Soooo... I wasn't planning on making this a multi-chap story, or even a one-shot story collection thing, but I was inspired to write another one with the same theme of possession and proprietyin the B/B relationship. This ones from Brennan's POV, so enjoy...also ps I'm going to try and do another chapter for Dangerous Addiction soon, I am a horrible updater. Thanks everyone who reviewed last time, please R/R again...Thanks :) XO

You weren't blonde. You weren't tan. You didn't have the body of a supermodel, although objectively you would say that you kept you physique in particularly outstanding form; you knew this because daily as you walked down the street you could feel men's eyes roaming you body without scruple. You were however, a forensic anthropologist, if you weren't being modest, you could say that you were the best forensic anthropologist in the entire United States and most definitely the most valuable asset that the Jeffersonian Institute had.

Unfortunately, as you stood pouting against the side of the Tahoe in the deserted FBI parking, your arms crossed angrily over your chest, you envied the new grad student, Violet, in a way that not only infuriated you, but also frustrated you to no end. Violet had been working at the Jeffersonian for only a few short weeks, and although you couldn't deny that she was brilliant, she also was tall, impossibly blonde, very good looking, and had caught the attention of your partner in a way that was driving you completely crazy.

You didn't judge people by their appearances, so when you hired Violet, you hadn't considered her beauty would be a problem at all. She was good at what she did, and that had been your only critique. However, as soon as she stepped foot on the lab platform she had caused a variety of problems to you, but of course you couldn't fire her because, that would be unethical. You hated having a moral conscience sometimes.

You definitely hadn't anticipated the way Booth had devoted nearly all his time at the Jeffersonian flirting with the new grad student or the infuriating way it would make you feel. You hated watching him make little jokes with Violet, the way he smiled at her in a way you had thought was reserved for only you, the way he touched her as if he couldn't get close enough. You turned your head towards the glass of the window; you were at a complete standstill.

Of course, today of all days, you're car had broken down the second you drove it out of the parking lot, leaving you to spend most of the day having to hitch rides from Booth. And of course today of all days, there had been traffic.. And not just a two second stop before continuing on, this was an-hour-out-of-your-day, sit-without-moving, you-could-put-your-car-into-park-traffic. Sitting with Booth trying to pretend nothing was wrong had been painful to say the least. But as the day had worn on, you had resisted trying to put on a happy face, and spent most of the day glaring at him across the center divider. It was now nearly 1 am, as you both had stayed late at the lab going over the body again and again, and then returned to the FBI building to pick up paperwork for the case. This day could not end soon enough.

You could remember the way the laughter had echoed across the lab platform as you tried in vain to examine the body, and you rolled your eyes, feeling just slightly nauseous. When you had first seen Booth with Violet, you had been completely taken aback by your reaction. Anger. Jealously. Hurt. You never thought that Booth would be able to elicit that kind of response from you, but suddenly as you watched him with another women, you were flushed full of all of those frustrating emotions.

Not only that, but you had been struggling for months now to compartmentalize your feelings for Booth. More and more every day, he seeped into your mind in ways he definitely shouldn't be. You weren't ashamed of your sexual fantasies, they were a healthy way to express sexuality, but you could barely handle when Booth was the star of them. In your apartment, against the wall, in his office, in the Tahoe, you couldn't stop yourself, and yet you found yourself completely turned on by the thought of him taking you, making you scream his name, touching you until you begged him for it. You were a women obsessed.

You hated how seeing him with someone else made you want to throw yourself at him and either punch him so hard he saw stars or kiss him until he forgot all about obnoxiously perfect Violet. The worst part was that she was completely Booth's type from what you had seen in the past. Blonde. Beautiful. Not socially awkward in anyway: the complete opposite of you.

Booth was yours. 100%, completely, entirely, belonging to you. You had never felt any bit of possession over him before, but right now, your sense of propriety was flaring up. And Booth knew it too. You weren't stupid or blind enough to see the way he looked at you, how he stared and looked away embarrassed when you caught him. You knew he wanted you too, and this annoying blonde thing was getting in the way. You wanted to brand Booth, show the whole world of flitty blonde women that he was off limits. You would never admit this to him of course. He didn't need any more boosting of his ego.

You heard the distinctive falling of footsteps across the concrete of the parking structure, echoing because it was completely empty, and soon Booth came into view. He came up next to you, studying you, and you wished he would just go over to the driver's side and drive them off a cliff.

"You want to grab some food after this? I'm starved." Booth asked you genially. You were completely stunned out of your angry revelry and you hated him for acting so ignorant. As if he didn't know exactly what he was doing to you.

"No, I have a lot of work." You could almost imagine his face falling, but you refused to look at him. You had tried to ignore him most of the day and it had been working perfectly fine. Damn him and his emotional instincts.

"Bones what's wrong?" He prodded you, and you didn't look over, although you could feel his eyes boring into.

"Nothing Booth." You sighed, trying on the concrete pilings across from you. They weren't very interesting unfortunately for your sanity.

"C'mon Bones, seriously what's wrong?" You ignored him, not looking over at him. You should get a reward for your will power.

However, he continued his prodding. "Are you mad at me?" You finally looked over at him, and he looked so concerned that you just rolled your eyes.

"You are so arrogant that to think that if I have a problem it has to be about you. Get over yourself Booth."

He looked taken aback by your words, stunned by the sudden harshness, but he deserved it, and you really honestly didn't feel bad at all.

"Don't play the ice queen act with me Bones, I know you too well." His face was serious as he leaned against the side of the car.

You were now unable to turn away from him, and your whole body was turned towards him. You were extremely close, and you could feel the heat radiating off his body. You hated yourself for being so turned on at his proximity at a time like this, but you could feel a dull aching in your core. You raised your eyebrows mockingly.

"Really you know me so well Booth? Then tell me, what is bothering me so much? Go ahead really…I'm curious."

Although you were really being a piece of work, you knew Booth heard the challenging tone in your voice, and sympathetic and emotionally dextral as he was, Booth would never back down from a challenge.

He shook his head in frustration, putting his hand above your head on the car as he turned completely towards you, affectively trapping you between the car and his body. You had been in worse positions.

"Jesus Christ, I don't know Bones! I'm not a fucking mind reader, and obviously I did something to piss you off so why don't you save us both a lot of time and just tell me what it is?"

You glared at him. "You know what pisses me off? You and your god damned line Booth."

He frowned, looking at you in confusion. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Don't play stupid with me Booth. You know exactly what I'm talking about…the line you "drew", no relationships with people you work with. It's too big of a risk? Ring a bell?"

"What does that have to do with anything? I don't even know what the hell we're talking about Bones."

You curled your hands into fists, he was so infuriating. "I'm talking about you practically fucking my grad student on the lab platform every day."

This time Booth rolled his eyes and glared at her, taking another step closer. He wasn't afraid to invade your personal space, and his chest was nearly touching yours. "Are you serious Bones? You're gonna give me a lesson on interoffice relationships right now?"

You wanted to slap him; he thought you were trying to play the boss here? Could he not see how infuriatingly jealous you were?

"You're such an idiot sometimes Booth. Never mind, forgot I brought it up." You turned away from him again, but you could feel the anger pulsing through him and when you tried to reach for the door handle he quickly grabbed your wrist jerking you towards him. You swallowed hard as you looked up at him, you were so close to him, and every one of your senses was going crazy. More heat pulsed across your core, and you hated him so much and yet you needed some sort of relief.

"God damn it Bones! What are you saying?!" He was frustrated now, and you knew how crazy it made him when he couldn't understand you fully, couldn't completely tear apart every emotion and thought until you were ripped to shreds.

"You're just a hypocrite Booth. That's it." You spat out at him, you were in no mood for him to analyze you.

"How the fuck am I a hypocrite Bones? Because I spent too much time talking to Violet? I'm sorry if she's a little bit more interesting to me than the dead body lying there." His voice was raised now, and both hands were next to your head, keeping you exactly where he wanted you.

You were leaning forward now, you needed to get in his face. "You're a hypocrite Booth, because you made such a big thing about how you would never have a relationship with someone you work with. How it's too complicated, but the second someone attractive looking steps into the lab, that's all out the window!"

He didn't respond, and you took that opportunity. You had the upper hand right now, and you were going to use it. "What do you think that's like for me Booth? To watch you with someone else and I'm still standing on the other side of your fucking line!? "

That caught his attention, and he looked at you and recognition spread across his face. You wanted to take back your words. They were entirely too honest and revealing and you had nowhere to Booth had wanted you, he would have made a move years ago. There would have been no hesitation; he was a man who went after what he wanted. He didn't want you.

His tone changed, and although it was subtle you heard it. You could hear him playing with you.

"Do you want me Bones? Is that what this is about?" He took another step forward, so you were almost entirely pressed up against him, and you fought with yourself hard not to grind yourself against him to give your throbbing core some sort of relief.

Instead you shook your head adamantly, and looked him straight in the eyes. "No."

He studied your face seriously. "You're lying."

You shook your head again, trying to convince him. You wished he couldn't read you so damn well.

"I don't want you." The statement sounded like a lie even falling from your own lips. You wouldn't have believed yourself. You felt one of his hands move from behind your head to your bare thigh, sliding up slowly. His hands felt large and strong, and you resisted pushing yourself against him.

"You're jealous. You think that I want Violet." He said it like a statement, not a question, and you hated yourself for being so vulnerable. You were supposed to have the upper hand here, but now he stood here, cockier than ever, teasing you with his words and his fingers.

You were speechless and he kept talking. "I don't Bones. There's only one person in that lab I want, and she sure as hell isn't a 24 year old grad student."

His hand crept farther up towards your inner thigh, until he reached your core, pushing aside you underwear; he drew a finger slowly up your slit, eliciting a moan from you.

"Fuck Bones, you are so wet." He groaned out as his thumb dipped into your juices, rubbing against your clit in a way that made you think you might come right there.

You were done with the will power and your thrust your hips furiously against him, grinding against his hand, and moaning at the sensations the friction sent through your body.

You were done with just having part of him, you groaned as he pushed a thick finger into you, and you wanted him everywhere. You were holding onto the handle of the car with one hand, trying desperately to keep your balance, and you grabbed the back of his head with your other, pulling his lips to yours. He kissed you heatedly, his tongue slipping into your mouth, his lips sucking on your bottom lip in a way that was driving you considerably insane. You pulled him closer as he thrust another finger into you, making you moan into his mouth, your tongues entwined. You could feel his erection pressing against you through his jeans, and you wanted nothing more than him in this moment.

The only sounds in the empty parking lot were your moans and the sounds of your lips battling against each other, as he thrust a third finger into you, making you feel like quite certain you would die right there. He rubbed you harder, knowing that you were close, and as his fingers twisted inside of you, and his thumb wetly rubbed over your clit, you clenched around him, letting your head drop against the side of the car, as the orgasm took you.

He withdrew his hands from you, only long enough to open the car door behind you, and let you fall against the leather seats, and he climbed on top of you, pulling the door closed behind you both. And he was against you again, his body pressed on top of yours, his cock pressing you, as he ground into you, kissing down your neck and sucking at your throat. You groaned, and you reached for his t-shirt, tired of not seeing all of him. You pulled it over his head, exposing his torso, tightly twisted with muscles, and you ran your hands over him, and you were suddenly slightly annoyed that you had been so manipulated by him already. Much to his surprise you pushed him off of you, so he was on his back, and you climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. You could feel his cock pressing against you, and you ground down on him, moaning at the friction.

He didn't seem deterred by this change in position, and reached up for you, pulling your face down to meet his, as he reached to push the straps of your dress down, exposing your bra. He wasted no time in pushing down the cups so you were completely bare to him, and taking one of your breasts in his mouth, making you groan as his tongue circled around your nipple, sucking at you greedily.

Although you were usually so articulate, "Fuck Booth" was all you could get out as his hands followed his lips, palming your breasts in his hands.

You reached down between you as he continued to kiss up your chest again, back up to your throat, and squeezed him over his jeans. He groaned in response, as you squeezed the bulge again, reaching for the zipper on his jeans so you could really feel him. You were tired of waiting and as your hand wrapped around his flesh, you felt how rock hard he really was.

You pulled him out, stroking his length once, before you wrapped your hand around him, slowly moving it up and down. He groaned, louder this time, as you swiped your hand over his head, stroking him with one hand as you fisted him in the other.

"Do you get off on playing with me like that Booth?" He shook his hand, as you stroked him again. "You probably tried to get me jealous; trying to manipulate me didn't you Booth?"

You sped up your strokes on him, and he closed his eyes, trying hard to respond with coherent speech. "Fuck…no Bones, I…" He looked up at you, "I always wanted you." That was the last straw, although you enjoyed having this power over him, you let go of him, pushing you underwear to the side, you sunk down onto him, moaning as his hot length filled you completely.

You started moving on top of him, at first you twisted around in a circle, knowing it would drive him crazy, you soon were reduced to your own wanton urges and ground against him, moaning as one of his hands went to your hips, the other pulling your lips down to meet his.

He felt so perfect inside of you, and quickly you felt the tension building inside you, as he started to thrust up into you, each time filling you up completely, making your wall cramp deliciously. He reached for your face, pulling his lips to your ear. "I always wanted you Bones. Always."

His declaration brought you to the edge, and you felt yourself tighten, the orgasm riding over you for the second time that night, as the pleasure rocketed through your veins. You felt him explode within you, and he groaned, pulling his lips to yours.

You climbed off of him, and he pulled you into him, wrapping his arm around you.

"I was jealous." You mumbled into his chest, and he laughed, pulling you tighter against him. "I know, it was sort of hot." You laughed, closing your eyes against him.

Booth was yours, 100% completely yours and maybe you had overreacted just a little bit, because from now on you were never going to doubt it.

However, it wouldn't be your fault if Violet got in a terrible chemical accident which caused her from ever working at the Jeffersonian again, would it?

Hope you liked it...R/R friends :))) Thanks!