought you didn't like me. Finally admitting your true feelings, dearest?"

Yuuko's blushed returned and she snatched her hand back, "Creep."

Back at the 'royal table' Eriol and Tomoyo were talking; or more exactly, blatantly flirting, as Sakura agreed with Fai at the bar counter. "So Lady Tomoyo, what brings you here?"

"Well, Sir Eriol, I'm with my best friend, Sakura, to meet the goddess Chi."


"Oh, yes, that's what Touya calls her, the Goddess of Peace and Justice. I don't know why though…Anyways, what brings you here?"

Well, I heard this place was popular, so much so it must relocate soon. I wanted to see if it was worth the walk to the new location." Eriol smiled charmingly, "Though if all the female customers are as exquisite as you, I'll be willing to walk five hundred miles."

When the princess and her consort returned, and it taking only a few minutes for the fact to become apparent to Eriol that Syaoran was easy for him to fluster; Fai appeared, "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Nah, it's cool." Syaoran squeaked while simultaneously trying to calm his rapidly beating heart and glaring at Eriol for laughing at him. (1)

"Well, you see, one of my labo-employees, the one who begged Chi not to go, had protested a bit to Lord Subaru's uniform. It had taken a while, but straightened out in the end. Still, you have my apologies." Fai turned behind him then rolled his eyes, "Your grace, there's no need to be shy." The vampire hesitantly scooted out from behind the café owner's back, "You'll do fine."

"Y-yes, thank you." His voice became stronger, "I shall perform at my upmost best to meet your expectations."

"Excellent! Good luck!" And the head waiter left.

Subaru smiled, confidence back, "May I receive your order?"

"Yes, I'll hav-"

Sakura was interrupted by Yukito yelling clear across the restaurant to her brother, "Your majesty! We need another spoon over here!"

The utensil flew past Subaru, nearly grazing his face. It would have landed embedded an inch deep into Yukito's table, despite being a spoon, if he had not plucked it from the air, "Thank you!"

"Off with your head!" The Royal Children sweatdropped and the Nobles laughed.

Subaru seemed completely unfazed, "Forgive me, would you be so kind as to repeat your request?"

Fai observed the events occurring throughout his domain as he leaned against the counter. "Subaru-kun's a real natural." Seishirou commented.

"So it seems." Fai smiled mischievously, "Yukito appears to be quite the fast hand, I wonder if he'd be any good at cards. Touya seems to have acquired rather excellent aim. I wonder where they learned those skills."

Seishirou muttered something about having to adept to survive. "What was that?"

"Nothing of great importance."

"That's what I thought."

On Thursday Fai had procured from fate knows where (2) and announced their new location that they were moving into at the end of the week. Also that they would not be open for a few days due to having to set-up.

There were a rather large number of complaints at that last part.

"Where are we supposed to go after work?!"

"Yeah, this is the only place with such hot wai-food!"

"Exactly, everywhere else the food isn't nearly as fine!"

Fai sweatdropped when Subaru's face turned absolutely red after Yukito explained the reason the protests were awkwardly worded was because they weren't referring to the food.

Chi went up giggling to her brother and whispered something into his ear. Fai grinned with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "My sister so kindly offered to serve refreshments free of charge to whomever volunteers to help speed the process along."

He looked pointedly at Kurogane, "but workers won't get free anything unless they make it themselves, Kuro-woofie." there was laughter as Fai nimbly dodged a mop thrown like a javelin.

~~Kitchen Cake~~

After telling half the customers they must wait until Saturday to help out, Fai flipped over the sign. He turned around and saw the elder vampire eating a slice of a cheesecake with Subaru sneaking bites while Kamui fended Fuuma off with a fork.

The aristocrat looked down at his plate, "Hey! Who ate my food?!"

"You're going to have to pay for that." Half of them clutched their rapidly beating hearts, "Why are you even eating it?"

"First of all, I made this, thus it is mine to eat at my own discretion. Secondly, just because I happen to be a vampire does not automatically equate to my consumption consisting only to that of blood. I, for one, am more fond of cheesecake."

"Kamui, you have some cake on your face." Fuuma pointed out.

"Really?" The vampire reached for a napkin.

However, Fuuma had other plans.

"That seems familiar, but for the life of me I can't remember where I saw it."

"I too feel the action has been previously preformed, many times in truth; as it effectively appears to resemble that of muscle memory." Subaru replied to Seishirou.

"Why you twisted jerk!" Fai held back Kamui's wrists, something the aristocrat will later be thankful for, to prevent the tearing of claws through flesh and furniture, "I shall rip out your throat, carve out your heart, and place your head upon a stake. In that order!"

Fuuma smirked, "I had no idea you had such imaginative death threats." Actually, he did, but he didn't think Subaru was being so exact. "Really, no need to overreact, Kamu-chan, all I did was get the cake off your pretty face."

"By licking from my cheek!"

"It tastes better that way."

The next day they had to start moving the heavy stuff. Chi was about to go back into the kitchen, where she had left Fuuma and Kamui, but stopped when she heard Kamui say, "Hey, get away from me." She grinned and leaned closer. "Oi! What's the big idea?!"

"I have to relocate that crate and you were in the way." She could hear the smirk in Fuuma's voice.

"You could have asked me to move."

"Aww, but this way's more fun."

"Well you have had your fun. Now release me as I know you cannot complete your assigned task while we remain in such a position."

"Is that a challenge?"

"No, it is no. Now put me down." There was a thump. "Gently!"

Chi could no longer contain her laughter; she'd been nearly dying of silent giggles. She walked in to see Kamui on the floor, rubbing his back in pain and Fuuma smirking. "Aren't you two supposed to be working?"


Chi smiled and rolled her eyes, "The day's almost over, take a break. I'll tell nii-chan to let it slide.

As she left she heard Kamui say that Fuuma's help up was the last thing he needed.

A/N: I forgot to mention this in 'What You Cannot Choose', but I go out of my way to make the name of a person from a region as…unique as possible. For example, Fai is Celestial, while Kurogane is Nihoney; the twins are Recourtiers, but the Sakurazukas are Sharyan. Yes, I know the whole word 'Shara' is not in the name, but the whole word 'France' isn't in the word 'French' either; though people from Clow and Jade are just Clows and Jades.

1: You're not gonna believe this, but it took me to exactly this point to realize I made Syaoran so much like Li-kun from Cardcaptor Sakura. I'll just try to keep a happy medium, 'kay?

2: I first started the 'all matters of luck and fate' thing a long time ago. As I wrote and my style evolved, that one thing remained. I recently been using terms like 'Oh my luck' or 'fate knows where' as well; mainly because I always have trouble (read: awkwardness) deciding whether or not to capitalize the 'god' in 'oh my god' so thus the fate and luck. But originally it was created to make my writing unique, so NO STEALY! *nods decisively*

NOTICE: I'm really sorry, but I probably won't update again. I thought this was my 'Final Fandom' and that I wouldn't move on to another one, but unfortunately it was not to be. I might add another chapter, as the are like a hundred written pages in the story, so I'll leave this as incomplete. However don't be hanging on the edge of your seats. A monster thank you to all who read and especially to those who reviewed, I'll miss y'all.