A/N Hello all this is a redux of "Who I have chosen to be." This story explores what would happen if Shego decided to willingly become Ms. Go again. How would she deal with making that choice and after making all necessary preparation will she actually be able to go through with it?

This is just chapter one and I know it's short but the chapter will get deeper and longer and the story continues.


The pale thief sighed, dropping her head onto the squishy overstuffed pillow. She was enjoying a much needed vacation from Drakken and his idiocies. She had found a decent place to stay. Decent, in the mind of the pale green super thief, was a swank three level house in the south of Europe. Shego groaned as she thought of Drakken and his accursed pickle jar.

'He needed me yeah,' Shego scoffed in her mind. The blue dolt couldn't do anything without her. 'He would have been tossed in prison, and stayed there, years ago if it wasn't for me.' It was just as well anyway. She had been dealing with a lot after her stint as a good guy. This mini-vacation was just what she needed to clear her head.
She closed her vibrant neon green eyes and rolled over. Her dark green over sized shirt stretched as she pulled her legs up to get a bit more comfortable in the king size. It wasn't late it was more like she didn't feel like doing anything. Laziness was a luxury she enjoyed for now. As she settled into a bit of an early evening nap ghost images of her imprisonment in her own mind as Ms. Go flitted through her subconscious.

'Why can't I forget it?' Shego mentally screeched; her hand burst into agitated green flame. The pale woman started at the gentle fwoosh. She quickly extinguished her hand before she had a fire in one the few homes she spent any significant amount of time in. Shego, sarcastic, sharp, and snide couldn't be reminiscing. However, no matter how hard she tried to deny it she couldn't.

"I can't believe I miss being that bubble head." The green thief murmured to herself in a moment of weakness. She turned over and stared at her black ceiling with the little white specks made to match the stars.
"I miss going to the movies and shopping." Shego lay their sighing, a rare move for her and she winced guiltily. "I actually miss going to Bueno Nacho, killing myself slowly with synthetic cheese product. How can I miss doing all the stupid, boring, everyday and unimportant girl stuff I did with Kimmie?" Shego muttered, exasperated.

'Great now I'm even talking to myself! Exactly how deep fried is my brain from that damn helmet?' The pale thief grabbed her silver pillow and smashed it against her face, stifling a rather frustrated though comforting scream. She was acting like a frustrated teen and she knew it. Though, she didn't feel too bad. At least at only twenty-six years old, if she stretched her imagination reaaaalllllllyyy far, she wasn't too far from it.

'Why do I miss that stupid redheaded ball of perkiness anyway?' Shego questioned herself.
'I mean she's the kind of person I usually hate: perky, popular, worried about the popularity food chain, caring, sweet, adorable, competent, driven, smart…,'it was at that point that Shego screamed into the pillow again. 'I can't be complimenting her annoying ass.'

"NO! I am a grown woman I can deal with this. What I need is to work this out through my fist." Shego threw the pillow across the room suddenly infuriated with how weak she was being. She was Shego and she was evil she did NOT want to go back to being a goody-goody.

Shego stalked across her room, excess energy seeming to roll off of her like water. She navigated the hallway past her kitchen in the dark easily, a skill born of years of thievery, and slammed open the double door to her own top of the line gymnasium. However, even the gleaming training room wasn't enough. Despite being lined with powerful and expensive equipment of all types, and having free weights and multiple punching targets it was not enough. There was only one place to go to work off this kind of stress. Instead of staying in the regular private home gym she was going downstairs. Shego pressed several keys well hidden in the guise of a normal security keypad. If Shego had learned anything from being a thief it was to hide things in plain sight. She walked down the stairs that were uncovered into a special subbasement training facility.

'Do I want to go back to being a teacher? Do I want to be "FRIENDS" with Kimmie again?' Shego asked herself as she ripped her clothes from her body. Scrabbling around inside a locker near the entrance she pulled out something a little more exercise appropriate. She loved the feel of the nearly skintight athletic wear as she slid it over her firm body. It felt right, this felt right. Shego was wild she lived for fun and followed her own rules. She took what she wanted and gave nothing back. She was NOT a teacher. Her own confusion about the reverse-polarizer had been haunting the fire conjurer for a few days. The athletic woman just shook her head as she pulled her luxurious mane of black hair into a low pony tail. She stuffed the night shirt, rather carelessly, into the convenient locker to be retrieved later. 'That couldn't be it,' she thought. She was far to confused for it to be that simple.
'Do I want to be MORE?' She contemplated as she started a few stretches to limber up.

'I did crush Kimmie a bit while we were friends for that short while. After all who wouldn't?' Shego lashed out with a viscous punch to the air at letting that tricky thought get through. Bending this way and that Shego felt her quick release muscle tighten and loosen as she flexed her highly trained body. Energy burned just beneath the surface of her skin; a tidal wave held back by a perilous paper-thin dam. When she became evil again she thought that it would pass. It hadn't, if anything it had gotten stronger.

"This can't be happening!" Shego screamed in the confines of the training room. The green woman slid her foot across the floor as she leaned forward stretching her torso and abs. She snarled as she sprang into a merciless kick at the air. Her powerful legs arched and she felt her muscles scream blissfully as they performed her bidding. Frustration and confusion fueled her vicious attack on her shadow.

"DAMMMIT!" Her hands burst into emerald flame as she followed up her kick combo with a swift well balanced punch. Neon green vapor trails followed her flying clawed fist. She danced with her shadow, bathed in an eerie green glow until she was panting.

"I'm …Sh…ego I'm evil, dark, uncaring," The panting stopped as the flames around her hands died. "I'm supposed to be a seductress. I don't crush I mean I have never crushed in my life. I'm wild I lead you on then I kick your ass to the curb. I'm not supposed to crush." Shego stilled herself wiping away the sweat on her brow. The room was bathed in a muggy heat from her fire-dance. Shego slowly gained her center. She slowed her breathing to a gentle hum before she continued. This time her attacks were calculating and expert. Her sharp claws lashed out with pinpoint accurate and sword sharp strikes. She moved like a big predator smooth with just a hint of the real power underneath as she ended her warm-up with a smashing kick at her shadow. She lowered her leg and shook her arms before moving over to one of her super reinforced heavy bags.

"How can I be falling for a cheerleader? A cheerleader!!" She asked herself as her bag swayed from the force of her punches. "Not only that but an enemy. Kimmie has foiled Drakken more times than I can count." Shego hissed, as her leg slammed into the thick bag. With each strike her anger grew, until punches and kicks turned into slashes dripping plasma. The wildness was back and the bag was quite literally disintegrated, falling into a huge two-hundred pound pile of superheated slag running across her floor.

"This can't be happening!" She screeched, as her bag was sent to its end. "I thought Drakken made that out of the same plasma guard material he put on the new syntho-drones. Great," Shego piped sarcastically. "Now I'm arguing with myself too. I have hit a new low, what's next chick flicks and ice cream." The villainess distinctly ignored her memories of the memo pad, and mint chip and went back to unleashing all of hell fury in her training room. "Damn you, Pumpkin, you owe me a new punching bag."

"Droids," she called out and three small robots activated and asked her the intensity level.

"Maximum," The green woman snapped. Then a snarl on her face was full of menace. The bots morphed grinding and scraping metal on metal as lasers and an assortment of other gadgets separated from various panels on them. "Activate." Shego called out and the bots charged at the superhuman.

Shego dodged lasers and deflected claws. She lashed out with her own green glowing claws and "relieved" an android of its blaster. The bot kept coming even with one of its appendages reverted to slag on the floor. Shego backpedaled quickly when a cliché buzz saw shot out from a neat little slot on the little droids chest. Shego growled and sent a flaming fist into the head of a droid. She turned up the heat, to slightly lower than the surface of the sun, and was satisfied when the robots head melted. Then she flipped landing behind the beheaded bot allowing another of the droids to slam its electric taser into the broken bot and electrocute itself. It almost made her giggle when the bot fell sputtering to the ground. .

Shego wiped her brow swiftly and thought of her fights with Kimmie. Those fights had been so exciting, fun and amazing. Kim had truly pushed her to her limits.

"I couldn't tell you this when I was evil………, but 'm glad that thingie hit me. I'm happy I got away from being evil and … and … I want to thank you. You saved me from myself."

"Was I really happy?" Shego asked herself seriously she deactivated the last droid her anger cooled for a moment. "Do I really want to leave evil, Drakken, and all this behind?" Shego looked deep inside herself as she asked the empty room these questions. She only came up with one answer.


That one word rang so clearly in her mind, it was like a bell. There was no way she could deny it; ignore, play it off, lie to herself about it. She couldn't even turn it around to fit her beliefs. Shego grabbed a towel from her locker along with as bottle of cool water from a small fridge.

Considering the fact she had just made a decision bigger than her bank account she was rather calm. She knew it was what she wanted. Shego could still heard it in her mind, there was only one problem how to go about getting her literal "Good" life" back.

Shego returned to her room and stripped down. Her breast jiggled freely as they were freed from the sports bra. The shorts soon joined the top leaving Shego in nothing but a pair of black lace bikini bottoms. She stretched as she pulled the scrunchie from her hair, replacing her low ponytail for a messy high ponytail and pinning it down. Standing in her closet, she pressed her hand to another hidden pad and a panel slid back. There, in all her natural glory, she pulled out the jumpsuit that was her trademark. Sliding into the skintight suit she smiled relishing in the unusual texture of the material. After donning her signature suit she took her hair out of the tight pin. She pulled her Mix-matched boots on her bare feet and enjoyed zipping her soft soled boots up. She would have time to shower when she got back. If she waited at all she would lose her nerve.

After her dressing was complete she pushed another series of buttons and the floor dropped to her small personal hanger. She walked along the side of her personally modified jet. She loved her baby. It could fly at more than mach two at top speed and it was fully vertical take-off and landing capable. It had not been easy to get her Katana. The stealth aircraft was her pride and joy. With the flip of a switch on the remote always in her uniform belt the canopy opened. Shego climbed the ramp that slid out from under the belly and dropped into the pilot's seat. Piling her hair under her helmet Shego prepared for take off after the auto check was complete.

'I need to get the remains of that helmet form the police evidence warehouse.' Shego thought silently. 'I hope I'm happy with my choice.'

Shego lifted the jet from the ground and sent it soaring through the tunnel and out the exit into the woods behind her property. The jet vanished matching the night sky as she sped towards the Go City police head quarters. The flight was enjoyable and gave Shego the chance to get her mind straight and in the right mode for the job. She sharpened her mind to handle any scenario she might face during her run. She landed her jet in camouflage mode on a neighboring building.

"Showtime." Shego whispered, turning her skilled eyes onto the police headquarters. She knew she was ready.

Shego pulled the high tensile line from her belt and zipped down the back side of the small building and into the alley. The cord retracted quickly and slid into the shadows. She was thankful her target was in a suburb.

'Okay, now I need to find my way in.' Shego pulled her small super computer from a pouch on her belt. She scanned the building next to her with an invisible infrared beam. The short eighty-two second wait for all the information to load was horrible.

'Well looks like guards, a keypad near the evidence lockers, and cameras.' Shego mentally noted. "Nothing I can't handle. Her professional mind scanned all the possible problems she might have to face and took inventory of which was least troublesome.

'Now where are the best entry points?" The deep burning green eyes scanned the small device as the easiest entry points blipped on the screen. The experienced thief however knew something the machine did not, which of the points would be easiest for her.
'There really is no replacement for experience.'

A small window leading into the janitor's closet would be her door. A smirk lit the black painted lips hidden in the alleyway shadows. Shego circled the building using the map she gained from her initial scan.

This is perfect. With a near silent puff of air her pressurized wrist mounted grappling gun fired catching the window sill. Ticking off a second in her head she zipped up stopping on a dime with practiced grace. Looking down she saw only one obstacle, the janitor right below her looking for some missing cleaner of some sort.

"Easy," was the barely audible word Shego whispered to motivate herself. She needed to be fast.

The thief par excellence used her advantage of surprise and took the janitor down with very little trouble. Looking at him carefully she pulled off his suit and slid it on. It was easily big enough to cover her cat-suit. Pilling her hair underneath his regulation hat she walked out of the closet pushing a mop and bucket.

Shego walked the halls without even a wary glance. One thing she loved about janitors was the fact that they were virtually invisible. No one ever paid any attention. Blending completely into the background she easily found the evidence lockers of the go city police headquarters. Checking her immediate surroundings she clicked a button on her belt for a scrambler and the camera's red light blinked off.

'Good, I don't like prying eyes.' Shego thought, sarcastically. The one disadvantage to using a disguise it added time to a cracking job. She had to reach inside her suit to grab her mini- super computer. After she grabbed the calculator sized device she pulled a cord from its back and plugged it into the electronic lock.

'Hey this is pretty high quality lock. Looks like the cops do care after all. It still doesn't make up for being so easy a target. No wonder they need a teenager to save their sorry asses from villains.' Shego hid her agenda by pretending to mop in front of the safe. The empty bucket would serve another purpose later. Two cops passed by her in the four minutes it took to crack the code and neither looked her way. Smirking the entire time Shego slipped into the evidence locker. She pushed her bucket down the rows of case files.

"Now which file is it? I need to look for Electronique." The file was rather easy to find in the "E" section. Taking the files she found the locker. I wasn't to far just three rows over under detective Andrews's name. Pulling out the helmet pieces she placed them in the bucket and covered them with the mop hiding them effectively. She left as easily as she came back into the janitor's closet.

It wasn't one of her most thrilling thefts but that wasn't the point tonight. She quickly pulled off the janitor's jumpsuit and was back out the window bag of parts in hand. The short trip back to her jet was uneventful thanks to the late hour and the suburbs early curfew. Luckily she hadn't had to go into any of the detective's offices or very busy areas. She hopped into her baby and sped off without anyone ever knowing she was there. The sun turned the horizon pink as she headed back to her home base across the ocean. The trip gave her ample time to think.

Shego looked down at the bag holding the physical representation of her choice. Then, turning her eyes back to her console and the clear sky she pushed her self towards her home. After landing her katana she returned to the room this had all started in her bedroom. Shego dropped onto her bed the bag in front of her.

"Can I really do this?" She asked herself staring at the puzzle that could change her. It sat there silently not answering her question. Strangely enough, she was actually expecting it to. She remembered how much more fulfilled she had been when she had been a teacher and had been Kimmie's friend. Suddenly she found herself missing that little reel of pictures she had burned guiltily.

"Step one down …. now to find Electronique."

Shego laid her head back on her pillow and thought deeply about what she was gong to do and smiled genuinely thinking of the happiness that would come from it.

"My answer is still yes. I have no idea why the hell it's still yes but it is."
