Author's Introduction: So this idea hit me on a road trip so I decided to write it. It takes place during the episode "Last weeks fights, this weeks tights" It is what happens if Rory did go with Jess. Review to let me know if it's worth continuing…

"Come away with me…" Jess said calmly. It was all he wanted. He wanted to be with her, no matter what…

Jess had just asked Rory to come with him. Was he crazy? Probably, but he knew that he loved Rory and just wanted to be with her. He was known for acting quickly and changing his mind, but not this time. This time he had thought it through, he knew what he wanted…Rory.

"I want to be with you, but not here, not this place, not Stars Hollow, we have to start fresh!" Jess said in a shaky voice.

"There's nothing to start!" Rory exclaimed without thinking.

Jess looked defeated but he continued, not giving up like last time. "But your packed, your stuff is all in boxes. Your ready, and I'm ready. I'm ready for this. You can count on me, I know you couldn't count on me before, but you can now, you can!"

Rory stared at him. "No!" another empty word.

"Look, you know we're supposed to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you, two years ago and you know it too, I know you do!" Jess had never cared about losing a fight. But maybe it was because this fight was about something important to him.

"No, no, no, no, no…" Rory threw the words at him. He had left, he had broken her heart. What did she owe this man?

"Don't say no just to make me stop talking or make me go away, only say no if you really don't want to be with me…" Jess had never before begged for the truth, but he did now. He begged and pleaded her…

Rory shut her eyes tight. Her mind was in conflict with her heart. 'I know you couldn't count on me before, but you can now, you can!' His words echoed in her head. He had said it in plain English. He wouldn't lie to her right? He was begging her. She had never seen Jess like this…so serious, so scared. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She looked back into his coffee brown eyes as they pleaded for an answer.

"Okay…" She said carefully. She noticed Jess's facial expression change.

"Okay?" He said the word hopefully. Rory nodded.

"Where are we going?" She asked giving him all he needed. A small smile appeared on his face.

"Wherever you want to go. We could just drive until we find someplace that is to our liking…" Jess said cautiously. He never really had a plan. He was always a "let's see where the road takes us" kind of guy.

"Sounds good." Rory said quietly. She still wasn't sure if this was what she truly wanted, but she'd find out soon enough.

Jess nodded and they began to pack Rory's things into his car. Once they got everything in, he opened the passenger door and gestured for Rory to get in. She smiled lightly and slid into his junky old car. He shut the door and got into the driver's seat. They began to drive, neither of them quite sure where they were going. The awkward silence lasted for a good ten minutes before Rory decided to speak first.

"So how'd you find me?" She asked in a pleasant conversational tone. Jess looked at her sideways as he drove.

"Luke, I kind of shook it out of him. He wasn't sure if it was okay, but I had to see you…talk to you, I just…" He trailed off and turned his attention back to the road. He noticed that Rory fell silent.

"Thank you…" Jess said softly. He kept his eyes on the road, avoiding any eye contact. He was feeling stupid for even saying it.

"For what?" Rory questioned. What had she done for him to thank her?

"For coming with me…" He sighed and glanced over at her, giving her a soft smile. His smile just seemed to melt Rory's heart. She smiled back at him. It was moments like these that reminded her of why he had always occupied her heart. Why say thanks? He could have gone on forever without saying it and she wouldn't have felt anything of it. But somehow this small act put Rory's mind to rest and she knew that this was what she wanted.