Somewhere in the woods...
A green, inter-dimensional portal opened, and Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Sunstreaker, and Sideswipe exited it.
"So, this is an alternate dimension. Twisted," Bumblebee said, commenting on the weird aura in the air.
Suddenly, an Arrow hit Cliffjumper in the chest.
"Yep, Twisted!" Cliffjumper said, and fell.
Sideswipe shrugged. "Well, We have a casualty. Oh well."
"Hey, there's a note on the Arrow!" Sunstreaker said, grabbing said note and reading it. "To whomever finds this, I have been imprisoned by a madman, and must marry against my will. Save me. I am in the tallest tower of Heart Castle."
"Arcee?! Imprisoned?!" Bumblebee yelled in shock. "NO! I must save her! I'M COMING, ARCEE!!"
And with that, He ran for Heart Castle. Sideswipe took the note and looked at it.
"This looks EXACTLY like Bumblebee's hand writing." Sideswipe commented.
"Yeah, It took a lot of thinking to decipher it." Sunstreaker said, "Well, better help Bee out. Cliffy here wouldn't have died for nuthin'!"
"I'm not quite dead yet." Cliffjumper said, getting up and yanking the arrow out of his chest.
"... Well, Cliffy wouldn't have been mortally wounded in vain."
"I'm okay, you know."
"Well... stay here and make sure no Decepticons followed us."
And with that, the Twins ran in the same direction as Bumblebee. Cliffjumper watched them go, then shrugged and walked after them.
"I just want to go home," Arcee sulked.
"Aw, you're not enjoying the wedding?" a familiar voice came from above. Arcee looked up and saw without surprise the Cheshire Cat's head floating over her shoulder.
"Not really," she answered, leaning back on her elbows. "I just want to see my friends again."
"Well... they got a buffet."
"I'm not going to risk my battle prowess for cake."
"... too bad. cuz some friends of yours are coming to rescue you."
"Well, sort of."
At the entrance of the Castle, two Card-Seeker guards could see Bumblebee and the twins running towards the castle. Only... they weren't going anywhere. The guards watched the running with sheer confusion. Then... Bumblebee appeared right in front of them. He stabbed one of the guards with his stinger, while the other one just looked on as he ran off.
Bumblebee crashed right into the party. He began slashing any person that was in his path. Blood, er, Mech Fluid was spurting everywhere.
Arcee watched as Bumblebee ran right past her, before waving her hands to catch his attention.
It didn't work, as Bumblebee smashed into the tower doors, knocking them over and ascending the stairs.
Bumblebee entered the room of the tallest tower. He stabbed a 7-Clubs Card Seeker, and as Diamond Ace jabbered on about if the Prince could leave the room, he killed him too. He saw Prince Bumblebee.
"Wait, Where's Arcee and Whom are you?" he asked.
"You came to rescue me!" Prince Bumblebee said, hugging Bumblebee.
"I am not below stabbing you, dude."
"Oh, sorry, but you got my note!" the Prince said, letting go of him.
"I... got A note." Bumblebee said, then shot a look at Sunstreaker.
"I knew it! I knew somewhere out there, *cue music* There was a special, someone..."
Jetfire came barging into the room, waving his arms. "Alright, stop that! Stop that!"
The music abruptly stopped again, and he looked at Sir Bumblebee.
"Who the SLAG are you?" he asked.
"The Prince!"
"I, um, nobody. I found this note…" Bumblebee began to explain.
"He came to rescue me!" Prince Bumblebee yelled.
"Quiet!" Jetfire ordered. "Where are you from?"
"I come from... another dimension. I, judging by my appearance, am an alternate version of your prince here." Bumblebee explained.
"An alternate Prince Bumblebee?!"
"Er, yes."
"I've already made a rope!" Prince Bumblebee said as he tied the rope of sheets to a bed post. The two bots ignored him as he flung it out the window and climbed out.
"... are you anything like him?"
"... well, I'm more sane."
"Well, for one thing, I am not too pleased with you killing our guests, but, I am honored to see another Bumblebee in my castle. One that DOESN'T try and make anything a song number."
"I'm ready!" Prince Bumblebee said, hanging on the rope just outside the window.
"Would you like to come have a drink?" Jetfire asked Bumblebee.
"I guess," Bumblebe said, "By the way, anybody here named Arcee?"
"Well, one of the guests is named Arcee."
"I'M READY!" Prince Bumblebee yelled.
Sideswipe just rolled his optics, took out his sword, and sliced the rope. As the bots walked down the stairs, Prince Bumblebee plunged to his death.
As Jetfire led Bumblebee and the Twins down the stairs, the guests were weeping over loss of some bots.
"THERE THEY ARE!" one cried angrily.
As they charged up at the twins, Sidewipe drew his sword and began slashing at them. King Optimus parted the two warring groups.
"Don't kill anymore," Optimus said. "If you do, off with your heads."
"Oh well. Ladies and Gentleman, let's not get angry! We had a misunderstanding and some other slag." Jetfire said, "So, let's just get on with the ceremony. However, Prince Bumblebee has plunged to his death."
"OH NO!" the crowd yelled.
"Anyway," Optimus said. "Since Princess Arcee and her father has been killed…"
" They're not dead!" Arcee yelled.
"…Since they were mortally wounded-"
"They might pull through!"
"…Fine, if for any reason, one or both of them should die-"
"Wait! They're dead!"
"…Then I will, as a substitution, marry this Bumblebee and the Guest Arcee instead."
Both of them fainted dead away.
"Wait! He's alive!" someone yelled.
Prince Bumblebee, as well as Cliffjumper, came walking into the room, all banged up, but still alive.
"HOW DID YOU LIVE?!" Optimus asked.
"Well, I'll tell you…" Prince Bumblebee said.
The music begins to play, and the guests start singing.
"NO! NOT LIKE THAT! NOT LIKE THAT!" Jetfire yelled.
"Let's get out of here!" Cliffjumper said.
Now, to avoid a complete resemblance to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Arcee, Bumblebee, and the Twins ran out of there while Jetfire is screaming threats at Bumblebee if he didn't stop singing.
"Wait a minute!" Bumblebee said. "Doesn't anything in this story seem familiar?"
"What?" Sideswipe said.
"Oh, Mad Hatter, White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat. Ring a bell?"
"... Never mind." Bumblebee said, noting the similarities to "Alice in Wonderland."
Suddenly... Devastator, the Beastly combined form of the Constructicons, appears out of nowhere, growling.
"AHH! DEVASTATOR! RUN AWAY!" Our heroes yelled, simultaneously.
Devastator ran after our heroes, as the Benny Hill theme was being played.
"Why is the Benny Hill theme playing?!" "Keep running!"
"Hey! It's you again! Howzit goin?" a casual voice suddenly spoke close to his ear, and Arcee whipped his head in surprise only to find the Cheshire Cat sitting on her shoulder, grinning as usual.
"You!" Arcee cried, half in shock, half in anger. "Where the heck did you go!?" she demanded through panting breaths.
"I had to use the litter box," the cat shrugged. "Hey, it happens. So what've you been up to?" it asked leaning on a paw.
"Oh, not much, just RUNNING FOR MY LIFE!!" Arcee snapped. The cat glanced innocently back.
"Whew," it whistled, "You really are having a bad day."
"WHY does stuff like this always happen in alternate dimensions?!"
"Well... there is a way out of this."
"All you have to do is... WAKE UP!"
Arcee, Cliffjumper, Bumblebee, Sunny, and Sides woke up to see Decepticon Starscream poking them with a stick.
"It's about time. You talk in your sleep, Autobots," Starscream commented, "Honestly, the commotion you guys were making, one would think you were about to be gutted alive or something."
"I-it was all a dream?" Bumblebee held a hand to his 'sweating' forehead. "But-- But it felt so real! And you were there. And you," he pointed to Starscream, and then to his fellow seekers. "And there was Prime, and--and Jetfire, and another me... But everything was so weird, and everyone was different... Prime was a King... And you were a living playing card!"
"... Wow." Skywarp said, as the Seekers backed away.
"What a crazy dream," Arcee said, standing up. She rubbed her head as she began to walk towards base. As she walked slowly, she thought she heard something.
It sounded like a familiar chuckle.
"Well, That was a weird dream," Cliffjumper said, "Now, let's never speak of it again."
"Agreed." Everyone replied.
Arcee looked away, glad that the dream was over... only to see a familiar white Frenzy and Purple Ravage.
"It's only a dream," Arcee said to herself, "It's only a dream..."
As the Autobots took off for base, The Cheshire Cat smiled and muttered, "Or was it?"
The End.