A/n I don't own the Clique.
So unexpected but this will be the last chapter, and since I don't want to upset anyone with the pairing, because honestly I'm getting tired of Massington. So I have decided to let all of you imagine who Massie will be talking to in this final chapter. Thanks for all the reviews, favorites, story alerts, and all the support and I mean it with all my heart you guys are the best :D
Peace out,
Two weeks have come and gone, but I feel like I finally have closure. Before I was not sure of my decision but now I know that I made the right choice not only for me but for them; everything has changed so fast in my life that I haven't had the chance to sit back and enjoy it. Claire and I made a vow to keep close because she is like my sister that I never had, annoying, loving, and of course my best friend. Well Kristen, Dylan, Alicia, and I are also super close but I want the best for them and right now that means letting them live their lives how they want to; which is remaining friends but not best friends because you can never go back and change the wrong you did to those who matter the most.
"Wow, I can't believe this is happening" Becca said awe-struck, as she stood in the kitchen watching me intently.
"Could you please help me move all these boxes to the moving truck?" I asked nicely, she snapped out of her trance and ran over to help me with the last box.
We both tried to lift it up, but there was no way we could because it was too heavy.
"What do you have in this? Bricks?" she asked seriously.
"No, just my shoes" I said proudly.
"Oh my god, how do you expect us to carry this?" she asked concerned.
"I don't I just wanted to make you squirm first; boys take this last box to the truck thanks" I said to the mover guys.
"I hate you" Becca spat.
"Wow I feel loved..not!" I said jokingly, she smiled and so did I.
We walked outside to say our goodbyes.
"Bye, I'm going to miss you" Becca said honestly.
"I'll miss you too" I said unemotional, I mean I really knew her only for a day.
"Call me when you get there" she said quickly, as I stepped into my car.
"I will" I said, 'As if' I said in my head.
I will not being calling her ever unless I'm lonely or simply forget how annoying she truly is. I turned on my engine, waved to her and then sped off to my new destination I mean California is nice but it isn't home and I miss being independent and in a huge city. I need to make one stop before I drive all the way back. I pulled into the long stoned driveway and parked nearby the front door, I got out and rang the doorbell. He answered and I can tell that he is shocked to see me, because after the whole ordeal in the hospital we didn't talk after that and I'm not sure if he is for real in love with me or if it was just out of pity.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked baffled.
"I just wanted to stop by before I leave for good again" I told him the truth.
"Where you heading this time?" he asked intrigued.
"New York" I stated.
"Why it is so cold there?" he asked curious.
"True but I miss waking up on Christmas morning and not seeing all the rooftops covered in a white blanket powder of snow, I loved it because it seemed like all the houses where equal and you don't get that feeling here" I said honestly, one thing Westchester always promised was a snowy Christmas.
"So why exactly are you going back to New York when you want to be a singer?" he asked confused.
"I did back before the accident but now I want to be a writer and I feel like I can do that in New York more than I could do it here" I replied.
"Well can I ask why you are here at my house?" he asked.
"Because I let you fall through my fingers and I'm not going to let that happen again because I love you, I always have" I said sweetly, he looked into my eyes to make sure I'm not lying.
"I love you too, but I can't leave I'm committed to the team" he said honestly.
"I know you are and I'm not asking for you to leave because of me-" he caught me off.
"Then what are you asking for?"
"For us to be a couple I heard about the secret divorce" I said.
"How can we be together when we will be so far apart?" he asked desperately.
"If it is meant to be then it will work out and I'm completely sure if I will stay ing New York for the rest of my life but I need to go back at least just for awhile" I said positively.
"Well then you should go before you miss your flight" he said depressed, I stepped closer to him and placed my mouth right beside his left ear.
"I promise I will come back because I love you and I can't leave you and never come back" I whispered, he turned his head to face me.
He leaned in and kissed me with so much passion, probably to make me remember that he is a great kisser and if I do leave him that it will be my lost. Our kiss lasted for forty-five seconds then he gave me a hug before I drove off to New York. Everything in my life is new and fresh but I feel like I will be happier now than I've ever have.
With that Massie Block drove back to New York to start on her book that surprisingly was about her life experiences, but she never forgot about him and she kept her promise. After a year of living in New York, she moved back to L.A. to live with him for the rest of her life and with that she learned that everything and everyone in life is valuable and have a special place in our hearts wither we like it or not.
Review :D Also if you liked/loved this story then check out Far From Perfect if you haven't already.