Disclaimer: As much as I would like to, I don't own Merlin!
I'll be completely honest here - I completely forgot about this story! I'm really sorry for that. It must have been at least six months... :[ Anyway, I DO plan to continue it. I decided to tell those of you who reviewed last time this was up, although I understand if you are no longer interested. Hopefully there are still a few of you out there...? Anyway, here we go! By the way, this chapter introduces a new character... I hope you guys like him! :D
Fighting Solitude - sequel to Revealed
Merlin has been exposed to Camelot as he defeated the mighty Griffin, but was thrown into an even harder fight. Uther imprisoned him, sentencing him to death, but with Arthur, Gwen, Gaius and Lancelot's help he escaped and hid in Morgana's secret cottage in the woods. However, Uther discovered his hiding place and sent men to kill him. As Merlin fled who should he run into but Nimueh. Luckily Arthur again came to help him, although it was Merlin who finally destroyed Nimueh. Now, Merlin and Arthur are on their way back to Camelot... but what they don't know, is that things are about to get much, much worse...
Aden dug his long, slender fingers into the wood of the tree he was hanging from as the wind brushed lightly against him, sending his long black hair whipping about his face. He shook it back and swung himself smoothly up onto the branch, perching on it on the balls of his feet. His eyes roved over the forest below him, softly lit with the glow of the setting sun. This was further than he had ever gone before. If he did not return home soon, his brothers would worry... only a little longer, he promised himself. The young doe he had been tracking for the last few hours caught his eye, stealing his attention. He let go of the branch and reached behind him to pull out his bow, his eyes fixed on the doe. He nocked an arrow into the bow, lifted it slowly, careful not to draw attention to himself. The doe picked its way over the leafy floor, nosing at the scrawling bushes. It lifted its head suddenly, its bright black eyes sparkling. Aden wet his lips.
Prepare... he took a deep breath, shutting his eyes for a moment.
Aim... he opened his eyes, focusing on the doe, and lined up his arrow.
And... Now!
He let the arrow fly. At the exact same moment, a terrible, peircing scream tore through the silence of the forest. The doe bucked and fled in fear and shock, and Aden felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. The scream cut off and a monstrous wind whipped up from nowhere, shaking the trees and kicking up the leaves on the ground. It was so powerful that it upended a small sappling a few meters away. It hit Aden full on and he was thrown right off the tree. He hit the ground hard and stars exploded before his eyes. Then, abruptly, everything vanished.
When Aden awoke, the cool light of the morning sun was pouring through the trees. He lay still for a few moments, trying to gather his thoughts. How long had he been unconscious? Could it really have been all night? Shakily, he pulled himself up to his hands and knees. He looked down at his bow, or what remained of it. He was holding one half - the other was lying somewhere on the other side of the tree. Throwing it down, Aden rose unsteadily to his feet and looked around, still breathing heavily.
What on earth...?
The resounding hiss slipped through the trees and Aden froze, his nerves jangling at once. He felt for the small knife in his belt. It would barely make any difference at all against an attack, but it made him feel better. The hiss came again this time from behind him, and Aden span around.
"Who's there?" he called, his voice shrill and high.
No answer. Well, had he really been expecting one? Whatever was out there, it definately wasn't human. Aden forced himself to take a deep breath. Just stay calm. Everything's going to be fine... and then he saw it. A shimmering, pale yellow light - an orb - hovering in the shadows of a large tree. The way it flicked gently from side to side, tiny sparks dancing from its blazing core, made it almost beautiful. Almost entrancing. Almost... but contrary to joy, instead he felt a cold, hard fist of fear close around his heart. Evil. This thing was evil. His only instinct was to run... he took a step backwards, his whole body trembling. Get away. Run! his brain was screaming. But if he ran, he might provoke some kind of reaction... he took another step.
The orb darted forwards at once, hissing loudly. Aden ducked and it sailed over his head. Without thinking he ran, sprinting through the trees as fast as he could. His head swung and he stumbled, groaning. He felt at the back of his head. Blood stuck to his fingers. He must have hit his head harder than he had thought. The orb suddenly appeared once more and Aden skidded to a halt, panting. There was no time to scream - the next second it was upon him. It rushed in on him and... and slammed straight into his chest. Aden could hear himself screaming, but he could no longer feel his own body... he couldn't see...
Aden dropped to his knees, gasping for breath as the orb vanished into him. Slowly, his breathing began to even out. He lifted his head, his eyes narrowing coldly. His irises pulsed once with a strange, golden light. Then he rose to his feet, turned and began to stride purposefully through the trees.
There was work to do.
Merlin breathed in the fresh morning air and grinned. Back in the cave he had been so sure that he would never see the light of day again, and yet here he was walking through the forest with Arthur. They had decided to give the horse a rest after a few hours of riding, and besides he didn't even feel tired. Experimentally, he pressed a hand against his chest. No pain. He pulled open his tunic and clawed off the bandages on his chest. No wounds... smirking, Merlin looked up at Arthur who had moved ahead slightly.
"Arthur! Look!"
Arthur turned and arched one eyebrow. "At what? Your complete lack of muscles?"
Merlin rolled his eyes. "No, idiot," he said. "No blood! I'm all healed!"
"Your magic?" Merlin nodded. Arthur scowled and touched the small wound coated in dried blood on his forehead. "Its alright for some."
"You want me to fix it for you?"
Arthur hesitated. "Are you sure? I mean, do you know how?"
"Maybe," Merlin replied, cocking his head. "I've never tried before, but I could always try."
"And if it goes wrong?"
"Nothing. Well, there might be some small side effects... like growing another head..."
Arthur paled. "Keep your spells, I'm fine," he muttered. He paused. "Did you just call me an idiot?"
Merlin hesitated. "Ah..."
Arthur scowled at him. He tugged gently on the horse, leading it on. Merlin grinned and followed him, doing up his tunic as he went. He felt better than he had in a long time. His clothes were still singed and burnt from the fight with Nimueh, and he had been up for most of the night, but he still felt good. Maybe things were finally looking up. Although... his smile faded. He didn't want to think about what happened when they returned to Camelot.
"Your father... Uther... will never let me be."
"Yes he will. As the future king of Camelot, I will make this right."
Arthur had sounded so sure then, and Merlin had half believed him. But now, doubts were beginning to crawl back into his mind. He was known as the Sorccerer in Camelot. Feared and hated for his magic. According to Arthur, a few of the villagers believed in him in some small way. But there was still Uther. He remembered his kings cold, accusing eyes and shuddered. Even Arthur couldn't stand up to that. And the king's word was law. It would be so much safer for him to leave Camelot...
And leave Gwen? Leave Giaus? Leave Arthur?
No. It wasn't an option. And yet, what choice did he have? Uther would have him killed as soon as he stepped through the gates.
Ahead of him, Arthur suddenly groaned and stumbled against his horse. Merlin leapt forwards at once, grabbing his friend's arm.
Arthur clutched at his sleeve, wincing, one hand pressed to his head. "Ow..."
Merlin relaxed. "Its just a dizzy spell. Giaus says it happens all the time with head injuries. Maybe you should get on the horse for a bit."
He brushed Arthur's hair back, examining the wound. He had cleaned it as best he could before, but Gaius would be able to deal with it much better. Returning to Camelot would certainly be better for Arthur...
"Gerroff me, Merlin!" Arthur growled, swatting his hands away. "I'm not five."
"If you'd just let me use my magic-"
"I'd be known as Arthur, king of tentacles and vampire fangs for the rest of my life. I'm good with one head, thanks."
Merlin sighed and let go. "Fine. You alright?"
Arthur nodded. "Its only a little further to Camelot. I'm fine."
He began to walk again, pulling on the horse's reigns lightly. Merlin began to follow, but then stopped.
Something... what is that?
He could sense something nearby, something watching them. He could practically feel the eyes, cold and calculating, fixed on the back of his head. He turned, lifting a fist, ready to let his magic fly... but there was nothing. He scanned the trees, frowning. Even as he did so, the feeling melted away.
"Merlin! What are you doing, posing for an artist? Hurry up!"
Merlin shook himself and hurried after Arthur. It must have been nothing. The only thing he had to worry about was Camelot and Uther.
The eyes remained fixed on the unlikely pair as they continued their journey. The mouth quirked slightly. Then, silently, the face withdrew into the shadows and began to follow.
Once again, sorry for the wait with this. Please review!