Disclamer: I don't own Bleach. Tite Kubo does.

This is a short fic set during the Pendulum arc. Enjoy.

Souske Aizen didn't understand his captain.

Unlike the other captains and vice captains who had weekly routines, the Fifth Division's captain did his duties in a sporadic manner that drove Aizen crazy. If something needed to be done, Shinji Hirako felt no remorse about procrastinating until absolutely before the due date. And Aizen practically had to drag his captain to meetings on a regular basis. When it came to work, Shinji was in no rush.

After years of being vice captain, Aizen only found one thing Shinji wouldn't be late for, wouldn't put off, wouldn't push to the last minute.

Thursday, 7 p.m.

"Oi, Sousuke…" Shinji looked up from the couch he was lying on.

"Yes, taichou?" Aizen peered up over his glasses from the desk he was at, diligently working on paperwork.

"…What time is it?"

Aizen looked over at the clock on the wall. "Almost 7, taichou."

Shinji sighed, "Already?…Dang…"

Shinji slid off the couch and walked toward the door.

"I'll be back in a little while…don't wait up." Aizen watched his captian lazily slink out the door.

Up till recently he had not known what exactly it was that Shinji did Thrusday nights. Aizen has his own problems and plans to worry over to bother thinking of his captain's weekly adventures. One Thursday his curiosity got the best of him and he followed his captain, under cover of a cloaking spell.

What he found surprised him.

His captain was up on the roof of an old building. Next to him was Kisuke Urahara's vice captain. Hiyori, was it?

Hiyori and Shinji didn't say anything to each other. They didn't even seem to acknowledge each other's presence. The two just sat on the roof and stared into the clear night sky. Aizen didn't understand. This was it? This was what Shinji would panic about if he was ten minutes late to? This was more important than his duties as a captain?

Shinji felt a slight change in the air as Aizen headed back to Fifth Division territory.

"Wondered how long he'd stay…" Shinji mumbled.

Hiyori didn't answer. There wasn't a need to.

Ever since they were kids they had been together. The grew up together, were each other's family. After they had split into different divisions and became captain and vice captain, Thrusday nights where their time to "reconnect".

Not to talk or fight. They ran into each other enough during the day to do that.

No, Thursday nights simply were for being together.

Sousuke Aizen didn't understand his captain, but Hiyori did.